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51 Cards in this Set

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What forms between frontal prominence & cardiac bulge?
What separates stomatodeum from foregut?
Buccopharyngeal membrane
Buccopharyngeal membrane formed of what two layers?
Ectoderm & endoderm
Neural crests cells derive from?
Ectomesenchyme derives from?
Neural crest cells
Epithelial bands form in area where what will form?
Dental arches
Thickening of epithelial band & formation of ridge of cells projecting into ectomesenchyme known as?
Dental lamina
General lamina gives rise to what other lamina?
1. Lateral lamina
2. Succesional lamina
3. Vestibular lamina
Lateral lamina gives rise to?
Deciious teeth & molars
Successional lamina gives rise to?
Permanent successional teeth (anteriors & premolars)
Dental lamina forms?
Epithelial enamel organs of developing teeth
Vestibular lamina forms?
oral vestibule
What happens during bud stage? (2)
1. Bud develops-- dental lamina starting to form enamel organ
2. Surrounding ectomesenchyme proliferates
Basal membrane is intact during bud stage?
What happens during cap stage? (2)
1. Epithelial enamel organ becomes concave
2. Enamel knot & cord appear
Enamel knot & cord present in which teeth?
Molars (at cap stage)
What is histodifferentiation?
Ameloblasts & odontoblasts acquire their phenotypes
What is morphodifferentiation?
Tooth shape determined
Stellate reticulum forms due to?
What surrounds outer enamel epithelium cells?
Basal lamina
Outer enamel epithelial cells are linked by?
Junctional complexes
How are stellate reticular cells connected to each other, outer enamel epithelium & stratum intermedium?
Organelles of stellate reticular cells are?
Stratum intermedium cells are connected to neighboring layers by?
Which cells contain tonofilaments?
Stratum intermedium cells & inner enamel epithelial cells
Which cells of the enamel organ have high glycogen content?
Inner enamel epithelial cells
Dental papilla is separated from enamel organ by?
basal lamina
what type of cells form dental papilla
undifferentiated mesenchymal cells
When the first calcified tissue appears in the cusp region of the tooth the dental papilla becomes?
What is found in the peripheral area around the developing tooth?
Dental follicle
What distinguishes dental follicle from dental papilla?
Dental follicle has larger number of collagen fibrils
Why does fragmentation of dental lamina occur?
Separation of developing tooth from oral epithelium
If fragmentation of dental lamina doesn't occur & cells persist, what will form? (4)
1. Epithelial pearls
2. Eruption cysts
3. Odontomes
4. Supernumerary teeth
Primary dentition initiated between which weeks of development?
6-8 weeks of development
Successional permanent teeth initiated when?
20th week (in utero) - 10 months (after birth)
Permanent molars initiated when?
20th week (in utero) - 5 yrs
Ameloblast differentiation occurs where?
From inner enamel epithelium starting at cusp region
What induces odontoblast differentiation?
Where does odontoblast differentiation occur?
From ectomesenchymal cells in dental papilla
Enamel formation begins when?
First formed dentin causes ameloblasts to begin forming enamel
When does dental lamina begin to degenerate?
During reciprocal induction
Prior to hard tissue formation where does vascular exist? (2)
1. Dental papilla
2. Dental follicle
After hard tissue formation vascularture exists where?
Dental follicle only
Why does stellate reticulum collapse?
Brings follicular blood supply closer to ameloblasts
When is root development initiated?
After crown is complete
What is required for induction of root odontoblasts?
Hertwig's epithelial root sheath
Hertwig's epithelial root sheath proliferates from?
Cervical loop
When induction of odontoblasts in root is complete, root sheath cells migrate away from root & break up to form cell clusters called?
Epithelial rests
Following break of root sheath what happens?
Cementoblasts differentiate from ectomesenchymal cells of follicle & deposit cementum
What cells produce perdiodontal ligmanet?
Cementoblasts, osteoblasts & fibroblasts all develop from?
ectomesenchyme of dental follicle