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63 Cards in this Set

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Is a bondy structure with a conical shape, which narrower at the top.

Defined by the sternum 12 ribs and vertbrae.
Thoracic cage
Musculotendinous septum that seperates the thoracic cavity from the abdomen.
Pints at which the ribs join their carilages.. not palpable
Costochondral Junctions
Anterior Thoracic Landmarks
Suprasternal Notch
Sternal Angle
Costal Angle
Posterior Thoracic Landmarks
Vertebra Prominens
Spinous Processes
Inferior Border of the Scapula
Twelfth Rib
Reference Lines
Midsternal Line
Midclavicular Line
Verbral Line
Scapular Line
Anterior axillary Line
Posterior Acillary Line
Midaxillary Line
Hollow U-shaped depression just above the sternum beween the clavicles
Suprasternal Notch
"Breastbone" has 3 parts
"angle of Louis.. the articulation of the manubrium and body of the sternum and it is continuous with the second rib
Sternal Angle
Site of tracheal bifurcation into the right wnad left main bronchi..
Angle of Louis
Where the right and left costal margins form an angle where they meet at the xiphoid process... usually 90Degrees or less.
Costal Angle
Prominet bony spurs protruding at the base of the neck.. usually C7
Vertebra Prominens
Knobs on the vertebrae which stack together to form the spinal column
Spinous Process
The middle section of the thoracic cavity containing the esophagus, trachea, heart, and great vessels
On either side of the mediastinum containing the lungs
Pleural cavities
Highest point of the lung tissue.
3/4 cm above the inner thrid of the clavicles.
Rests on the diaphragm at about the sixth rib in the midclavicular line
Are the lungs symmetric?
No. right lung is shorter than the left lung bc of the underlying liver.
No. the left lung is narrower than the right lung because the heart bulges to the left.
No. the right lobe has tree lobes and the left lung has two
Name the fissures
Oblique / horizontal
Posterior lobe is composed up of primarily...
all lower lobe
Serous membranes that form an envelope bewee the lungs and the chest wall
Lines the outside of the lungs dipping down into the fissures
visceral pleura
Where the pleurae extend about 3 cm below the level of the lungs
"potential space"
costodiaphragmatic recess
Which broncus is shorter wider and more vertical than the other?
Right main
Transport gases between the environment and the lung parenchyma
Trachea and bronchi
Space that is filled with air but is not available for gaseous exchange (150 mL)
Dead Space
Functional repiratory unit that consist of the bronchioles alveolar ducts alveolar saces, and the alveoli
Four functions of repiratory system
1. supplying oxygen to the body for energy production
2. removing crbon dioxide as a waste product of energy reactions
3. maintaining homeostasis (acid-base balance)
4. maintaining heat exchange (less important)
slow shallow breathing that casues carbon dioxide to build up in the blood
rapid deep breathing that causes carbon dioxide to be blown off
Involuntary control of repirations is mediate by ...
the repiratory center in the brainstem (pons/Medulla)
Normal stimulus to breathe for most of us is
an increase carbon dioxide in the blood..
an increase carbon dioxide in the blood..
decrease of oxygen in the blood
Also increases respirations but is

Less effective
The physical act of breathing
air rushes into the lungs as the checst size increases
expelled from the lungs as the chest recoils
Chest cavity alters how upon inspiration and expiration
1. vertical diameter lengthens or shortens with downward movement of diaphragm
2. the A-P diameter increases or decreaes which is accomphished by elevation or depression of the ribs.
Kind of pressure


Growing fetus increases the oxygen demand on the mothers body... met by
Increasing tidal volume (deeper breathing)
Normal variations with aging adults
Costal Cartilages become calsified ( less mobile thorax)

Repiratory muscle strngth declines

Decrease in elastic properties within the lungs ( less sitnsible and lessening their tendency to cllapse and recoil)
Gredual loss of intraalveolar septa and alveoli increases the older person's risk for
Most common chronic disease in childhood
Characteristic sputum
White or clear mucoid
Colds bronchities or viral infections
Characteristics of sputum
yellow or green
bacterial infections
Characteristics of sputum
Rust colored
tuberculosis pneumoncoccal pneumonia
Characteristics of sputum
pink frothy
pulmonary edema and sympathomimetic
Characteristic cough
1. mycoplasma pneumonia
2. early hear failure
3. croup
1. hacking
2. dry
3. Barking
4. Congested
Difficulty breathing when supine
awakening from sleep with SOB and needing to sit up right
Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
Night sweats
cyanosis signals
coughing up blood
Pain accompanies deep breathing when....
the pleurae are inflamed
palpable vibrations
tactile fremitus
Occurs when anything obstructs tranmission of brbrations..
Decreases fremitus
occurs when compression or consolidation of lung tissue..... only when the bronchus is patent and when consolidation extends to surface
Increased fremitus
palpable with thick bronchial secretions
Rhonchal fremitus
Palpable with inflammation of the pleura
Pleural friction fremitus
coarse, creacking sensation.
low-ptched, clear, hollw sound that predominates in healthy lung tissue in adults
Lower-pitched booming sound found when too much air is present (emphysema)
Soft muffled thud signals abnormal density in the lungs like with pneumonia or a tumor
Dull note