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157 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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Humeral Joint
Shoulder joint
Cubital Joint
Elbow joint
Radioulnar joints
Side to side articulations between the radius and the ulna, both proximal and distal
Carpal joint
Articulations between carpal bones themselves and with adjacent radius, ulna, and metacarpal bones
Antebrachiocarpal Joint
Articulation between antebrachial skeleton and proximal row of carpal bones
Intercarpal joints
articulations between the carpal bones themselves (side-to-side) and (end-to-end)
Middle Carpal joint
intercarpal joints between proximal and distal rows of carpal bones.
Carpometacarpal joints
articulations between distal row of carpal bones and the metacarpal bones. Numbered by metacarpal bone.
Joing of the accessory carpal bone
The articulation of the accessory carpal bone with the ulna, and ulnar carpal bone. Only ulnar carpal bone in ruminants
Intermetacarpal joints
The side to side articulations between adjacent metacarpal bones. May be synovial, fibrous, or osseous.
Thoracic girdle
includes scapula and clavicle
The clavicle of the dog
has no clinical significance
The scapula is a
flat, triangular-shaped, bone
The scapula has
corners or angles
The ventral angle of the scapula articulates with the
The ventral angle of the scapula includes the
glenoid cavity
The glenoid cavity is a
smooth, concave surface separated from the rest of the scapula by a constricted neck
The supraglenoid tubercle
proximal to the glenoid cavity on the cranial border of the scapula
Coracoid process
small prominence on the craniomedial aspect of the supraglenoid tubercle
The cranial border of the scapula is
thin and rounded
Scapular notch
the concavity near the ventral angle to form the neck.
The cranial border
Thickens dorsally and is continuous with the dorsal border
Cranial angle
where the cranial border and dorsal border meet
The dorsal border is the
shortest of the three borders
The dorsal border is also
straight and capped with a rim of cartilidge
The dorsal border is continuous with the caudal border at the
caudal angle
Caudal border is
thick and straight, roughened proximally, and distally
Spine of the scapula is on the
Lateral surface of the scapula
The spine of the scapula divides the later surface into the
supraspinous fossa and infraspinous fossa
process on the ditsally extending ventral end of the spine of the scapula
The medial or costal surface of the scapula is divided into
serrated face and subscapular fossa
Serrated face of the scapula is
the dorsal-cranial portion of the medial surface.
Subscapular fossa is
smooth and has 3 lines that converge ventrally.
bony component of the arm
The humerus has
2 extremities
The proximal extremity includes
an articular surface and 2 bony prominences
The head of the humerus is the
smooth rounded articular surface on the caudomedial aspect
The proximal extremity of the humerus articulates with the
scapula to form the humeral joint
The distal extremity articulates with the
radius and ulna to form the cubital joing
The body of the humerus lies
between the extremities of the humerus
The head of the humerus articulates with the
glenoid cavity of the scapula
The greater tubercle of the the humerus is the
large rounded ridge craniolateral to the head.
The lesser tubercle of the humerus lies
medial to the head.
The groove between the greater and lesser tubercle is called
the intertubercular groove
Tricipital line
The ridge running distally from the juncion of the greater tubercle and the humeral head.
Crest of the greater tubercle
poorly defined ridge extending distally from teh cranila end of the greater tubercle.
Teres major tuberosity
roughened area on the medial side of the humerus at the junction of the proximal and middle thirds.
Humeral condyle
distal extremity of the humerus
The trochlea lies
medial to the capitulum
The trochlea is
larger than the capitulum
The trochlea articulates with
the radius and ulna
The capitulum lies
lateral to the trochlea
The capitulum articulates with the
radius only
roughened surface on either side of the humeral condyle
The lateral epicondyle is
smaller and rounded
The medial epicondyle is
larger and squared off caudally
The body of the humerus is
concave caudally
Brachial groove
smooth surface starting just distal to the head on the lateral aspect of the bone, curving craniodistally
supracondylar crest
ridge starting in the distal third of the humerus running distally on the caudal surface to the lateral epicondyle
Olecranon fossa
depression on the caudal surface of the humerus between the supracondylar crest and the medial crest
radial fossa
small depression on the cranial distal extremity of the humerus
Supratrochlear foramen is an
opening in the bone between the radial and olecranon fossa
antebrachium includes the
radius and ulna and soft tissue that surrounds them.
Radius is a
slightly curved bone with few prominences or landmarks
On cross section the radius is
oval shaped
Radius consists of
2 extremities and a body
Head of radius
proximal extremity
Fovea capitis
articular surface of the radial head
The fovea capitis articulates with the
capitulum and trochlea of the humerus.
The articular circumference
band of articular surface on the caudal surface of the radius
The articular circumference contacts the
radial notch of the ulna
Neck of radius
narrowing just distal to the head
Trochlea of radius
distal extremity
Trochle of radius articulates with the
carpal bones distally and the ulna laterally.
styloid process of the radius
pointed projection on the medial side
ulnar notch
on caudolateral border
The ulnar notch is
smooth surface that articulates with the distal end of the ulna
Most medial cranial groove on radius contains the
abductor pollicis longus m.
runs obiquely over styloid process
The middle groove of radius contains the
extensor carpi
longest and widest groove
Most lateral groove of radius contains the
tendon of the digital extensor muscle
The body of the radius has
cranial and caudal surfaces and meidal and lateral borders.
The roughened caudolateral surface of the radius
is where the interosseous ligament attaches - runs between the radius and ulna.
The ulna lies
caudal to the radius in the proximal part of the antebrachium and lateral to the radius distally
The large trochlear notch of the ulna articulates with the
the ulna distally articulates with the
radius and carpal bones
proxiaml extremity of the ulna
Olecranon functions as a
lever arm for muscle attachment
ruber olecrani
proximal portion of the olecranon of the ulna
Trochlear notch of ulna
distal portion of the olecranon
anconeal process
sharp pointed process at proximal extent of of trochlear notch
Medial and lateral coronoid process
distal protion of the trochlear notch
Medial coronoid process is the
larger process of the 2.
Radial notch
curved surface between medial and lateral coronoid process.
Roughened cranial border of ulna
holds attachment of interosseous ligament
styloid process of the ulna
narrow pointed distal extremity of the ulan.
The styloid process of the ulna articulates with
the radius and the distal most portion with the carpal bones.
The arterial supply to the forelimb is derived from the
subclavian artery
As the subclavian passes around the ______ and out of the _______ _______ it becomes the ________
first rib
thoracic cavity
axillary artery
Once the ______ artery passes the insertion of the _____ ____ and ___ ___ it becomes the ___ ____
brachial artery
_____ to the elbow the _____ ____ becomes the _____ ____
brachial artery
median artery.
The right subclavian gives off __ branches which supply the _______.
First three dorsal and the ventral intercostal spaces, and deep and superficial stuctures of the neck
Artery that arises from the subclavian artery and travels caudally on the dorsal surface of the sternum.
Internal Thoracic Artery
The first 2 branches of the axillary artery supply the
superficial pectoral m. and cutaneus trunci m.
The last major branch of the axillary artery is the
subscapular artery
The subscapular artery arises from the
deep surface of the axillary artery and travels between the subscapularis and teres major muscles
Branch of the subscapular artery
thoracodorsal artery traveling caudally on the latissimus dorsi m.
The ___ ____ ____ branches from the brachial artery on the _____ ______.
deep brachial artery
caudal surface
The deep brachial artery runs between the
long and medial heads of the triceps brachii m.
The deep brachial artery sends a branch, ___ ___ ___, to join the ____ ____.
collateral ulnar artery
ulnar nerve
The branch of the brachial artery that enters the interosseus space between radius and ulna is
common interosseous artery
The common interosseous artery branches into the
cranial interosseous artery and caudal interosseous artery
The cranial interosseous artery supplies the
craniolateral muscles of the forearm
The caudal interosseous artery supplies the
palmar surface of the forepaw
The median artery is the continuation of the ___ ____ after the ___ ____ ____ branches off.
brachial artery
common interosseus artery
The radial artery is a branch of the
medial artery
The radial artery travels along the _________ with the
medial border of the radius
deep digital flexor muscle
Distal to the carpus what 3 arteries join up?
caudal interosseous, radial and median arteries and become the primary blood supply to the paw.
The brachial plexus is the
ventral branches of the 6th, 7th, and 8th cervical, and first 2 thoracic spinal nerves.
The brachial plexus supplies the
The ____ ____ ___ innervates the superficial pectoral muscles
cranial pectoral nerves
What nerve innervates the deep pectoral muscle?
caudal pectoral nerve
What nerve passes lateral between the supraspinatus, and subscapular muscle?
suprascapular nerve
Nerve that passes deep to the acromion and enters the infraspinatus
suprascapular nerve
damage to this nerve can occur after trauma to the distal scapula.
suprascapular nerve
The primary sign of damage to the suprascapular nerve is a
prominent spine of the scapula
What nerve enters the subscapularis muscle?
subscapular nerve
What nerve travels distally between the biceps brachii and coracobrachialis muscle?
musculocutaneous nerve
The musculocutaneous nerve has both
motor and sensory fibers.
Proximally, the musculocutaneous nerve gives off
a branch to the median nerve
the musculocutaneous nerve gives off a ___ ___ to the ____ m.
motor branch
brachialis m.
The musculocutaneous nerve also gives off a ____ ____ deep to the _____m.
sensory branch
biceps brachii m.
The sensory branch of the musculocutaneous nerve recieves information from
skin of the forearm as far distally as the carpus.
axillary nerve runs between the
subscapularis and teres major muscles.
The axillary nerve innervates the
subscapularis, teres major and minor, and deltoideus muscles.
thoracodorsal nerve travels
caudally on the medial surface of the latissimus dorsi muscle
The thoracodorsal nerve travels with the
thoracodorsal artery
The median and ulnar nerves arise from a
common trunk
The median and ulnar nerves run distally caudal to
the brachial vessels
At the middle of the brachium the ___ ___ runs caudally and distally with the
ulnar nerve
collateral ulnar artery
The ulnar nerve passes between the
olecranon and the medial epicondyle of the humerus
The ulnar nerve distally runs deep to the
flexor carpi ulnaris m.
The ulnar nerve gives off a sensory branch that serves the
caudal surface of the forearm
The see the ulnar nerve you have to
reflect the flexor carpi ulnaris
The median nerve travels distally with the
brachial and then median arteries
The median nerve passes through the _____ and supplies the _____
carpal canal
palmar surface of the paw
The median and ulnar nerves supply the
caudomedial mesucles of the antebrachium
The radial nerve is the _____ nerve of the brachial plexus
The radial nerve passes laterally between the
long and medial heads of the triceps brachii m.
The radial nerve supplies the muscles that
extend the cubital joints
Deep to the lateral head of the riceps brachii muscle, the radial nerve gives off the ___ ___ which____
superficial branch
receives sensory information from the lateral and cranial forearm and dorsal paw.
The deep branch of the radial nerve supplies the
craniolateral muscles of the forearm
The radial nerve supplies what 3 groups of muscles
those that extend the cubital joint, and extend the carpal and digital joints
The radial nerve passes between the
teres major and triceps muscles
If damage to the radial nerve occurs distal to branches of the triceps muscle the dog will not be able to
extend carpal and digital joints
If damage to radial nerve is proximal to the superficial and deep branches
a los of sensation to craniolateral antebrachium and dorsal paw will occur.
if damage is proximal to the branches of the triceps brachii m. the dog will not be able to
bear weight on the limb.