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61 Cards in this Set

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9 functions of the skin
1) physical protection from environment
2) Prevent body fluid loss
3) Insulation
4) Production of Vit D precursors
5) Regulation of body T
6) Provide sensory perception
7) Excretion of waste
8) Contribute to blood pressure regulation via peripheral vasoconstriction
9) Express emotions
Is the epidermis vasucalar or avascular?
Where in the skin are sensory nerves and autonomic motor fibers found?
What is in the dermis and what is its function?
Fatty connective tissue layer
Generates heat and provides insualtion which prevents hypothermia
What do eccrine glands and waht are they
They are sweat glands
They regulate body T
The only place they are not located is lip margins, eardrums, nail beds, inner surface of prepuce, and the glans penis
What are sebaceous glands?
What stimulates secretions
Produce oily sebum which keeps hair and skin from drying out.
Secretions are stimulted by testosterone
Apocrine glands
Secrete a sticky white substance in response to emotion

Secretiosn are odorless, but bacterial decomposition of these causes chartacteristic BO

Located in the axilla , nipples, areola, anogenital area, eyelids, and external ears
In what people is BO a bigger deal
Caucasian or African and less in asians and Indians(amerian_
What is lanugo?
The fine silky hair over shouders and backs of newborns

It is shed in 10-14 days after birth
What is vellus hair?
Short, fine, soft, and nonpigmented
What is terminal hair?
Coarse, longer, thicker, and pigmented
What is the eponychium?
The cuticle an extension of the epidermis over the proxiaml part of the nail body
What is the lunula?
The round white area taht marks the endo do the nail matrix

Site of nail growth
What is the paronchyium
Soft tissue surrounding the nail border
What is the vernix caseosa?
Mixture of sebum and cornified epidermis that covers the infant at birth
How much terminal hair is present at birth?
In the infant how is the subcutaneous fat developed?
Poorly and so they are at risk for hypothermia
What is the function of eccrince glands in infants?
What is cutis marmorate?
Mottled appreance of skin as a result of changes in ambient temperature OCCURS IN INFANTS
What is milia?
Small whitish, discrete papules on the face common in the first 2-3 months of life. Caused by immature fucntion of sebaceous galnds which easily plug
When do apocrine glands enlarge and become active?
When is there an increase in sebaceous gland activity?
WHen does terminal hair appear? Where?
Axilla, pubic areas of both sexes and face of males
Does blood flow change in preggers?
Yes, there is an increased blood flow to the skin
How are vascular lesions effected by preggers?
Vascular lesions such as hemanigiomas and vascular spiders increase in size.
How is eccrine and sebaceous gland activity effected?
It is increased
How is the epi and hypodermis effected by preggers?
The skin thickens and there is increased fat deposited in hypodermis
How is pigmentation effected by preggers?
THere is increased pigmentation of the face, nipples, aerola, axilla, and vulva
How is eccrince and sebacous gland activity effected in the elderly?
it is decreased
Describe the epidermis of the elderly
thiner and less elastic
Describe the hair on the scalp of the elderly
it transitiosn from terminal to vellus
How are the number of melanocytes in elderly effected?
They decrease
What is a healthy nail bed color?
pink under normal conditions
What is clubbing?
Normally the angle between the nail plate and the
proximal nail fold should be approximately 160°. If the angle
approaches or exceeds 180° and the distal finger appears
thickened and enlarged, then clubbing is present.
Associated with respiratory and cardiovascular disease.
[FYI: Be concerned with chronic lung infections, malignancies, or
interstitial lung disease]
What are Lindsay's mails?
Proximal half white, distal half pink ASSOCIATED WITH RENAL DISEASE
What are Terry's nails
White except for the distal tip

Associated with CIRROHOSIS
What are Mee's Line
Transverse white lines across the nail assoicated with acute illness or heavy metal poisoning
What are Beau's Line?
Transvers GROOVE where stress or illness temporarily interupts nail growth
What is nail pitting associated with?
What is Tic Habit?
A central band of sharp horizontal gorroving extending to the tip of the nail. Associated with nail biting or picking
What is sppon nail(Koilonychia)
Central depression of the nail with lateral elevation of the nail plate produces a spoon like apperance associated with Fe deficiency anermia
What is tinea Unguium:
Fungal infection caused by dermatophytes Yello, brittle nail with oncholsis, nails often break or crumble
Black or dark pigmented bands in nail?
History is very important

A single black nail that suddenly appears an dis painless must be considered melanoma
(Pigmented bands may be benign in coloreds but are very abnormal in caucasions

If associated with trauma history and pain, consider subungal hematoma

If painless green-black discoloration, considere peeudomonas infection
What is a macule?
A circumscribed area of a change <1cm in diameter

It is a flat lesion

Ex. Freckles
What is a patch?
Circumscribed, flat lesion > 1cm diameter

ex. Cafe au lait spot
What is a papule
Raised firm, <1cm diameter
What is a nodule?
A raised , firm, deeper 102 cm diameter

ex. erythema nodosum
What is a tumor?
Raised, frim, >2cm diam

Ex. Neoplasm
What is a plaque?
A raised firm with a flat-topped rough surface > 1cm Usually large surfaec area relative to height

Ex. Psoriasis
What is a wheal?
Raised, soklid, transient, IRREGULAR SHAPED area of CUTANEOUS EDEMA with variable diameter

ex. hives
What is a vesicle?
Raised, circumscribed, superficial, filled with SEROUS FLUID, <1cm

ex. varicella (chickenpox)
What is a Bulla-vesicle?
A vesicle >1cm diameter

ex blister
What is a pustule?
Raised, SUPERFICIAL, filled with PURULENT FLUID <1cm

ex. acne
What is a cyst?
Raised, circumscribed, well-encapsulated in DERMIS or SUBCUTANEOUS LAYER filled with liquid of semi-solid material

ex. sebaceous cyst
What is Millia?
Keratin filled cysts in the distal sweat gland
What is an abcess?
Accumulation of purulent material in the dermis or subcutaneous layer surrouned by inflamed tissues
What is Comedo?
A plug of sebum and keratin in the opening of a hari follicle
What is a black head?
A comedo with a dialated follicle opening
Whatis a white head?
Comedo with a closed follicle opening
What is a Furuncle?
Acute localized staphulococcal infection. Starts as a perifollicular abcess whick spreads to surrounding tissue producing a pustule with surrounding inflammation
Whatis a carbuncle?
A coalescence of several furuncles