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28 Cards in this Set

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4th French Republic occurred when?
Was the 4th French Republic a success or a failure?
When did Algierians revolt?
Why does the collapse of the 4th Republic occur?
The Algierians were revolting
Who was Charles de Gaulle?
-1940, refused to stop fighting against Germans
-He becomes Premier on two conditions
1. the people have to elect him
2. will only do it for 6 months
Who starts the new 5th Republic that is still around today?
Charles de Gaulle
After Charles de Gaulle steps down from Premier, what does he become?
President of France
What year does France drop the bomb?
What year does Charles de Gaulle resign?
When was the European Coal and Steel Community created?
What is the second and last name the European Coal and Steel changes to?
2. Economic Common Market
Last. European Union (known today)
When was the Balfour Declaration written?
What did the Balfour Declaration promise?
That Jews and Palestinians the same land, thanks to Britain.

There was an Arab Revolt and the British influenced this
Who were the Irgun?
They were a Jewish terrorist group (against Britain)
What did the Irgun terrorist group do in 1946
Blew up the King David Hotel and killed 91 people
Who were the Lehis?
They negotiated with the Nazis to get Jews out of camps

They were a Jewish terrorist group from 1945-1948

They target the British and the United Nations
Who was Count Folke Bernadotte
. Lehi killed him
. He was the ambassador of the U.N.
What was the PLO?
Palistinian Liberation Organization

They ran the the West Bank
When did the PLO exist?
What was the 6 day war?
-Between Jordan, Seria and Egypt
-Isreal defeats all three countries in 6 days
-Isreal occupies the Gaza Strip and West Bank
What was the British Raj?
Britains rule of India
What happened in 1885?
The Indian National Congress was created
What does Mahatma Gandi
declares "war" with South Africa from 1893-1915

he wanted more rights for Indians
Government of India Act was created what year?
The Rowlatt Act took place in 1919. What did this state?
Indians were not allowed to have large gatherings of people
What was Jallianwala Bagh?
-Indians were meeting peacefully
-The General sent people down there and killed the Indians
-In 10 minutes, over 1000 Indians were killed
What was the Satyagraha?
Gandi's movement
What happens in 1947 to India?
India gains it's independence and splits