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37 Cards in this Set

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According to _____ Stories are the window into organizational culture. What are the 3 types of stories?
Geertz & Pacanowsky

Corporate Stories- Management's ideologies & policies
Personal Stories- How individuals want to be seen
Collegial Stories- How it Really Works
Def: Mainstreaming
Continued exposure (to violence)

Cultivation Theory
Def: Resonance
Violence experienced in Reality

Cultivation Theory
________ believes in redemption through victimage in his theory of ________
Kenneth Burke

What theory expresses that:

Identification flows between the speaker and audience as it is the common ground

Kenneth Burke
What are the 5 aspects of the Dramatistic Pentad?
1. The act names what took place in thought or deed.
2. The scene is the background of the act, the situation in which it occurred.
3. The agent is the person or kind of person who performed the act.
4. The agency is the means or instruments used to perform the act.
5. The purpose is the implied or stated goal of the act.
What is the process of designating an external enemy as the source of all our ills?

Kenneth Burke
Stanley Deetz
Critical Theory of Communication in Organizations
Which Theory seeks to balance corporate and human interests?
Critical Theory of Communication in Organizations

Stanley Deetz
Which theory believes that humans are inherently story tellers and that we make decisions based on good reason?
Narrative Paradigm

Walter Fisher
Walter Fisher
Narrative Paradigm
According to _______ in reference to ________, a sign cannot stand on its own. It is a part of a system

Roland Barthes
Which theory states that ads on tv create layers of connotation that affirm the status quo?

Roland Barthes
Roland Barthes
Stuart Hall
Cultural Studies
Which theory believes that the media function to maintain the dominance of the powerful and to exploit the poor and powerless?
Cultural Studies

Stuart Hall
What term is described as:
preponderant influence or domination of one nation over another.
Which theorists believes that media representations of culture reproduce social inequalities and keep the average person powerless?
Stuart Hall

Cultural Studies
Which theory reaffirms the power of the press while maintaining individual freedom?
Agenda Setting Theory

McCombs & Shaw
McCombs & Shaw
Agenda Setting Theory
Who thinks the media may not only tell us what to think about, they also may tell us who and what to think about it, and perhaps even what to do about it?
McCombs & Shaw

Agenda Setting Theory
A _______ is the central organizing idea for news content that supplies a context and suggests what the issue is through the use of selection, emphasis, exclusion, and elaboration.
Media Frame

Agenda Setting Theory
Elisabeth Noelle-Nuemann
Spiral of Silence
Which theory states:

People live in perpetual fear of isolating themselves and carefully monitor public opinion to see which views are acceptable.
Spiral of Silence

This theory considers public opinion a powerful force.
Defines public opinion as “attitudes one can express in public without isolating oneself.”
Spiral of Silence

What is is the central force that accelerates the spiral of silence?
Fear of Isolation

Spiral of Silence
What are the 3 things Ting-Toomey thinks are needed for effective communication?
1. Knowledge—one must be culturally sensitive.
2. Mindfulness—one must choose to seek multiple perspectives on the same event.
3. Interaction skill—one must be able to communicate appropriately, effectively, and adaptively in a given situation.
Stella Ting-Toomey
Face Negotiation Theory
Which theory contends that people from individualistic cultures with an independent self-image are concerned with protecting self-face, so they adopt a conflict style of dominating?
Face Negotiation Theory

Stella Ting Toomey
What is a a system of socially constructed symbols and meanings, premises, and rules, pertaining to communicative conduct?
Speech Code

Speech Codes Theory
Gerry Phillipsen
Speech Codes Theory
Which theorist studied "Teamsterville" and "Nacirema"?
Which Theory is this?
Gerry Phillipsen

Speech Codes Theory
Artful use of a ______ ______ can explain, predict, and control talk about talk.
Speech Code

Speech Codes Theory
Gerry Phillipsen
Which theory contends that
Strong objectivity requires that scientific research start from the lives of women, the poor, gays and lesbians, and racial minorities?
Standpoint Theory

Harding & Wood
Harding & Wood
Standpoint Theory
These chicks think that all scholarly inquiry should start from the lives of women and others who are marginalized.
Harding & Wood
Which theory has a Man-made language aids in defining, depreciating, and excluding women
Muted Group Theory

Cheris Kramarae