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46 Cards in this Set

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Richest part in the


3 Major Ways of income

Selling liquid petroleum, money generating money, selling specialized food


Sweet(40%), Heavy(60%)

Barrel of Patroleum

44 Gal

Elephant Field

10 billion barrels of petroleum

Elephant Field Location

3 are in Sadi Arabia, Quate and Iraq, Southern Russia, Russian Sibera, North slope of Alaska(supplies US with 26%), tea pot dome deposit western texes, northern gulf of mexico.

Seven Sisters

1923- 1973

Seven Sisters

Royal Dutch Shell, British Petroleum, Exxon, Texico, Amico, Standard oil of new jersey, Standard oil of indiana.




oil producing exporting countries.

Why is Persian oil attractive?

Oil is close to surface(5,000-7,000), inexpensive foreign labor, no need for expensive equipment, Persian gulf oil is generally found close to or under navigable water, economies of scale, persian gulf is protected water, mostly sweet petroleum.

Sadi arabia

3 cents a barrel.

Fracking developed what elephant field

Idaho, South Dakota, Minnesota, North Dakota.


We started using GPS and tracking

Four Tribes

Pakistan, Afganistan, Iraq, Jordan

If Price dropped below 74 dollars

These tribes would not be able to pay for the petroleum.

What country can produce its own atomic weapons.


Super Tanker

17-27 million

Regular Tanker

9- 14 million

Super Tanker Route

Straight of hormuz, eastern side of africa, mozambique channel(madagascar).


Buys 25-28% of all Sadie Arabia Oil. 15% of all Iranian Oil.


90% of all oil comes

Biggest amount of Oil Shell

New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, Utah

Tar Sand

10 Tons of tar sand = 1 barrel of sweet petroleum

sold at a profit of $4.50

How to bankrupt Russia

Out sell them in petroleum and Energy

Caspian Sea

Belonged to Iran before WWII. Very shallow and large supply of petroleum

Perma Frost

20 parts Ice 1 part soil

Russia is dependent on


How does russia pay Iran?

Nuclear Technology

48% of work force

Make stuff for Europe and Japan in order to maintain their economy

Mexico and Dept

Are the only ones to pay off interest.


Atomic Bomb. ICBM, Neutron

Regular Atomic explosian

92% Alpha

4% beta

4% Gama

Neutron Weapon

96% Gama

2% apha

2% Beta

2,000 ft it explodes

Sadi Arabia

No Nuclear engineers

During 1st Persian Gulf war china gave 50 atomic weapons and 50 silk worm missiles to put them on.

"if Iran gets missiles we get missiles for a month" they have enough money


Neuclear Reactor in Islam Bad.

Dr Kon Lead Nuclear. Father of arrow atomic bomb. Cambridge University. 92 Bombs


5 then taken away.


Religious edict. 4.5 million amercans can be killed.

Most important item to make a bomb.



3 reactor sites

not enough uranium. 11 weapons stolen from russia

two problems with Iran going Nuclear

Israel will attack and russia will help Iran. Sadi Arabia quate quarter, bar an will get reactors if iran is nuclear in a year.

Electromagnetic pulse

An atomic bomb exploded at 30-40000 ft will create a electromagnetic pulse.

Dirty Bomb

A paper thin sheet of uranium wrapped around would make the land unlivable for 1000 years.

Airagation on the Tigress and Euphrates

Because of this the salt built up making soil unusable.

Hard pan

2,000 to 2500 ft.

3 Categories of food

1. Carbohydrates

2. Lipids

3. protiens- Hardest to find on earth. a child needs protein in the first 7 years in order to not be mentally unstable.