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9 Cards in this Set

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Prehistoric period of human history distinguished by the development of stone tools.

Ancient Empires, Old Stone Age, New Stone Age, Early Civilizationsv
Old Stone Age
Last phase of the Stone Age marked by farming.

Ancient Empires, Old Stone Age, New Stone Age, Early Civilizations
New Stone Age
Time period marked by settlement among rivers in India, China, Egypt, and Mesopotamia and organized government, advanced religion, public works, writing, and job specialization.

Ancient Empires, Old Stone Age, New Stone Age, Early Civilizations
Early Civilizations
This time period is known for the development of large group of countries ruled by one group or person. Maurya, Greek, Egyptian, and Islamic are some examples.

Ancient Empires, Old Stone Age, New Stone Age, Early Civilizations
Ancient Empires
Period of European history that began with the collapse of the Roman Empire. The time period is known for feudalism, the crusades, and the black plague.

Renaissance, Global Age, The Age of Absolutism, Medieval Ages
Medieval Ages
A time period of rebirth of European art and literature under the influence of Ancient Greece and Rome. Known for people such as Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Copernicus, Galileo, and Shakespeare.

Renaissance, Global Age, The Age of Absolutism, Medieval Ages
Time period when long distance trade and travel increased dramatically around the world.

Renaissance, Global Age, The Age of Absolutism, Medieval Ages
Global Age
Time period when monarchs became very rich
after taking colonies around the world.
Monarchs became extremely powerful
and thought that they were chosen to
rule by God.

Renaissance, Global Age, The Age of Absolutism, Medieval Ages
The Age of Absolutism
A movement that stressed the importance of
reason and analyzing existing ideas to bring about
reform. The movement led to the American and
French Revolutions.
The Enlightenment