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58 Cards in this Set

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extreme form of ego defense can result in multiple personality disorder
atomextine can be used for what condition?
ADHD (is a NSRI, inhibits NE reuptake, is only nonstimulant treatment of ADHD)
3 current drugs to treat Tourettes
anti-dopamine agents

Binge-Eating vs Compulsive eating disorder
don't purge in either diorder

Binge- expression of deeper psychological problem, neg. feelings toward food

Compulsive- type of obsessive compulsive disorder, much time thinking about food
2 most common causes of delirium
anti-cholinergic drugs

depression in elderly (but know you are having problems with memory)
dementia with visual hallucinations, falls, syncope
Lewy Body dementia
difference between typical and atypical neuroleptics for relieving what type of symptoms for schizophrenia?

differences in side effects of atypicals?
typicals- positive symptoms

atypicals- positive AND negative symptoms

atypicals have LESS ANTICHOLINERGIC AND EPS symptoms, but still have histimine (sedation and weight gain) and alpha (hypotension) blocking
person with dystonic reaction from neuroleptic, rx?
diphenhydramine (H1 antagonist, think about trying to increased non EPS side effects to counterbalance EPS side effects)
Dantrolene treats what 3 problems caused by what 4 drug classes?

what is defect causing?
NMS/malignant hyperthermia, serotonin syndrome

inhaled anesthetics
Serotonin drugs

RYR1 defect - ryanodine receptor defect
olanzapine, clozapine, quietapine can cause
large weight gain, diabetes
what is relationship for psychotic and parkinson's drugs
can use parkinson's drugs to counteract EPS side effects,

and can use antipsychotics for parkinson-induced psychosis
what are the 3 high potency typical antipsychotics?

haloperidol, trifluoperazine, chlorpromazine, thioidazine, flufenazine
high- haloperidol, trifluoperazine, flufenazine

low- chlorpromazine, thioidazine
first treatment for serotonin syndrome (2)
cooling and benzos
most common side effect of venlafaxine, duloxetine
SNRIs (increase NE and serotonin)

increased BP
selegeline mech and use
MAO-B inhibitor, used for parkinsons
MAOI washout period
2 weeks, to avoid overlap with other drugs (for serotonin syndrome)
go over neuropharm
in flashcard exchange
which drug is a NE and dopamine reuptake inhibitor?
drug that works well with SSRIs and increases REM sleep?
what is first line for panic disorder?
cognitive behavioral therapy

(then anxiety drugs)
to have PTSD, need to have for how long?
more than 1 month

(otherwise acute stress disorder)
drug for generalized anxiety

5-HT receptor stimulator

if anxious on the bus, take buspirone
pseudocyesis is
false belief you are pregnant
know abuse, withdrawal, and intoxications
from psych farm
withdrawal from what drugs can be life-threatening and cause cardiovascular collapse?
(think of them as same cause all work at same location)
with cocaine overdose, can use what 2 drugs? PCP?
if just agitation- benzos

if hallucinating- haloperidol

PCP same
3 non-obvious complications of long-term alcoholism
-testicular atrophy
-peripheral neuropathy
-low Mg2+ (need to replace, especially if have MI/arrhythmia)
what is dry beriberi?
polyneuritis and symmetric muscle wasting
DT treatment drug
conjugate vertical gaze paralysis is what lesion?

conjugate horizontal gaze is what lesion?
vertical- superior colliculi (Parinaud syndrome, pinealoma probably)

horizontal - PPRF
acid-fast stain seeing "red snappers"

on histo, will see "horseshoe kidneys"
what exactly is a ghon focus?

how different than ghon complex?
a calcified scar from primary tuberculosis infection

ghon complex- focus plus lobar and perihilar lymph node involvement
infection bacteria that can cause jaundice
Pott's disease
TB that has invaded the vertebral bodies
Mycobacteria kansasii, what patient population gets this?
those with COPD (chronic bronchitis)
2 indications for dapsone
PCP pneumonia
which leprosy can be spread:
Tuberculoid or lepromatous?
lepromatous (the diffuse one, pt has weak T-cell mediated immunity
Lyme disease, what can happen in 3 stages?

what is drug treatment for stages?
stage 1 - erythema migratorum, flu-like

stage 2 - Cardiac block and/or myopericarditis, bilateral Bell's Palsy, meningitis

stage 3 - migratory arthritis (likes knee, can be monoarticular or multiple). also can get encephalopathy

first 2 stages- doxycycline

last stage- ceftriaxone
tree-barking of aorta indicates?

what are 2 other possible findings?
tertiary syphilis (aoritis of vasa recta)

neurosyphilis, gummas
many treponema are present in primary chancre of syphilis. what other lesion are they present in?
2ndary white lesions (condylomata lata)
anterior bowing of tibias, deafness, flat nose bridge indicate what neonatal infection? what is early sign?
saber shins, deafness, saddle nose = congenital syphilis

blood tinged nasal secretions
VDRL, FTA-ABS for syphilis, which for screening?

because can be positive with: Drugs, Mono, hepatitis, SLE, leprosy, rheumatic fever
Rickettsia symptom triad
fever, headache, rash
2 conditions that can cause desquamation of palms and soles:
Mercury poisoning

Kawasaki's disease
Coxiella Burneti:
bug class?
causes what, and how unique?

causes Q fever, but Queer because it makes SPORE, does not show up on weil-felix, and has no vector
Ixodes tick carries (2)
lyme disease, babesia
difference in rashes between rickettsia typhi and rickettsii?
typhi has fever, headache, rash on trunk that moves outward (but doesn't involve hands/feet)

rickettsii starts with hands/feet and moves in
Weil Felix tests for what bugs, what is antigen?
tests for abs against rickettsii, use Proteus antigens
pt has a severe pneumonia with a pet parrot at home, think about
chlamydia psittaci
chlamydia pneumonia:
-causes what?
-spread how?
causes intersitial (atypical/walking) pneumonia

aerosolized spread
chlamydia trichomonas
D-K do what
L1-L3 do what
D-K- like gonorrhea, can cause PID, neonatal meningitis

L1-L3- Lymphogranuloma venereum
lymphogranuloma venereum presents in what two stages
first- ulcer on penis

then inguinal lymphadenopathy
what is a haematologic complication of mycoplasma pneumoniae?
cold agglutination

(IgM lysing of RBCs in cold)
only bacterial membrane that has cholesterol
mycoplasma pneumoniae
TB prophylaxis? treatment?
prophylaxis- INH

treatment- rifampin, isoniazid, pyrazinamide, ethambutol
CD4 below 100, start prophylaxis with
azithromycin for Mycobacterium avium
gonorrhea prophylaxis