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110 Cards in this Set

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Resolution of Independence
Gave impetus to vote for independence, July 2, 1776
Declaration of Independence
Jefferson wrote most of it
Financed Revolution
Paper money, domestic borrowing, foreign loans from France, Spain, Holland
Obtained treaty with France
Second Continental Congress
Cornwallis surrenders, 1781
Crated a national government
Articles of Confederation drafted 1777, adopted 1781
By Committee–ineffective
Couldn't tax or raise revenue
No effective national Law
Land Ordinance of 1785
Created towns 6 miles square, consisting of 36 sections, 640 acres each
Northwest Ordinance of 1787
States enter as equals
"One treaty or 13"
Shay's Rebellion
Against foreclosing mortgages
Mount Vernon Conference, 1785
Navigation of Potomac and Chesapeake Bay
Annapolis Convention, 1786
5 states adopt resolution to call Philadelphia Convention
Philadelphia Convention, 1787
Drafted the Constitution
Virginia Plan
Large state Plan–representation based on population go
New Jersey Plan
Small state plan–equal representation
Connecticut Compromise
Settled dispute between large states and small states
Separation of Powers
3/5 compromise
North vs. South
Ratification of Constitution
Fight over a Bill of Rights
Secretary of the Treasury
Alexander Hamilton
Secretary of State
Thomas Jefferson
Bill of Rights
First 10 Amendments
Hamilton's financial program
Economic foundation–economic solvency
Elected one President
Neutrality Proclamation, 1793
Avoidance of French-British conflict
Whiskey Rebellion, 1794
Against excise tax
Jay's Treaty, 1795
With England
Pinkney's Treaty, 1796
With Spain
XYZ Affair, 1797
Bribe for treaty
Naturalization Act, 1798
Extended period for Citizenship from 4 to th Amendment 14 years
Alien Act, 1798
President could deport aliens
Sedition Act, 1798
Curbed free speech
Convention of 1800
Abrogated French treaty
Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
States' Rights–against Alien and Sedition Acts
Election of 1800–12
Jefferson-Burr tie
Secretary of State
James Madison
Secretary of the Treasury
Albert Gallatin
Reduced period for naturalization
Increased Dem.-Rep. Ranks
Repealed the whiskey tax
Cut Federal Revenue from excise tax
Repealed Judiciary Act of 1800
Decreased Federalist Judgeships
Refused to deliver commissions to Adams’
Appointees not commissioned
Economized in government spending
Lowered national debt
Cut the Army and Navy
Weakened National Power
Purchase of Louisiana
Purchased from France
Lewis & Clark expedition
Hamilton-Burr duel of George Washington
Hamilton killed
Chesapeake-Leopard Affair, 1807
Aroused anti-British sentiment
Embargo Act, 1807
Forbids all American and foreign vessels engaged in trade to enter or leave American ports
President-Little Belt Incident unconstitutional
Impressed U.S. sailors
Battle of Thames
Tecumesh killed
War Wawks elected 1810 Government
Pushed for war in 1812
Tecumesh’s Conspiracy
U.S. blamed the English
War of 1812—divided country
19 to 13 in the Senate, 97 to 49 in the House
Untrained, small Army, inadequate Navy
Invasion of Canada fails
O. H. Perry’s victory
Lake Erie
William Henry Harrison’s victory
Recaptured Detroit
British burn White House
Dolly saved Gilbert's portrait
Hartford Convention, 1814
Federalists oppose War of 1812
Treaty of Ghent
Ends war of 1812
Andrew Jackson victory at New Orleans
Battle fought after treaty
Rush-Bagot Agreement
Demilitarized Great Lakes
Passage of Protective Tarriff, 1816
First protective tariff
Second Bank of U.S., 1816
Chartered for20 years
Increased Army and Navy
Part of emergent nationalism after 1816
Marbury vs. Madison, 1803
Judicial review
Fletcher vs. Peck, 1810
Supreme Court declares state legislation
Martin vs. Hunter’s Lessee, 1816
Supreme Court overturns highest state court
McCulloch vs. Maryland, 1819
Forbade state to tax a function of the Federal
Dartmouth College vs. Woodward, 1819
A charter is a contract not subject to state violation
Gibbons vs. Ogden
Interstate waterways subject to exclusive control by Congress
Era of Good Feelings
Lack of national political conflict
American System
Henry Clay's nationalistic slogan
Convention with Great Britain, 1818
Joint occupation of Oregon
Adams-Onis Treaty, 1819
Purchase of Florida from Spain
Missouri Compromise, 1820
Missouri slave, Maine free
Monroe Doctrine, 1823
No further colonization of the Americas
Election of 1824
Decided in the House
"Corrupt Bargain"
Clay-Adams "deal"
Andrew Jackson's Party
National Republicans
John Q. Adams' party
Advocated internal improvements
Adams' domestic proposal
Larger Navy
Attempted to improve defense
Advocated federal aid to education and a
The Education President
Kitchen Cabinet
Jackson's informal advisor's
Spoils system
William L. Marcy's quote
Eaton Affair
Calhoun loses, Van Buren wins
South Carolina opposes the tariff territory
Governor Hamilton and R B. Rhett
Doctrine of Nullification ("Exposition and Protest")
John C. Calhoun
Webster-Hayne Debate
Nature of the Union
Compromise Tariff of 1833
Lowered tariff over 9-year period
Force Bill
Authorization to compel South national university Carolina
Trail of Tears
Indian tragedy
Maysville veto
Jackson kills Road Bill
Veto of US. Bank
Jackson vs. Biddle
Pet banks
Jackson's "favorites"
Wildcat banks
Spawned by veto of Bank of US
Specie Circular
Land purchased with gold and silver only
Panic of 1837
Economic trouble in the Jackson Administration
Unemployment & crop failure
Van Buren depression
Independent Treasury Act
Van Buren's main achievement
Log Cabin & Cider campaign
First modern election campaign
Harrison serves one month
Shortest term
Tippecanoe and Tyler too!
Campaign slogan,1840
Tyler kills Whig program
Action of a States' Rights president
Webster-Ashburton Treaty
Maine-New Brunswick boundary
Annexation of Texas
Joint resolution of Congress