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10 Cards in this Set

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What are the indications for tracheal intubation?
Correction of hypoxemia
Correction of hypercarbia
Ensuring maintenance of patent airway
Prevention of impending hypoventilation
en vue d'une procédure qui demandera une intubation
Provision of a route for resus medication administration
What is RSI?
Simultaneous administration of an induction agent + neuromuscular blockage
7 P intubation
Préoxygénation (100% O2 x 3min, non-rebreather mask w 15L/min of O2)
Prémédication T - 3
Paralysie et sédation
Positionnement (Sniffing : flexion lower neck, extersion of atlanto occipital joint +/- BURP)
Placement du tube et preuve
What is the proper equipment needed for Airway Management?
Oxygen source and tubing
Suction catheter
Suction source
Pulse oximetry
CO2 detector
Bag-valve mask
Orophagyngeal Airways
Nasopharyngeal Airways
Endotracheal tubes - 8.0-8.5 inner diameter for adult male, 7.5-8.0 mm for adult female
Laryngoscope blades and handles - Curved Macintosh blade # 3 most popular, # 4 for large patients; straight miller #2 or #3 for same purposes (more often use in peds)
Magill forceps
Water-soluble lubricant
Alternative or rescue devie : LMA, glidescope
Surgical rescue equipement ; surgical crico kit
Medications to topical airway anesthesia, sedation, or RSI
What are the steps to intubation?
1. Hold laryngoscope in L hand
2. Use R hand to : Insert ETT, operate suction catheter, BURP
3. Insert blade into the R corner of the patient's mouth
4. Visualize arytenoids
5. Lift epiglottis
6. Expose larynx
7. Advance blade incrementally
8. Advance ETT (Correct tube placement : approx 23 cm in men, 21 cm in women)
9. Check ETT placement (bilateral BS, absence epigastric sounds, Capnography, RX)
10. Inflate baloon
11. SEcure ETT
Name pretreatments Agents considered in RSI
Lidocaine 1.5mg/Iv/topically
Indications : Elevated ICP, Bronchospasm, Asthma
CI : BAV 2/3e

Fentanyl 3mcg/kg IV (210mcg 70kg)
Indcations : Elevated ICP, Cardiac ischemia, Aortic dissection

Atrope 0.02 mg/kv I
Indications : ped < 5a w brady / < 10 a succ w brady
(minimal dose 0.1 mg)
Name induction agents
Etomidate 0.3 mg/kg IV (20 mg)
Induction < 1 min Duration 10-20m
Benefits ↓ ICP, ↓ Intraocular pressure, Neutral BP
Caveats : myoclonic jerking or sz and V, no analgesia, ↓ cortisol

Versed 0.2mg/kg ( 15 mg)
Ind : 60-90 sec Dur.: 15-30 min
Benefits : Status epilepticus
Caveats : hypotension, long duration
CI: Instabilité HD, grossesse

Propofol 1.5 mg/kg Ind: 20-40 sec Duration 8-15min
Benefits : antiemetic, anticonvulsant, ↓ICP
Caveats: Apnea, ↓ BP, No analgeisa, Trismus, dystonia

Ketamine 1.5 mg/kg Ind: 1 min Duration 10-20 min
Benefits : bronchodilator, dissociative amnesia, analgesia
Cavets: ↑Secretions, ↑BP, Emergence
Paralytic agent
Depolarizing agents : high affinity for cholinergic - R of the motor end plate and are resistant to acetylcholinesterase
Non depolarizing : compte w acetylcholine for the cholinergic - R and usually and be antogonized by anticholinesterase agents

Succ 1.5mg/kg (75 mg- 50 kg ; 120 mg - 80 kg)
Onset : 45-60 sec Dur. : 5-10 min
Roc : 1mg/kg Onset : 1-3 min Dur : 30-45 min
C-I to succ use?
Absolue :
Hyperthermie maligne
Risques d'hyperK+ importantes : myopathies
Myasthenic Grave
Relative : R
Risques d'HyperK + : brûlés, crush injury, immobilisation prolongé, troubles génétiques de cholinestérase
Acronym for preparation RSI
— at least one working suction, place it between mattress and bed
— NRBM and BVM attached to 15 LPM of O2, preferably with nasal prongs for apneic oxygenation
— 7.5 ET tube with stylet fits most adults, 7.0 for smaller females, 8.0 for larger males, test balloon by filling with 10 cc of air with a syringe
— Stylet – placed inside ET tube for rigidity, bend it 30 degrees starting at proximal end of cuff (i.e. straight to cuff, then 30 degree bend)
— Blade – Mac 3 or 4 for adults – curved blade
— Miller 3 or 4 for adults – straight blade
— Handle – attach blade and make sure light source works
— Backups – ALWAYS have a surgical cric kit available!
— have video laryngoscope, LMA and bougie at bedside
Pre-oxygenate – 15 LPM NRBM
Monitoring equipment/Medications
— Cardiac monitor, pulse ox, BP cuff opposite arm with IV
— Medications drawn up and ready to be given
End Tidal CO2