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34 Cards in this Set

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Name the borders of the scapula.
1. Lateral Border
2. Medial border
3. Suerior Border
Name the Angles of the Scapula.
1. Lateral Angle
2. Superior Angle
3. Acromial
4. Inferior Angle
What Structure joins the supraspinus and infraspinus fossae?
The Splengenoid Notch
What muscles ADDuct the scapula?
1. Trapezius
2. Rhomboid Major
3. Rhomboid Minor
What Muscles ABDuct the Scapula?
Serratus Anterior
What muscles elevate the scapula?
1. Trapezius
2. Levator Scapulae
What muscles depress the scapula?
1. Trapezius
2. Pectoralis Minor
Name the tubercles n the humerus.
1. Greater Tubercle
2. Lesser Tubercle
3. Deltoid Tubercle
What muscles compose the Rotator Cuff?
1. Supraspinatus
2. Infraspinatus
3. Teres Minor
4. Subscapularis
Which direction is the typicl direction of glenohumeral dislocation?
What structures are responsible for the innervation and blood supply of the serratus anterior?
1. The Long Thoracic Nerve
2. The Lateral Thoracic Artery
Name the divisions of the triceps brachi.
1. The long head of the triceps brachi.
2. The lateral head of the triceps brachi.
3. The deep head of the triceps brachi.
What are the boundaries of the quadrangular space?
1. Teres Minor
2. Teres Major
3. The surgical neck of the humerus.
4. The long head of the triceps brachi.
What is contained in the Quadrangular space?
1. The posterior circumflex humeral artery.
2. The axillary nerve
Wha are the boundaries of the Triangular space?
1. Teres Minor
2. Teres major
3. The Long head of the triceps brachi.
What is contained in the triangular space?
The subscpular circumflex artery (cutaneous branch)
What are the boundaries of the triangular interval?
1. The long head of the triceps brachi.
2. The lateral head of the triceps brachi
3. Teres Major
What is found within the triangular interval?
The radial nerve (running along the radial groove)
Where does the subclavian artery become the axillary artery?
The outer boundary of the 1st rib.
What does the axillary artery become at the distal boundary of the teres major?
Brachial artery
What are the divisions of the Pectoralis major?
1. Sternocostal head
2. Clavicular head
What nerve innervates the clavicular head of the pectoralis major?
The lateral pectorial nerve
That nerve innervates the sternocostal head of the pectoralis major?
1. Medial pectorial nerve
2. lateral pectorial nerve
What structures run through the deltopectorial triangle?
1. Cephalic Vein
2. Thoracoacromial Artery
3. Lateral Pectorial Nerve
Chracteristics of the Pectoralis Minor?
1. Origin- ribs 3,4,5
2. Insertion- Coracoid Process
3. Inervated by medial pectorial nerve
4. Surrounded by clavipectorial fascia
Components of the Articular Capsule?
1. Synovial Capsule
2. Fibrous Capsule
Components of Synovial Joints?
1. Synovial Cavity
2. Synovial Fluid
3. Articular Cartilage
4. Fibrous Capsule (External Capsule)
Definition of an Intrensic Ligament?
Thickening of the Fibrous Capsule
Definition of an Extrensic Ligament?
Supports the Joint; is NOT a thickening of the fibrous capsule.
Components of the Glenohumeral Joint?
1. Glenoid Fossa
2. Scapula
3. Humerus
What are the components of the Acromioclavicular(AC) joint?
1. The acromion of the scapula
2. The clavicle
Where is the location of the glenohumeral bursa sac?
Between the supraspinatus and the acromion
What is the purpose of the bursa sac?
Reduce joint frition on supraspinatus.
What is the purpose of the glenoid labrum?
To provide stability to the joint by deeping the glenohumeral cavity