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43 Cards in this Set

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Right main bronchus runs under?
The arch of the azygos veins
Forced inspiration involves contraction of the?
Intercostal muscles which elevates the ribs, thus allowing air to rush in to the lungs because of atmospheric pressure
Forced expiration requires contraction of the? (2)
Anterior abdominal muscles and the internal intercostals (costal part)
The pulmonary nodes drains to ? which drains to ? etc.
bronchopulmonary nodes --> tracheobronchial nodes, paratracheal noes --> bronchomediastinal nodes then thoracic duct on left and right lymphatic duct on the right
The pulmonary trunk extend upward from what part of the right ventricle?
Conus arteriosus
What divides inflow/outflow of the right ventricle
Conus arteriosus
The rough part of the ventricles are called?
Trabeculae carnae
The pulmonary trunk bifurcates at what level?
Level of the sternal angle
The pulmonary trunk has ... blood pressure than that in the aorta
The left pulmonary artery arches over what structure?
The left main bronchus
What connection is there between the left pulmonary artery and the arch of aorta?
Ligamentum arteriosum
The pulmonary ligament is a remnat of?
Ductus arteriosus
The right pulmonary artery runs under what?
Posteriorly to?
anterior to?
Arch of the aorta
Ascending aorta and SVC
Right bronchus
How many pulmonary veins leaves the lungs?
5. One fro each lobe. The right upper and middle veins usually join so that only four veins enter the left atrium
What type of blood do they carry?
Oxygenated blood from the respiratory part of the lung and deoxygenated blood from the visceral pleura and from a part of the bronchioles
How many bronchial arteries do we normally have?
3. Two on left and one on the right
From where do they arise
The left ones normally arise from the thoracic aorta and the right normally arise from the 3rd posterior intercostal a.
What do the bronchial arteries supply?
The nonrespiratory conducting tissues of the lungs and the visceral pleura.
Where do the bronchial veins receive blood form and where do they empty?
They receive blood from the bronchi and empy into the azygos vein on the right and into the accessory hemiazygos vein or superior intercostal vein on the left.
The pulmonary plexus is build from?
Vagus nerve (CNX) and branches form the sympathetic trunk and cardiac plexus
Wht type of fibers does it receive from the vagus nerve?
Afferent and efferent, parasympathetic preganglionic, fibers
What type of fibers from the sympathetic trunk and cardiac plexus?
sympathetic postganglionic fibers
The pulmonary plexus is divided into?
The anterior pulmonary plexus (in front of the root of the lung and the posterior plexus (behind the root of the lung
How do they enter the lung?
It has branches that accompany the blood vessels and bronchi into the lung
the sympathetic fibers comes from what and has what effect on the bronchi and pulmonary vessels??
It comes from the cardiac plexus and sympathetic trunk and it dilates the lumina of the bronchi and constrict the pulmonary vessels
The parasympathetic fibers comes from what and has what effect on bronchi, pulm. vessels?
comes from the vagus n. and constricts the lumen of the bronchi and dilates the pulmonary vessels, also increase glandular secretion
from where does the phrenic nerve arise?
it lies in front of what in the neck?
Anterior scalene muscle
It enters the thorax passing deep to and superficial to what arteries?
passes deep to subclavian vein and superficial to subclavian artery
Runs how to the root of the lung?
The vagus nerve runs how to the root of the lung?
The vagus nerve is between what structures in the neck?
Between the right common carotid a. and the internal jugular vein
What important branch comes from the vagus nerve?
Recurrent laryngeal n.
The phrenic nerve runs how and is accompanied by what in the thorax?
Runs anterior to the root of the lung and is accompanied by the pericardiophrenic artery as in runs between the mediastinal pleura and the fibrous pericardium
What does the phrenic nerve innervate?
The fibrous pericardium, The mediastinal and diaphragmatic pleurae, and the diaphragm for motor and its central tendon for sensory
what are the compartments of the thoracic cavity?
The two pleural cavities and the mediastinum
What are the compartments of the mediastinum?
Anterior, Posterior, middle, superior
What does the superior mediastinum contain?
SVC, brachiocephalic veins, arch of the aorta, thoracic duct, trachea, esophagus, vagus nerve, phrenic nerve, left recrurrent laryngeal nerve, Thymus
Whats the borders of the anterior mediastinum?
Posterior: Pericardrium, anterior: sternum and the transcerse thoracic muscles
what's the content of the anterior mediastinum?
The remnants of the thymus gland, lymph nodes, fat, and connective tissue
Borders of the middle mediastinum?
Right and left mediastinal pleura, Transverse thoracic plane form sternal angle to T4/T5 IV disc
Heart, pericardium, Phrenic nerves, roothe of the great vessels, arch of the azygos vain and main bronchi
Posterior mediastinum borders?
lies posterior the the pericardium between the mediastinal pleurae