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56 Cards in this Set

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When did the myth of Theseus originate?
Some time after the Mycenaean Greeks invaded and conquered the Greeks (1450 BC)
Around the time the Theseus myth originated Crete still had what kind of communities?
One of the major matriarchal communities was _______, ruled by the priestess-queen and the sacred kind _____.
Cnossus, Minos
Minos left every 8 years to what?
Converse with his father Zeus about ruling.
What was the sacred symbol of Minos?
The double axe
Who was Theseus married to?
What did the marriage of Theseus to Ariadne symbolize?
A political peace treaty.
Theseus was a mixture of what?
Greatness and human frailty.
Theseus's _____ life was the highlight of his career, and his _____ life was marked by tragedy.
Early, later
The battle between the Mycenaean and the Minoans was represented by what battle in the myth of Theseus?
The battle between Theseus and the Minotaur
Zeus fell in love with who? Why?
Zeus was shot in the heart by Eros with an arrow that made him fall madly in love with Europa.
What did Zeus do about his love for Europa?
He transformed into a yellow bull, and when she got on him, he ran off with her to Crete (Over the sea), married her and she adopted children Minos, Rhadamanthys, and Sarpedon with a mortal husband (King of Crete)
Who was king of Crete after Asterius?
What request did Minos make of Poseidon/
He asked him to confirm his regal identity by sending a bull from the sea and he would sacrifice it in return.
Why was Poseidon angry with Minos? What did he do for revenge?
Minos broke his word that he would sacrifice the bull and Poseidon made his wife Pasiphae fall in love with it.
Who did the queen ask for help because she was in love with the bull? What did he do to help her? What happened because of it?
Daedalus built a realistic looking cow for her to hide in, but she got pregnant and gave birth to a monster with a bull's head and a human's body (Minotaur)
Who did the king ask for help? What did he do to help the king?
Daedalus built a place where the Minotaur could be hidden and created the Labyrinth
Who was the oldest son of Minos?
How was Androgeus killed? Name both ways.
1. Killed by jealous athletes who competed against him.
2. Killed by the bull King Aegeus told him to kill.
What was the result of Androgeus's death?
Minos sought revenge by waging war against the Athenians in Crete.
How did Minos win the war with the Athenians?
He prayed to Zeus, who brought plague, drought, and famine to them.
What did the oracle tell the Athenians?
They must satisfy Minos by taking whatever punishment he gave.
What was Minos's one condition for peace?
Once every 9 years, the Athenians had to send 7 maidens and 7 men for the Minotaur to eat.
Who was the king of Athens? Who was his brother? How many children did each have?
Aegeus - 0 sons
Pallas - 50 sons
What did Aegeus ask the oracle? What was the answer?
When he would have a son
"Do not open your mouth of your wineskin until you return home to Athens."
What did the oracle's answer mean?
Do not get drunk or get anyone pregnant until he returned to Athens.
What was King Pittheus's plan?
He got Aegeus drunk and encouraged him to sleep with his daughter Aethra.
Who were the parents of Theseus?
Poseidon and Aethra
Aegeus and Aethra
What were the orders given to Theseus's mother?
To raise him without telling him who his father was and when he was strong enough he was to retrieve sandals and a sword hidden under a rock and go to his father.
Why did Theseus decide to take the land route to Athens?
To prove that he was worthy of being a hero and to make the travel route safe by ridding it of criminals
Who was Periphetes and how did Theseus defeat him?
He beat people to death with his club - Theseus stole the club and killed him with it
Who was Sinis and how did Theseus defeat him?
He would tie people to 2 trees and let the trees go - same way
Who was the Sow of Crommyon Phaea and how was it defeated?
A monster named after th woman who fed it, he killed it
Who was Sceiron and how was it defeated?
He made travelers wash his feet but instead kicked them off a cliff to the sea/tortoise - flipped him over his head over the cliff
Who was Kind Cercyon and how was he defeated?
He forced people to wrestle and then would kill them - Theseus lifted him over his head and slammed him into the ground
Who was Damastes and how was he defeated?
He stretched people out to the size of the bed he offered or cut off their limbs to make them fit - Theseus stretched him to the size of the bed
Who was living with Aegeus and why was she afraid of him?
Medea - afraid he would take the throne
How did they plan to kill Theseus? Did it work?
Poisoning his wine, no - recognized as his son, Aegeus spilled the cup
What does Theseus volunteer to do?
Kill the Bull of marathon and be sacrificed with 14 others
What was the signal if he succeeded?
A white sail
What do Minos and Theseus do to prove they are sons of gods?
Theseus - retrieve ring from depths of the ocean
Minos - asked Zeus to blaze his lightning
Who falls in love with Theseus? What does she offer and under what condition?
Ariadne, to help him kill the minotaur if he promised to take her to Athens as his wife
Who does Ariadne go to for help?
What is Ariadne's plan to help Theseus escape?
Unwind a ball of string as he went
What are the two version of Ariadne's fate?
1. Theseus left her
2. She hanged herself
What mistake does Theseus make on his way back to Athens? What happens?
He forgets to put the white sail up and his father Aegeus kills himself.
What does Theseus do as the new king of Athens?
He refused sole power and divided it
Who did Theseus abduct from the Amazons? Who was their son?
Antiope - Hippolytos
Who did Theseus marry next? What problem did she have with Hippolytus?
Phaedra - fell in love with him (Step son)
What did she do as a result of the rejection from her step son?
She writes a note to Theseus saying Huppolytus raped her and she hung herself
How was Hippolytus killed?
Stomped to death by Seeble
Who was Theseus's eternal friend? What two daughters of Zeus did they plan to marry?
Peirithous - Helen and Persephone
What happened with Helen? Persephone?
Helen - Left to be raised with theseus's mother, rescued by brothers but Polydeuces invaded athens and burned down the Attica with the Spartan Army
Persephone - They went down to the underworld to capture her but bound to chair of forgetfullness, Hercules rescued Theseus
How was Theseus killed?
Killed by Lycomeded by pushing him off a cliff because he was jealous of Theseus's reputation
How is theseus remembered?
By heroism and glory
How does Theseus fit into the heroic pattern?
Journey home
Romantic elements
Birth: Divine father Poseidon, royal father Aegeus, Princess mother Aethra
Destiny: Fated to be great - life entertwined with Gods
Quest: Dangerous adventure to kill criminals, killed Minotaur and half Pallas's sons
Journey home: Forgot white sail
Reward - became king
Romantic elements - many love interests (Aridne, Helen, Antiope)