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34 Cards in this Set

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4 tissue types
epithelial, connective, muscle, neural.
types of cell attachments
gap junctions, tight junctions, desmosomes
characteristics of epithelial tissue
1. tightly bound cells
2. one side faces outward, the other side faces inward.
3. avascular.
4. high rates of cell growth and division.
5. supported by a basement membrane
functions of epithelial tissue
provide coverings and linings. Form glands.
shape of epithelial cells
squamous, cuboidal, columnar
layering of epithelial cells
simple, stratified, pseudostratified
endocrine glands
secrete hormones, ductless, secrete products into the bloodstream
exocrine glands
secrete sweat, oil, etc. have ducts. secrete products to the surface
merocrine glands
secrete products through exocytosis, vesicles are not affected. sweat glands
holocrine glands
the vesicles slough off of the cell containing their products. sebaceous glands
apocrine glands
the entire gland pinches off
3 characteristics of connective tissue
1. common origin, mesenchyme, embryonic cartilage.
2. generally vascular.
3. have an extracellular matrix.
types of connective tissue
1. connective tissue proper: loose and dense
2. fluid: blood and lymph
3. supportive: bone and cartilage
fibers in connective tissue
collagen, elastic, reticular
cells of connective tissue proper
fibroblasts, mesenchymal, melanocytes, adipocytes
cells of bone
osteoprogenitors, osteoblasts, osteocytes
cells of cartilage
fibroblasts, chondrocytes
cells of blood
erythrocytes, leukocytes
cells of lymph
immune system cells
mast cells, macrophages, leukocytes, lymphocytes
types of loose connective tissue
areolar, adipose, reticular
types of dense connective tissue
regular, irregular
characteristics of cartilage (supportive connective tissue)
1. avascular
2. surrounded by perichondrium
3. grow by dividing chondrocytes in the cartilage or dividing the fibroblasts in the perichondrium.
4. has a matrix made of collagen, elastin, and proteoglycans/glycosaminoglycans.
types of cartilage
hyaline, elastic, fibrocartilage
characteristics of bone (supportive connective tissue)
1. very little ground substance.
2. lots of collagen laid by calcium salts.
3. vascular, blood vessels and osteocytes in tunnels called canaliculi.
what are membranes?
coverings and separations that are formed by both connective and epithelial tissue
mucous membranes
1. line tubes (digestive, urinary) that lead outside
2. epithelia lined by areolar tissue/lamina propria
3. wet, either by mucous or fluid
serous membranes
1. line subdivisions and organs of the ventral cavity. pleura, pericardium, peritonium/abdominopelvic.
2. folded double membrane, visceral (lines organ) and parietal (faces outside)
3. serous fluid (secreted by epithelial cells) fills spaces between folds.
cutaneous membraness
synovial membranes
line joints
1. sheets of connective tissue
2. separate organs and layer of the body
3. protect and support organs
3. allow independent movement of organs and layers of the body.
layers of connective tissue
-superficial: areolar, adipose
-deep: dense connective
-subserous: areolar
3 main muscle types
skeletal muscle, voluntary and striated
cardiac muscle, involuntary and unstriated
smooth muscle, involuntary and unstriated
2 main nerve types
dendrites- respond to stimuli
axons- transmit electrical impulses over long distances.