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69 Cards in this Set

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It is an important part of human celebrations


The physical and mental development of a person depends on ___________?


A tip in preparing food for children is giving them different kinds yet ample amounts of what kind of food?

Energy Giving, Body Building and Regulating Food.

A tip in preparing food for children is giving them these kinds of foods in small amounts.

Nutrient-Dense food

When children are hungry and wants a quick snack, we should give them ____?

A nutritious snack

What are the suggested guidelines in preparing food for the elderly?

1.) analyze food habits carefully
2.) Provide a wide variety of food that are easy to identify
3.) Prepare soft, easy to chew, smaller bite sizes to those with dental problems
4.) Small, Frequent feedings are preferred
5.) The amount of fluid/water intake per day must be indicated
6.) Be aware of supplements
7.) Increase seasoning to taste and make beautiful food presentation on trays
8.) Check and follow up recommendations
9.) Put lots of love on the work you do

MTOF: Line the serving tray with a nice cloth or pretty plastic liner

False. Line the serving tray with a nice cloth or a pretty PAPER liner.

MTOF: Use attractive dishes that barely fit the tray.

False. Use attractive dishes that fit the tray PERFECTLY.

MTOF: Add colorful garnish


MTOF: Serve food at proper tempratures


This kind of diet is provided to a well person or a sick person who has no dietary restrictions or modifications.

Regular Diet

It is the basis of planning for all modified meals.

Regular Diet

A diet that has been modified to suit the person's need.

Therapeutic Diet

Another term for Therapeutic Diet

Modified Diet

This kind of diet is given to patients about to undergo surgey or medical procedures

Liquid Diet

It is a transitional diet that includes foods that are easy to digest.

Soft Diet

The food in this diet is smooth in consistency. Spices like nutmeg, mustard, paprika, etc. Are ommitted.

Bland diet

This diet contains minimum amount of fiber and connective tissue.

Bland Diet

A regular diet with increased cellulose intake.

High-Fiber diet

Salt in this diet is limited to a specific level

Sodium-Restricted Diet

What should normal, healthy people guidelines in eating.

1.) Less intake of salt, sugar, meat, and fat.
2.) More fish and poultry
3.) Complex carbohydrates in the form of fruits

What is the basic belief of Ayurveda science in the health of a person?

Ayurveda believes that all human beings are meant to be cheerful, happy, and positive to improve health and general well being, both physical and mental, and to strengthen the immune system against illness and disease.

One of the principles in Ayurveda states that?

One Ayurveda principle states that each human being is unique. Thus, anything that affects the mind affects the body vice versa.

Where does Alternative Therapies lie in the medicine?

Alternative Therapies lie outside the realm of conventional medicine.

What is Alternative Therapy

Alternative therapies are approaches to medical diagnosis and treatment that are not fully accepted by the established medical community.

Alternative therapy is an intervention that:

1.) is not taught by most medical schools
2.) is not reimbursable by most health insurance providers
3.) Is not well supported by scientific test establishing it's safety and effectiveness

What are the 4 alternative medicines in the Mind-Body intervention category?

Faith Healing

What are the 2 alternative medicines in the Bioelectromagnetic medical applications category?

Electrocupuncture and Microwave Resonance Therapy

What are the 4 alternative medicines in the alternative systems of medical practice category?

Homeopathic Medicine
Naturopathic Medicine

What are the 4 alternative medicines included in the Manual healing methods category?

Biofield Therapeutics
Massage Therapy

What are the 3 Pharmacological and Biological treatments?

Cartilage Therapy
Chelation Therapy
Ozone Therapy

What is a specific method of herbal medicine?


What are the diet and nutrition prevention treatments?

Macrobiotic diets and Orthomolecular medicine

What is mind-body interventions?

Mind-Body interventions recognize the connection between the mind and the body, how individuals think and feel, their attitudes and habits

It recognize the connection between the mind and the body, how individuals think and feel, their attitudes and habits

Mind-Body intervention

What is Biofeedback?

Biofeedback is the use of special devices to convey information about bodily functions.

What is Faith healing?

Faith healing is a technique of healing by invoking divine intervention without the use of medical apparatuses.

It is the use of special devices to convey information about bodily functions.


It is a technique of healing by invoking divine intervention without the use of medical apparatuses.

Faith healing

It is a technique that uses hypnosis and the power of suggestion to improve health behaviors.


What Is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is a technique that uses hypnosis and the power of suggestion to improve health behaviors.

It is a technique that guides a person to achieve a desired state by visualizing one's self in that state.


What is imagery

Imagery is a technique that guides a person to achieve a desired state by visualizing one's self in that state.

It is a technique of reducing stress by letting the brain relax for a few moments.


What is meditation?

It is a technique of reducing stress by letting the brain relax for a few moments.

It uses electrical energy, magnetic energy, or both to stimulate bone repair, wound healing, and tissue regeneration.

Bioelectromagnetic Medical Applications.

What are bioelectromagnetic medical applications?

Bioelectromagnetic Medical Applications uses electrical energy, magnetic energy, or both to stimulate bone repair, wound healing, and tissue regeneration.

It is a technique that involves piercing the skin with thin long needles at specific anatomical points.


What is acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a technique that involves piercing the skin with thin long needles at specific anatomical points

It is a sanskrit word meaning "Science" or "Wisdom of Health."


An Ancient philosophy based on a deep understanding of eternal truths about the human body, mind, and spirit.


This is a traditional hindu system of improving health by using herbs, diet meditation, massage, and yoga to stimulate the body to make it's own natural drugs.


What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is a sanskrit word meaning "wisdom of health" or science. It is an ancient philosophy based on eternal truths about the human body, mind, spirit, and it is also a traditional hindu system of improving health by using herbs, diets, yoga, etc.

It is a practice based on the theory that "like cures like,". It involves giving the patient dilute amounts of what made them sick.

Homeopathic medicine

What is Homeopathic medicine?

Homeopathic medicine is a practice with the belief that "like cures like." Dilute amounts of what made the person sick is given, because they believe it would cure the illness.

It is a system that integrates traditional medicine with botanical medicine

Naturopathic medicine

What is naturopathic medicine?

Naturopathic medicine is a system that integrates traditional medicine with botanical medicine.

It directs a healing force from an outside source.

Biofield Therapeutics

What is Biofield Therapeutics?

Biofield therapeutics directs a healing force from an outside source.

What is Chiropractic?

Manual healing method of manipulating the vertebrae to relieve muscuskeletal pain.

It is a manual healing method of manipulating the vertebrae to ease muscuskeletal pain


It is applied to a part or a whole of the body.


What is massage?

It is either applied to a part or the whole body to relieve muscular pain, enhance circulation of blood, eliminate waste products, free up muscles and joints, and speed up metabolism

What is reflexology?

Reflexology recognizes the feet having reflex points that correspond to body parts.

Is used of cleaned and powdered connective tissue to improve health

Cartilage Therapy

Is the use of ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) to bid with metallic icons healing the body by removing toxic metals.

Chelation Therapy

is the use of ozone gas to enhance the body's immune system

Ozone Therapy

Refers to the use of plants to treat disease or improve health

Herbal Therapy

Is a technique that uses oil extracts.
