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72 Cards in this Set

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tooth development
in stages but continious
Week 7-8 primary dentition starts to form devs from interation of the oral epithelial cells and underlying mesenchymal cells
fewer than six teeth missing
more than six teeth missing
Stages of tooth development
Based on apperance of tooth
*initiation stage
*bud stage
*cap stage
*bell stage(cell differentiation giving rise to enamel/dentin formation
Initiation Stage is
interaction between 2 different tissues
In the initiation Stage
teeth develop from what kind of cells?
2 types of cells
1) oral epithelial = forms enamel organ(enamel dev from enamel organ)
2)Mesenchymal cells=form dental papilla
* neural cells also contribute to tooth dev*
In the initiation stage neural crest cells contribute to tooth development by
arising from neural tissue at early stage of dev. and migrate into jaws, intermingling w/ mesenchymal cells. Function by intermingling w/ dental papilla and epithelial cells of the early enamel organ aids in dev of tooth, cells also function in dev of salivary gland, bone, cartilage,nerves,and facial muscles
dentitions develop from
embryologic tissue interactions of epithelial and mesenchymal cells
Oral Epithelium
derived from ectoderm
2 horseshoe shaped bands become maxillary and mandibular
derived from ectoderm
deep to oral epithelium
*once these tissues interact, initiation stage begins*
Basement Membrane
seperates the Oral epithlium and ectomesenchyme
Week 7 of the Intiation stage
dental lamina formation
1)dev and arises from oral epithelium(tooth buds)
2)dev into a sheet of epithelial cells that push into the mesenchyme around perimeter of both the maxillary and mandibular jaws
areas of enlargement
at the leading edge of the lamina 20 tooth buds
*after primary teeth develop from buds, leading area of lamina continues to grow to dev permanent teeth, which succeed the 20 primary = part of lamina successional lamina
Successional lamina
successional dental lamina for permanent teeth Not including molars= formed from leading edge of lamina
Where does the posterior teeth come from?
lamina continues posteriorly into the elongating jaw and from it come the posterior teeth.
Permanent molars form from
general lamina- develop from behind the primary dentition
when does the initiating lamina that forms both successional and general lamina begin to function?
6th prenatal week and continues to function until the fifteenth year producing all 52 teeth (permant forms slightly lingual to primary)
Bud Stage-Initial stage
rounded localized epitheal cell growth surrounded by condensing mesenchymal cells
what happens to the underlying ectomesenchyme during the bud stage?
undergoes proliferation
where is the basement membrane during bud stage?
between the bud and growing ectomesenchyme
when does the bud stage end and the cap stage begin?
gradually, as the rounded epithelial bud enlarges, it gains a concave surface, which begins the cap stage
Cap stage
Week 9-10- primary detition
the epithlial cells now become the enamel organ & remain attached to the lamina
*Concave surface*
Dental papilla is formed from
mesenchyme forms dental papilla which becomes pulp and dentin
Dental sac (follicle)
tissue surrounding the enamel organ and dental papilla
Future DEJ
basement membrane between enamel organ and dental papilla= basement membrane will be site of DEJ
tooth germ
aka dental germ
at what week does initiation of primary dentition occur?
Week 10
Primordium(original entity) for the initially formed permanent teeth appears as an extention of
dental lamina into ectomeschyme lingual to dev primary tooth germ
*site of origin =successional dental lamina
permanent dentition formed after primary predecessors(succeed other teeth)
anterior teeth/premolars-
replace anterior/primary molars
*eruption lingual to primary root if tooth has not shed
no primary predecessors
permanent molars
6 permanent molars per dental arch develop from posterior extension of dental lamina distal to primary M2'sdental lamina and is associated ectomesenchme for each quardarnt
Bell Stage
differentiation takes place, looks like a bell, sets stage for histodifferentation
enamel and dention formation
Week 11-12 primary dention Oral epithelium differintiates into
1)Outer enamel epithelium OEE outer cuboidal cells of EO= protective, Cover the enamel organ
2) Inner enamel epithelium IEE differentiate into ameloblast by organizing a network of capillaries that bring nutrition to ameloblasts(form enamel form tooth crown)
At the bell stage the basement membrane
is still between the Inner enamel epithelium and the dental papilla
At bell stage, stellate reticulum
between the two cell layers (OEE,IEE) star shaped, synthesize GAG glycoamonoglycons drawing water in and streching in to star shape
At bell stage, Stratum intermedium
4th layer of the enamel organ, adjacent to IEE( between the stellate & IEE), flat cuboidal cells, assit with IEE, ameloblast to form enamel
Concavity of enamel organ differentiates into
1)Odontoblasts( outer cells of dental papilla) dentin forming cells
2) Pulp Primordium- central cells of dental papilla (original)
outer cells od dental papilla, formed form cell in periphery from mesenchymal cells, odontoblasts, elongate become columnar form matrix of collagen fibers called predentin
after 24 hours the (predentin) increment matrix calcifies and becomes dentin. (several layers in process)
after several layers of dentin, the differentiated amelobalsts deposit enamel matrix and amelogenesis begins
*dentiogenesis always preceeds amelogenesis*
After Enamel organ is differentiated
the dental lamina disintegrates by undergoing lysis, dental lamina dissappears in the anterior part of the mouth, although it remains active in the posterior region for many years
Cell signaling
cells interact through sysytem of effectors, modulators, and receptors
EX: epithelial -mesenchymal interaction in tooth development
Pulp Primordium
central cells of the dental papilla
Dental Papilla
densley packed cells chatacterize the dental papilla
*become dental pulp
*densley packed cells(fibroblasts)
*Blood vessels (nutrition)
* Nerves
Cellular changes result in formation of hard shell around central papilla which becomes known as pulp
initial formation of dentin at the cuspal tips and the vascularization of the pulp. the dental follicular cells are differentiationg around the enamel organ and aleovar bone proper is beginning to define the dental crypt.
where does dentogeneisis develop
process develops at the proximal ends of the cell, adjacent to the DEJ & cell gradually moves pulpward
where is dentin formed in dentogenenisis
increments of dentin are formed along the DEJ
how is the dental matrix formed
dental matrix is at first a meshwork od collagen fibers(predentin), but 24 hours after becomes calcified(dentin)
At the time of calcification, the dental papilla becomes
dental pulp as dentin surrounds it.
Dentogenesis takes place in two phases
1)collagen matrix formation
2) depostition of calcium phosphate( hydroxiapatite) crystals in matrix
* only newly formed band of dental matrix along pulpal border is uncalcified
begins the enamel process production and development
begin enamel deposition after a few micrometers of dentin have been deposited at the DEJ
Ameloblasts differentiate
and pass through five functional stages
1) morphogenesis
2)organization and differention
look up
Organization and differentiation begins by
*the row of ameloblasts maintain oreientation by cell to cell attachments(desomsomes) at both proximal and distal ends of the cell. this maintains the cells in a row as they move peripherally from the DEJ depositing enamel matrix
Organization and differntiation finishes by
as the ameloblast differentiates, the enamel matrix is synthesized within the RER, which then migrates to the golgi apparatus where it is condensed and packaged in membrane bound organells
secretion begins when
a short conical processess (Tomes' processes) develop at the apical end of the ameloblast, junctional coplexes called the terminal bar apparatus appear at the junction of the cell bodies and Tomes and maintain contact between adjacent cells
amelobasts begin sercretion when
the overlying cells of the stratum intermedium change shape from spindal to pyramidal. as amelogenesis proceeds, both of these cells layers(ameloblasts and stratum intermedium) are held together by cell junctional complexes (demosomes), with synthesis of enamel occuring in both cells
during sercretion,how is the protien amelognin produced
substance needed for enamel production arrive via blood vessels and pass through the strellate reticulum to the stratum intermedium and ameloblasts
occurs after enamel production is complete
in maturation, as amelogeneisis is completed, amelogenin is
deposited and begins to mineralize
during maturation, as soon as the small crystals of mineral are deposited,
they begin to grow in length and diameter (70 % of the mineral in enamels is result of growth of crystals
during maturation, the protien of the enamel changes or matures and is termed
in maturation as the ameloblast completes the matrix deposition phase
it's terminal apparatus disappears, and the surface enamel becomes smooth
closing of maturation; plauque formation and attachment
during protection ameoblasts secrete
basal lamina against enamel surface and establish hemidesomes
is half of a desmosome attachment of plaque, it relates to the attachment of a cell to a surface membrane
protect the enamel from cellular influences of follicular connective tissue
ameloblasts shortenand contact
the stratum intermedium and other enamel epithelium. This cellular organic covering remains on the enamel surface until the tooth erupts into the oral cavity
final stage in odontogenesis
enamel, dentin,cementum, are secreted in successive layers, initially secreted as a matrix(extracellular substance) that is partially calcified and serves as a framework for later calcification
when things fully mineralize, other final stage of odontogenesis, dental tissues subsequently fully mineralize
crown formation
tooth development begins at crown and proceeds to root
* root force causes tooth to shoot up & erupt