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234 Cards in this Set

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Titanic tai'taenik adj 1

Very big,impressive.

Bow1 n2/v3 bau n


N3.the front part of a boat or ship.

N1.the act of bending your head or part of your body forward in order to say hello or goodbye or to show respect.

The messenge made a formal how and left the room.

Verb.to move your head or the top half of your body forwards and downwards as a sign of respect to say hello or goodbye.

The people all bowed down before the Emperor.

Bow2 n3/v1 n

1.a weapon used for shooting arrows ,consisting of a long curved piece of wood with a tight string joinig it's end.

He was armed with a bow and arrow.

2. A knot with two loops and two loose end

3.a long thin piece of wood with thin string ,used tor playing musical instruments such as the violin(vaie^lin)

Deck n5/v1 noun


The outside top level of a ship that you can walk or sit on.

A Wooden flooor built out from the back of a house where you can sit and relax.

Quarter n12/v home


The rooms that are given to someone to live in as part of their job ,especially servants or soldiers.

Most officer live in married quarters.

( = houses where soldiers live with their wives)

Launch v5/n2 verb la:nts


V3.to put a boat or ship into water.

1.to start sth,usually sth big or important.

The canadian police plan to launch an investigation into the deal.

Tether n2/v1

2.a rope or chain that an animal is tied to that it can only move around within a limited area.

Hull n2/v1 ship

Noun.the main ,bottom part of a ship ,that goes in the water.

Gangway n3

2.a larg board or steps between a boat and the shore for people to walk down.

1.a space between two rows of seats in a theatre ,bus,train. Asile.

Roger interjection

Used in radio conversations to say that a messege has been understood.

Saloon se^lu:n n4


Snoop n2/v1 also snooper

N.a person who looks around a place secretly to find out private things about sb.

Sleep p and p.p

Past and p.p


Wardrobe n3 wo:droub

A piece of furniture like a larg cupboard that you hang clothes in.

Syn closer.

2.the clothes that someone has.

Flip n5/v5 verb

Flio over

V1.to move sth with a quick sudden movement so that it is in a different position.

He flipped the paper over and started writing on the back.

2. To make a flat object such as a coin go upwards and turn over in the air toss.

Payday peidei n1

The day on which you get your wages.

Debris de^bri n2

The pieces of sth that are left after it has been destroyed in accident,explosion etc.

She was hit by flying debris from the blast.

2.pieces of waste material paper etc.

Purser p3:rser n1


An officer on a ship who is responsible for money and the passengers' room ,comfort etc.

Charter v2/n4

Chartered adj1

N1.a statement of principles ,duties,and puposes of an organization

The un charter.

A charter of rights for people with didabilities.

5.the hiring of a plane,boat,etc.

A yacht available for charter.

Nobility neu'biliti n2

Noble noubel adj2/n1

2.the quality of being noble.

1.people of high social position whi have titles such as of duke or duches.

adj1.morally good or generous in a way that is admired.

Noble.adj1.morally good or generous in a way that is admired.3.sth that is noble is very impressive and beautiful.

3.sth that is noble is very impressive and beautiful.

Controversy ka:ntre^v3:rsi n1

A series of argument about sth that involves many people and continues for a long time.

Political controversy.

The controversy over campaign-finance issue.

Policical/religious controversy

Salvage n2/v2 noun

2.things that have been saved from an accident ,especially when a ship has sunk.

An exhibition of the salvage from the wreck.

1.when you save thing from a situation in which other things have already been damaged ,destroyed ,or lost.

Divers hope to salvage some of the ship's cargo.

Ethics n1 ethik

Ethic n1

Ethics.moral rules or principles of behaviour for deciding what is right and wrong

A report on the ethics of gene therapy.

Professional/business/medical ethics.

Ethic.a general idea or beliefs that influences people's behaviour and attitudes

Ethics. A branch of philosophy that deal with moral principles

Tut n1 ta^t

Used as the written or spoken way of showing the sound that people make when disapprove of sth.

Tut-tut.i expected better of you.

Relic n2 relik

An old object and custom that reminds people of the past or that has lived on from a past time.

The book and photos,relics of rob's university days.

2.a part of the body or clothing of a holy person which is kept after their death because it is thought to be holy.

Preserve pri'z3:v n2/v3 verb

1.to save sth or someone from being harmed or destroyed.

We must encourage the planting of new trees and preserve our existing woodlands.

2.to make sth continue without changing.

The responsibility of the police to preserve the peace.

Catalogue kaete^lag n2/v2 verb

1.To make a complete list of all the things in a group.

2.to list all the things that are connected with a particular person ,event,plane.

Intact adj1

Not broken,damaged,or spoiled.

Only the medieval tower remained intact.

Submersible seb'm3:sibel n1

A small vehicle that can travel under water,especially one that travels to very great depths in the ocean for scientific purposes.

Nutcase na^tkeis n1

Someone who behaves in a crazy way syn idiot.

Publicity pa^blisity

The attention that someone or sth gets from newspapers,television etc.

Standards in education have received much publicity over the last few years.

2.the business of making sure that people know about a new product ,film etc or what a particular famous person is doing.

Inbound adj1

An inbound flight or train is arriving at a place.

Background graund n6

1.someone's family ,education ,previous work.

Students with a background in chemistry will probably find the course easier.

2.the situation or past events that explain why sth happens in the way that it does.

Without knowing the background to the case i couldn't possibly comment

Stateroom steitru:m n2

1.a private room or place for sleeping on a ship.

2.one of the larg room in a palace.

Fabulous adj2 faebjules

3.fabulous creatures,places ,etc are memtioned in traditional stories ,but do not really exist.

1.extremely good or impressive.

You look fabulous.

2.very larg in amount or size

Detach di'taech verb1

If you detach sth ,or if it detaches ,it becomes seperated from the things it attached.

Bob n3/v4 ba:b

V1.to move up and down when floating on the surface of a water.

The boat bobbed gently up and downs on the water.

2.to move your head down quickly in a particular direction.

Cork n2/v1

The part that you put on top of a bottle of wine

Knot n6/v3 ship

1853 meter per hour

Forensic fe^ren sik adj1

1.relating to the scientific methods used for finding out about a crime.

Sheet n6 bed shi:t

1.a larg piece of thin cloth that you put on bed to lie or lie under..

Berth ship n2

A place where a ship can stop and be tied up.

A place for someone to sleep on a ship ir on train.

Queue v2/n3 kju:

Q.bre.A line of people waiting to enter a building ,buy sth etc,or a line of vehicles waiting to move

We stood in queue for half an hour

3.a list of jobs that a computer has to do in a particular order.

The print queue.

Fuss n4/v3

2.attention or excitement that is usually unnecessary or unwelcome.

Until i heard her sing i couldn't see what all the fuss was about (what people liked it so much).

Abroad adv/perp

Perp.on or onto a ship ,plane,or train.

They finally went abroad the plane.

Adv.on or onto a ship ,plane,or train.

The plane crashed ,killing all 200 people abroad.

Outwardly autwe^rdli adv

According to the way people or things seem.

Calvin remained outwardly calm,but inside he was very angry.

Well brought up

People especially children ,who are well brought up are polite and act in a quiet and pleasant way,

Moron mo:ra:n n2

A very offesnive word for someone who you think is very stupid.

Someone whoes intelligence has not developed to normal level.

The moment of truth

The time when you will find out if sth will work properly ,be successful etc.

Louse laus n2

Pl lice lais

A small insect that lives on the bodies of humans and animals.

2.a very unpleasant person.

Bunk n3/v1 noun

N1.a narrow bed that is attached to the wall ,for example on a train or ship.

2.one of two bed that are attached together ,one on the top of the other.

Promenade pra:me^neid n2

Bre.a wide road next to the beach where people can walk for pleasure

Fascinating 1

Fascinate 1


If someone or sth fascinate you ,you are attracted to them and think they are extremely interesting

Amount e^'maunt

Amount to sth 2

2.if an attitude ,remark ,situation etc amounts to sth ,it has the same effect.

The court's decision anounts to a not guilty verdict.

1.if figures,sums etc amount to a particular total ,they equal that total when they are added together.

Tine lost through illness amounted to 1375 working days

Strike gold aik

Strike gold/oil struk p and p.p

Strike gold.to do sth makes you a lot of money.

To find a supply of gold,oil etc in the ground.

New money

People who have become rich by working rather than by getting money from their families.

Stream v7/n5


5.to move freely in a current of wind or water.

Elise ran ,her hair streaming out behind her.

1.to flow quickly and in great amount


Tears streamed down her cheeks

Lad n4

1.old fashion .a boy or young man.

2.the lads.a group of male friends that a man works with or spend his free time.

A night out with the lads.


Step lively

Step lively. Used to tell someone to hurry.

Someone who is lively has a lot of energy and is very active.

Strok v2

Strok up pha verbw

Strok sth up.to add more coal or wood to a fire.

We kept the fire stroked up high on cold nights.

V1.to add more coal or wood to a fire.

2.to cause sth to increase.

Stretch your legs

To go for a walk ,especially after sitting for a long time.

Reading n1


A number or anount shown on a measuring instrument

We take temperature readings every two hours.

Keel n2

A bar along the bottom of a boat that keeps it steady in the water.

Knock sth together 1

To make sth quickly,using whatever you have available.

We should be able to knock sth together with what's in the fridge.

Fridge frid3

Envision in'vi3en verb

To imagine sth that you think might happen in future,especially sth that you think will be good.

I envisioned a future of educational excellence.

Steamer n3

1.steamship:a larg ship that uses steam to produce power.

Supremacy su'preme^si

The position in which you are more powerful or advanced than anyone else.

Japan's unchallenged supremacy in the field of electronics.

Will3 verb3

To try to make sth happen by thinking about it very hard.

She was willing herself not to cry.


Ame sa:s

Bre so:s

Mint n4/v1/adj1 n

A small plant with green leaves that have a fresh smell and taste and are used in cooking.

Pea n2

A round green seed that is cooked and eaten as a vegetable ,or the plane on which these seeds grow

Convey ke^nvei verb3

To communicate or express sth,with or without using word.

All this information can be convey in a simple diagram.

Ads convey the message ,that thin is beautiful.

To take or carry sth from one place to another.

Sheer adj4/adv1/v1 adj shIr

1.the sheer size/weight etc.used to emphasize that sth is very heavy.etc

The sheer size of the country makes communications difficult.

2.sheer luck,happiness/stupidity etc.

Luck ,happiness etc,with no other feeling or qualiy mixed with it.

Syn pure

Preoccupation n2

When someone thinks or worries about sth alot ,with the result that they do not pay attention to other things.

The managment's preoccupation with cost and profits result in a drop in quality and customer service.

What's got into sb

Used to express suprise that someone is behaving very differently from the way they usually behave.

I don't know what's got into sally recently.

Scheme ski:m

In the scheme of things

In the scheme of thing.

In the way things generally happen,or are organized.

Scheme bre

An offical plane that is intended to help people in some way ,for example by providing education or training.

Syn program

Parade pe'reid n5/v5 noun

N1.a public celeberation when musical bands,brightly decorated vehicles etc move down the street.

A victory parade

2.a military cermony in which soldiers stand or march together.

Chatter n3/v4 tsaeter noun

N1.informal talk ,especially things that are not serious or important.

The excited chatter of the audience.

2.a sreies of short high sounds made by some birds or monkey.

Precipice presIpes n2

A very steep side of a high rock ,mountain or cliff

2.a dangerous situation in which sth very bad could happen.

The stock market is on the edge of precipice

Propeller pre^peler n1

A piece of equipment consisting of two or more blades that spin around ,which makes an aircraft or ship move.

Rate n6/v2


2.a charge or payment that is set according to a standard scale.

Nurses are demanding higher rates of pay.

Some hotels offer especial rate for children.

Displeased dis'pli:zd adj

Annoyed or not satisfied.

City officials are displeased with the lack of progress.

Fiance` fia:n'sei n1

The man who a woman is going to marry.

Thesaurus thi'so:res

A book in which words are put into groups with other words that have similar meaning.

Regale ri'geil

Regale sb with sth.

To entertain someone by telling them about sth.

Count sb in kaunt

To include someone in an activity.

When the game gets started ,you can couny me in.

Bum v2/adj1/n3 verb

To get sth from sb by asking

But sth (off sb)

Can i bum a cigarette off you.

N1.the part of the body that you sit on.

Melancholy mele^nka:li adj1

Very sad.

A feeling of sadness for no particular reason. Depression.

Gala gaele^ n2

A public entertainment or performance to celebrate a special occassion.

Engagement gala

Engagement in'geid3me^nt n6

An agreement between to people to marry,or the period of time they are engaged.

Their engagement was announced in the paper..

Gracious greishes adj4

Good gracious

Good gracious/goodness gracious.

Used to express surprise or emphasize yes or no.

Behaving in a polite ,kind,and generous way ,especially to people of a lower rank.

Carat kaeret n


A unit for measuring how pure gold is

9/18/22/24 karat gold.

2.a unit of measuring the weight of jeweles ,equal to 200 milligrams.

Overwhelming euverwelming adj2

Having such a great effect on you that you feel confused and do not know how to react.

An overwhelming sense of guilt.

She felt an overwhelming desire to hit him.

Very larg or greater,more important than any other.

There is overwhelming evidence that smoking damage your health.

Royalty roielti n1

Member of a royal family

A payment made to writer of a book or piece of music depending on home many books,etc are sold ,or to someone whoes idea ,invention etcis used by someone else to make money.

Folk also folks n4/adj2

Folks.the members of your family ,especially your parents.

How are your folks.

1.people in general.

2.folks.a friendly way of addressing more than one person.

Well,folks,what are we going to do today.

Kin n2

Your family.

You most closely related family.


P and p.p lit

Lit on sth 2

If a bird or insect lights on sth,it stops flying and stands on it.

To notic or find sth by chance.

Light out.to run away ,especially because you are afraid.

Tumbleweed n1 ta^mbelwi:d

A plant that grows in the desert areas of north america and is blown from place to place by the wind.

Chew sth <> over

To think carefully about sth for a period of time.

Let me chew it over for a few days.

Reckon verb reken

Bre.to think or suppose sth.

The police rekon that whoever killed dad.

He'll be famous one day.what do you reckon.

To guess a number or amount,without calculating it exactly.

Discretion di'skreshen n2

The freedom or power to decide what should be done in a particular situation.

I'll leave it up to you to use your discretion.

Care in what you say or do ,in order to keep sth secret or to avoid causing embarrassment to or difficulty for sb.

Misery mizeri n4

Great suffering that is caused for example by being very poor or very sick.

What we are witnessing here is human misery on a vast scale.

Great unhappiness

Inertia n2 i'nershe

1.when no one wants to do anything to change a situation

Political inertia.

Plunge pla^nd3 verb

1.to move ,fall ,or be thrown suddenly forwards or downwards.

2.if a price ,rate etc plunges ,it suddenly decreases by a larg amount.

Oil prices have plunged to a new low.

Uncouth an'ku:th adj

Behaving and speaking in a way that is rude or socially unacceptable.

Uncouth laughter

Laughter. La:fter n1

The act of or sound of laughing.

A house full of laughter

Presumptuous pri'zamptsues adj


Doing sth that you have no right to do and that seems rudes.

Would it be presumptuous of me to ask why you are so miserable

Seek sb/sth out

Sought sa:t

To try to find someone or sth.,especially when this is difficult.

Exquisite ik'skwizit adj3

Extremely beautiful and very delicately made.

Her wedding dress was absolutely exquisit

Very sensetive and delicate in the way you behave or do things.

Long-lost adj

Lost or not seen for a long time.

Vulgar va^lger adj

Vulgar woman

1.remarks ,jokes,etc that are vulgar deal with sex in a very rude and offensive way.

2.not behaving politely in social situation

Countess kauntis n1

A woman with the same rank as an earl or count.

A european nobleman with a high rank. Noube^lme^n

Gossipe v1/n3 ga:sip

A conversation in which you exchange information with someone about other people's lives and things that have happened.

Phil's in there ,having a gossipe with maggie

Catch up pha verb 5

Catch up on

4.to spen time finding out what had been happening while you have been away or during the time you had not seen someone.

When i got home i phoned jo to catch up on all the gossipe.

3.to do what needs to be done because you have not been able to do it unti now.

I have some work to catch up on

I neef to catch up on some sleep (=after a period without enough sleep)

Marvel n1/v1 ma:rve^l verb

To feel or express great surprise or admiration at sth,especially someone's behaviour

I marvelled at my mother's ability to remain calm in a crisis.

Visitors to rome marval over the beauty of the city.

Noun.someone or sth that is extremely useful or skilful

.an engeering marvel.

Maidan adj2/n2 adj meidn


1.maidan fight/voyage.the first journey that a plane or ship makes.

2.maidan speech.bre.the first speech that someone makes in parliament.

N1.a young girl whi is not married

Run sb/sth on pha2 verb


To drive a new car slowly and carefully for a period of time so you do not damage its engine

Sb's good offices/the good offices of sb

Help given by someone who has authority or can influence people.

Squid skwid n1

A see creature with a long soft body and ten arms around it s mouth


Side-saddle adv

Side-saddle.if you ride a horse side-saddle you ride with both your legs on the same side of the horse

Pitiful pItifel adj3

A pitiful amount is very small

Very bad in quality

His performance was pitiful

1.someone who is pitiful looks or sound so sad and unfortunate that you feel very sorry them.

Very bad in quality.


Hawk v2/n3

2.To cough up phlegm.(flem)

1.to try to sell goods by trying to persuade people.

N1.a larg burd that hunts and eats small birds and animal

Sticky aej5

Sticky spot

A sricky situation ,question,or problem is difficult or dangerous.

Charge noin

Attack cavalry charge

An attack in which soldiers or animals move towards someone or sth very quickly.

Accountable e'kauntebel adj1

Hold accountable

1.responssible for the effects of your actions and willing to explain or be criticized for them.

The government shoud be aaccountable to all the people of the country

The hospital should be held acountable for the quality of care it gives.

Nickelodeon nike'leudien

A cable television which shows programmes especially for children ,including cartoon.

Pass for sb/sth pha verb1

If sth passes for another thing ,it is so similar to that thing that people think that is what it is:

With my haircut short ,i could have pass for a boy.

Lunatic lu:netik n3

Someone who behaves in crazy or very stupid way -often used humorously:

This hotel ir run by a lunatic.

Mistress n5

1.a woman that a man has sexual relationship with ,even though he is married to someone else.

Lingerie la:n3erei n1

Women's underwear.

Falter v4


To speak in a voice thay sounds waek and uncertain ,and keeps stoping.

Lauries voice faltered as she try to thank him.

Heir er n2

Heir to

1.the person who has the legal right to receive the property or tittle of abothet person when they die

Heir ti the teone.

The person who is thought to continue the work or tradition started by sb else.

Us president ploitical heirs

Steerage stirid3 n1


The part of a passanger ship where people who had the cheapest tickets used to travel in the past.

Assistance e'sistens n1

Help or support.

Can i be of any assistance.( can i help you)

Impugn im'pju:n verb

To express doubts about someone's honesty ,courage,ability etc.

I didn't want to impugne her professional abilities.

Rivet n1/v2 rivit

A metal pin used to fasten pieces of metal.

Verb.if your attention is riveted on sth,you are so interested or so frightened that you keep looking at it.

In a Good/bad humour

In a good or bad mood.

Tramp n3/v1 noun

Someone who has no home or job and moves from place to place often asking for food or money.

A long or difficult walk.

Appealing e'pi:lin adj2

Attractive or interesting.

2.showing that you want people to help you or to show your pity or sympathy.

Would you realy help.he said with an appealing look.

Wind up pha verb 5

1.to bring an activity meeting etc to an end.

It's time to wind things up -i have a plane to catch.

2.to close down a company or organization.

Make sth count

To make sth have as useful and positive and effect as possible.

You only got one chance ,so you have to make it count.

Stove stouv n1

A piece of kitchen equipment on which you cook food in pots and pan

Oven a^ven

Retreat v5

Quite place

3.to go away to a place that is quiet or safe.

After the noise of the city he was glad to retreat to his hotel room

Row2 v2/n5

Verb1.to move a boat through water using oars

Jurisdiction d3ue^risdikshen

The right to use an offical power to make legal decisions ,or the area where this right exist.

The committe has jurisdiction over all tax measure.

Swallow v5/n2 swalou:


3.to believe a story ,explanation etc that is not actually true.

I found his story a bit hard to swallow

Exertion ig'z3:shen n2

A lot of physical or mental effort.

The afternoon's exertions has left us feeling exhauseted.

2.to use of power ,influence,etc to make sth happen

The exertion of authority.

Typical tilikel adj


Typical.used to show that you are annoyed when sth bad happens again,or when someone does sth bad again.

Have3 verb


Used when sth annoying happens in a way that things always seem to happen.

Off course it had happen today,when all the shops are shot.

Honour verb


To treat someone with special respect.

Precarious pri'kee^ries adj


A precarious situation or state is one which may vary easily or quickly become worse.

Her health remained precarious ,despite the treatment.

2.likely to fall ,or likely to cause someone or sth.

A precarious mointain trail.

Match n7


6.a marriage or two people who are married.

They are a perfect match.

Seamstress si:mstris

A woman whose job is sewing and making clothes.

A woman who is good at sewing.

Auction o:kshen n1

A public meeting where land,buildings ,paintings etc are sold to the person who offers the most money for them.

The house was sold at auction.

Peril perIl n2

great danger ,especially of being harmed or killed.

They put their own lives in peril to rescue their friends.

A danger or problem in a particular avctivity or situations.

The perils posed by mountaineering

The perils of see.

Firmament f3:rme^me^nt

The firmament

The sky or heaven.



We praise thy name,o lord.

Gratitude graetitju:d tu:d

In gratitude for sth

The feeling of being grateful.

Will you let take you out to dinner tomorrow in gratitude for what you have done.

Thee thi:

A word meaning you,used when talking to only one person who is the object the verb.

We beseech thee,o lord.

Beseech. Bi'si:ts

To ask sb for sth in an anxious way because you want or neet it very much.

Wind up pha verb 6


To turn part of a machine around several times,in order to make it move or start working.

Cluttered kla^terd

Covered with ,or full of things or people in a way that is untidy.

A cluttered desk.

Overrule Overru:l verb1

To change an order or decision that you think is wrong ,using your official power.

They have the power to overrule the local council.

Be no picnic

If sth is no picnic ,it is very difficult and needs a lot of effort to hard work.



Stationery n2

Paper with writing letters,usually with matching envelopes.

Materials that you use for writing,such ae paper,pens,pencils,etc.


Stationer's shop sells stationery.

Bridesmaid braidzmeid n1

A girl or woman ,usually unmarried ,who helps a bride on her wedding day and is with her at the wedding.

Gown gaun n3

A long dress that a woman wears on formal occasions

A white silk wedding gown.

Odyssey 'adIsi n2

A series of experiences that teach you sth about yourself or about life

A long journey with a lot of adventures or difficulties.

Detest di'test v1

To hate sth or someone very much:

The two men detested each other.

Peek pi:k v2

To look quickly at sth ,or to look at sth from behinde sth else especially sth that you are not supposed to see.

Paula opened thr box and peeked inside.

If sth peek from somewhere ,you can just see a small amount of it

The moon peeked out from behinde the clouds.

Dusk da^sk n1

The time before it get dark when the sky when the sky becomming lest bright.


Rudder ship ra^de^r n1

A flat part at the back of a ship or aircraft that can be turned in order to control the direction in which it moves


Be not worth a damn.

To have no value at all.

He promise isn't worth a damn.

Hideous 'hIdies adj1

Extremely unpleasant or ugly.

Hideous crimes.

Cart n5/v2 verb

To carry sth somewhere ,especially sth that is heavy or difficult to carry.

We carted all the furniture upstair.

To take sth somewhere in a cart,truck,etc.

Sapphire 'saefair n1

A transparent bright blue jewel.

Porcelaine po:rselen

A hard shiny white substance that is used for making expensive plates,cup,etc

Couch kauts n2/v1

A comfortable piece of furniture big enough for two or three people to sit on it.

2.a long narrow bed for a doctor to lie ob.

Blush v5/n2

Verb.2.to feel ashamed or embarrassed about sth.

I blush to admit that i haven't read it.

N.the red colour on your face that appears when you are embarrassed.

Steward stu:e^rd n3

A man whose job is to serve food and drinks to passangers on a plane or ship.

Someone who is in charge of a horse race ,or other public event.

Someone who protects sth or is responsible for it especially sth such as nature ,public property ,or money.

Millpond milpa:nd noun

Pond pa:nd

A very small lake that supplies water to turn the wheel of a watermill.

Valet vaelit n3

A male servant who looks after a man's clothes ,serves his meal.


Bre.someone who cleans the clothes of people staying in a hotel.

Valet vaelit n3

A male servant who looks after a man's clothes ,serves his meal.


Bre.someone who cleans the clothes of people staying in a hotel.

Bollocks ba:leks n4

Used to say rudely that you think sth is wrong or stupid.

Your lyrics are complete bollocks;they don't actually mean anything ,do they.

A word used to emphasize that you are annoyed or angry.

A word usef to emphasize that you are annoyed or angry.

Oh,bollocks,we have miss it.

Binoculars bai'nakjulez n1

A pair of special glasses ,that you hold up eyes to look at objects that are a long distance away.

Gotcha ga:tse^ interjection 2

A word meaning i've got you used when you catch someone.

Get off with sb

To start a sexual relationship with sb.

Astern e^'st3:rn adv2

In ,at or toward the back part of a ship or boat with the wind and waves astern.

If a ship or boat is moving astern it is moving backward.

Carpenter ka:rpe^nter n1

Someone whose job is making and repairing wooden objects.

Shudder n1/v3 noun sha^de^r

1.a shaking movement.

The building geve a sudden shudder.

To shake for a short time because you are afraid or cold,or because you think sth is very unpleasant.

Slick adj5/n3/v adj

Adj1.if sth is slick ,it is done in a skilful and attractive way and seems expensive,but it often contain no inportant or interesting idea.

If someone is silck ,they are good at persuading people ,often in a way that does not seem homest.

A silk used-car saleman.

Underway adj2

Get underway

Happening now.

The project is already well underway.

Seasons gets underway.(=starts)

Sth such as a boat or train the is underway is moving.

Afloat e^'flout adj3

2.floating on water.

Somehow we kept the ship afloat.

Having enough money to operate or stay out of debt.

The treasury borrowed £40 billion ,just to stay afloat.

reasury borrowed £40 billion ,just to stay afloat.

Breach v2/n5 verb bri:ts

V2.to break a hole in a wall that intended to protect a place.

The storm had breached the see wall at two places.

To break a ,law ,rule ,agreement.

The company accused him of breaching his contract.


Founder v2/n1 ship verb

If a boat or ship founders ,it fill with the waters ank sinks.

1.to fail after a period of time because sth has gone wrong.

Their marriage began to founder soon after the honeymoon.

Headline n3/v2 noun

Make/grab the headlines

To be reported in many newspapers and on radio and television.

A scandle that grabed the headlines for weeks.

Slut sla^t n1

A very offensive word for a woman who has sex with a lot of different people.

Inconvenience inke^nvi:niens n2/v1

V1.to caused problems for someone

I don't want to inconvenience you any further.

2.someone or sth that causes problems for you.

His early arrival was clearly an inconvenience to his host.

Precaution prika:shn n1

Spoken just in case

Sth you do in order to prevent sth dangerous or unpleasant from happening.

The traffic barriers were put there as safety prevaution.

Ruckus ra^kes n1

A noisy argument or comfused situation.

Syn rumpus.

She went outside ti see who was causing such a ruckus.

Lifebelt n1

A larg ring made of material that floats well,that is user to rescue sb who has fallen into water ,to prevent them from drowing.

Distress di'stres n4


N4.a situation when a ship ,aircraft etc,is in danger and needs help.

We picked up a distress signal 6 km away

The ship is in distress.

1.a feeling of extreme unhappiness

Luke's behaviour caused his parents great distress.

Suffering and problems caused by a lack money food etc:

Acute financial distress.

Taut ta:t adj 4

1.stretched tight opp slack

The rope was stretched taut

Showing signs of worry ,anger etc and not relaxed.

A taut smile.

Winch verb

To lift sth or someone up using a winch.

Truss v2/n1 tra^s

Verb.to tie someone's arms,legs etc very firmly with rope so that they cannot move:

They trussed up their victim and left him for dead.

Mob n4/verb noun

A larg noisy crowd,especially one that is angry and violent.

A mob of a few hundred demonstrators.

A group of people of the same type.

Swing n9/v7 verb


2.to move quickly in a smooth curve in one direction ,or to make sth do this.

Kate swung her legs out of bed

Pity n5/v1 noun

(It's a) pity (that)

Used to show that you are dissapointed about sth and you wish things could happen dufferently.


It's a pity that he didn't accept the job.

Sympathy for a person or animal who is suffering or unhappy.

He looked exhausted ,but marie felt no pity for him.

Gutter n4/v noun

The low part at the edge of a road where water collects and flows away.

2.an open pipe fixed to the edge of a roof to collect and carry away rainwater.


Set an example

3.someone whose behaviour is very good and should be copied by others ,or this type of behaviour.

Parents should set an example for their children.

I suggest you follow rosie's example(=coply her behaviour)and start doing regular example.

Buckle v4/n1 verb

To become bent or curve because of heat or pressure ,or to make sth bend or curve in this way.

The steel pillars began to buckle.

Fright n3

Look a fright

3.look a fright.

To look untidy or unattractive.

1.a sudden feeling of fear.

I got an awful fright when i realised how much money i owed.

Take fright.to be very afraid of sth ,especially so that you run away from it or do not do sth that you were going to do.

She had promiss to marry him ,but took fright at the last moment.

Crank v2/n4

N1.a handle on a piece of equipment ,that you can turn around to move sth.

2.someone who has unusual ideas and behaves strangely.

To make sth move by turning a crank.

Limey laimi n1

A slighty insulting word for someone from britain.

Privilege privilid3 n5/v1

A special advantage that is given only to one person or group of people.

He had no special privilege and was treated just like every other prisoner.

Sth that you are lucky to have the chance to do and you have enjoy it very much.

Today we have the privilage of listening to two very unusuall men.

A situation in which people who are rich or of high social class have many more advantages than other people.

Wealth and privilage.

Swamp v3/n1

Verb3.to suddenly cover an area with a lot of water.

Huge waves swamped the vessel.

Land that is always very wet or covered with a layer of water.

Hail n3/v3

N1.frozen raindrops which fall as hard balls of ice.

A hail of bullets.

Verb.to describe someone or sth as being very good.

Hail Mary

A special roman catholic prayer to mary,the mother of jesus

Dwell dwel v1


To live in a particular place.

They dwelt in the forest.

Row v1/v2 n5

V1.to make a boat move across water using oars.

V2.to argue in an angry way

Worded w3r:ded adj1

Carefully /clearly/ strongly etc worded.

Using words that express an idea carefully and clearly.

Using words that express an idea carefully or clearly.

A strongly worded letter.

Absolution aebs'lu:shen n1

When someone is formally forgiven by the christian church or a priest for the thing they have done wrong.

Inherit in'herit v3

To receive money ,property etc from someone after they have died.

He inheritated a fortue from his grandmother.

The present government inherited a closed state-dominated economy.

Dreadfull dredfe^l adj 2

1.extremely unpleasant syn terrible.

We have had some dreadful weather lately.

2.used to emphasize how bad bad sth is

A dreadful mistake.

Dish n5


N5.someone who is sexually attractive.

Claimant n1 kleiment

Someone who claims sth ,especially money ,from the government ,a court etc because they think they have a right to it

A claimant to the trone

Tycoon taiku:n n1

Someone who is successful in bussines or industry and has a lot of money and power.


Steel tycoon.

Extraordinaire adj1 ik'stro:di'nery

Used often humorously,to describe someonr who is very good at doing sth.

Chef extraordibaire.

Berg n2

A mountain or group of mountains.

Starboard sta:rbe^rd n1


The side of a ship,or aircraft that is on your right when you are facing forward.

Starboard sta:rbe^rd n1


The side of a ship,or aircraft that is on your right when you are facing forward.

Bump v5/n4 verb

Bump along

To move up and down as you move forward ,especially in a vehicle .

The plane was bumping along the runway.

1.to hit or knock against sth.

I ran after him ,bumping against people in my hurry.

Compartment ke^m'pa:tment n2

One of the separate areas into which a plane,ship,or train is divided

A firsr-class compartment

A smaller enclosed space inside sth larger .

The bag is divided into separate compartments.

Engine compartment.

Bulkhead n1


A wall that devides the structure of a ship or aircraft into teperate parts.

Stern2 n

Stern1 adj.

The back of a ship.

Asj.serious and strict ,and showing strong disapproval of someone's behaviour.

Sterner penalties for drug offences.

Strut n2/v1

Verb.to walk proudly with your head high and your chest pushed forward ,showing that you think you are important.

I strutted around the chicago ,as if i were really somebody.

A long thin piece of metal or wood used to support a part of building ,the wing of an aircraft.