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98 Cards in this Set

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In the fowl, the lungs are connected to large, thin-walled
air sacs
Which of the following steps is recommended to prevent shock of the embryo and condensation on the eggs during transfer for setting in an incubator?
Pre-warm the eggs for a minimum 6 hours with proper air circulation
Which of the following is not true regarding expected expenditures for turkey contract growers?
85% of all costs are feed
Cell division in the blastoderm of the developing or freshly laid fertile egg stops when
the temperature of the egg drops below 85 degrees F
How many pounds of feed is needed to produce a dozen eggs in a typical white shell egg laying operation?
3.0 to 3.5 pounds
Total incubation time of eggs is influenced by
egg size, storage time, and incubation temperature
In terminology describing standard purebred chickens, the word breed refers to
groups of poultry having the same general shape
Avian red bood cells are
Which of the following factors improves after induced molting of an older laying flock?
egg production or rate of lay
shell quality
albumen quality, measured a height
*All of the above factors improve
Which of the following is a potential advantage of using cage laying systems for table egg production?
floor eggs are eliminated
eggs are cleaner
internal parasites are diminished
*All of the above statements are potential advantages
Turkey hens are marketed usually at
16 to 18 weeks of age
The uropygial gland is located where the chicken?
At the rear back and immediately before the main tail feathers
Poultry meat and eggs may harbor Salmonella occasionally. As a result, you should cook poultry meat and eggs to what temperatures?
Poultry meat to an internal emperature of 170 degrees F and eggs to 160 degrees F, or until yolk and white are firm
To prepare for a career as a flock or processing plant supervisor in an integrated poultry company requires what level of education typically?
college degree
Which of the following is not true regarding per capita consumption of meat in the US in 2005?
Poultry meat consumption exceeded the combined consumption of both beef and pork
The vaccine to prevent Marek" disease is applied by
subcutaneous injection
Which of the following is accurate for egg laying flocks?
All of the above conditions of an egg laying flock are accurate
Leghorn type production hens reach peak egg production at about what age under proper production conditions?
between 24 and 30 weeks
The recommended floor space for brooding egg laying pullets reared on the floor is
1 square foot per bird
Which of the following is the recommended minimum floor space for tom turkey poults from 43 days of age to market?
5 square foot per bird
Which of the following incubator conditions have been established as best for yielding good chick hatch rates?
Set with the small (pointed) end down, and turned hourly through 45 degree either side of the vertical
Which of the following is the general hover set temperature of a starting house for turkey poults?
90 degree F to 95 degree F at floor level under the brooder and a room temperature of 75 degree F when the poults arrive
Which of the following statements is true regarding evaporative cooling?
Evaporative cooling systems are more effective with lower humidity than with higher humidity
In the interest of welfare and good management, the Animal Welfare Code of Practice recommended by the Farm Animal Welfare Council is that no time should live weight of the broilers being grown per square foot of floor space exceed how many pounds in a controlled envionment house?
7 pounds
If you use the drinking water to vaccinate a flock of broiler breeders en masse, you should consider which of the following conditions?
All of the above conditions should be considered.
The correct brooder heat setting should be determined by which of the following
temperature and chick behavior
How much of the upper beak should be removed?
Broilers usually get hour(s) of darkness each day.
What regulates sugar metabolism in the body?
In 2000 about % of poultry meat produced was exported to other countries
Death results when dehydration reaches % of body fluid.
Most poultry vaccines are administered through the .
During hot temperatures, birds need water minutes of every hour.
A good leghorn hen will produce eggs per year
Hen turkeys are marketed at
The primary function of the
is fecal storage and reabsorption of water
large intestine
The shedding of old feathers is known as
Egg production will
if the laying house is too cold
When starting a flock of market broiler chickens, it is recommended that pre-heating the house should begin hours prior to chick arrival.
24 to 36
Grit is fed at a rate of 1 Ib. per birds.
Sperm cells can survive for several in the hens body.
Pullets begin laying days after light stimulation.
Adding sugar to drinking water will help stressed chicks
Reduce temperature on chicks degrees per week until it reaches 65-70 degrees
The axial feather is located on the
Incorrect setter loading can lead to egg temperature variations
The US poultry industry consists of
all of the above
Broilers are sexed
Egg transmission is the "major mode of transmission" for which of the following
Beak trimming, if done properly is
Which of the following statements is most correct?
Evaporative cooling works effectively in most of the United States.
Some consumerss prefer to buy table eggs with brown shells. Brown-shelled eggs are usually more expensive because
they are produced by birds that are less efficient than White Leghorns.
A sick chicken is exhibiting several major gross symptoms: Lesions on skin in mouth
accompanied by a drop in egg production. Which of the following diseases cause
poultry to display the symptoms described?
Fowl Pox
Which of the following statements about poultry processing is most correct?
Inspection of poultry is mandatory
In turkey grow-out operations
male and female poults are separated and taken to separate grow-out farms.
A bird's body has natural resistance or immunity to infection. Compared to turkeys, chickens' reduced susceptibility to blackhead is related to immunity.
Inherited immunity
Which of the following statements is not accurate regarding the air sacs of a bird?
The air sacs have intense areas and concentrations of blood vessels.
The peak times of chick embryo mortality during incubation occur when?
day 4 and 18
Which federal agency has primary responsibility through the Poultry Product Inspection Act to regulate poultry processing?
U.S. Department of Agriculture
How many pounds of feed per dozen eggs produced would be required in a typical egg laying operation?
3 to 3.5 pounds of feed
The table egg industry includes egg laying operations, pullet rearing operations, and . farms that produce eggs from which egg laying pullets are obtained.
When analyzed, poultry manures are often found to contain from 1% to 2.5% nitrogen. Which of the following factors is the reason these values should not be used to determine fertilizer application rates?
Nitrogen volatilizes and may be lost during storage
Which of the following statements about evaporative cooling pads is most correct?
Evaporate colling pads function best if the pad is supplied with more water than is actually evaporated
In a poultry building, too much air flow during cold weather results in a wet building, because:
the cold air flowing through the building does not have time to warm up and pick up much moisture.
Which of the following poultry manures contains more calcium?
egg layer
Key ingredients for successful aerobic composting include proper carbon to nitrogen ratio, proper moisture content and adequate oxygen. What is considered proper
moisture content of the mixture to be composted?
40% to 50%
Waste collection in poultry operations include which of the following methods?
All of the above answers are waste collection methods
Disease control measures (biosecurity) include which of the following practices?
All of the above answers are disease control practices
In a newly fertilized egg, the small white structure on the yolk's surface is the
Which of the following statements is accurate regarding the anatomy and physiology of avians?
Avian red blood cells are nucleated
The function of the ingulvies is to
store and soften food
In mammals, the pectoral muscles account for less than 1% of the total body weight. However, the pectoral muscles in avians account for to of the total body weight.
15% to 25%
The Genus and species names of the turkey are
Meleagris gallapavo
Storage incubation time.
Which vaccines are the most effective?
The skeleton of birds is built for flight because bones are penetrated by air sacs, and
long bones are
The chicken, turkey, and pheasant belong to the order.
Cervical vertebrae are commonly known as
neck bones
Floor eggs should be used for
market eggs
The most popular turkey is the broad breasted white
An unusually large variation in hatch time was reported for eggs from the same farm.
The eggs were placed in the same incubator cabinet at the same time. Which of the
following factors might have caused this outcome?
uneven pre-warming
Rickets caused by lack of of bone, results from a deficiency of calcium,
phosphorus, or vitamin D.
A in a broiler breeder is defined as a serious body defect that a bird could transmit to its offspring.
With good air circulation, it takes eggs 6 hours to reach 73 degrees in an incubator.
When using nipple waterers, use nipples per 100 chicks
For broiler breeders, increased day length beyond hours of light is of questionable economic benefit
Water vapor content is expressed in
Broilers go to the market at the age of weeks.
Most leghorn hens will produce for a month period
The vent is the external opening into
Eggs loose and water through the shell
carbon dioxide
During cleaning, washing a turkey house with high-pressurized water will typically remove at least
_____ percent of the residual microbial contaminants.
90 to 95
Which of the following statements about removing (or "pulling") chicks from a
commercial hatcher is correct?
Chicks are ready to be removed when most are dry and a few (5%) still have some moisture on the backs of their necks
Which of the following is an appropriate performance goal for white egg-strain pullets or hens?
approximately 1.90 pounds of feed consumed per pound of eggs produced
Most economically important breeds of fowl in the US are feathered
Egg shells become more brittle near hatching because
chicks use calcium
Which of the following selection criteria is not considered when evaluating broiler breeders for future meat production?
Broilers are marketed at a weight of pounds