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31 Cards in this Set

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General Treatment Principles: (8)
1. Improve the diet
2. Support the liver
3. Boost the Immune system
4. Remove known triggers
5. Support emotionally
6. Reduce stress
7. Treat Symptoms
8. Inhibit tumour growth and proliferation
Tumour promoters (5)
1. Insulin
2. Oestrogen
3. Oxidative stress
4. Inflammation
5. Insulin-like growth factor 1
Reduce Cancer promoters: (10)
1. Microbial Contaminants
2. Salt
3. Cured & Smoked Foods
4. Cooking at High temperatures
5. Alcohol
6. Obesity
7. Dietary Fat
8. Excessive Protein
9. Red Meat
10. Dairy
Introduce Cancer Demotors (4)
1. Fibre
2. Phytonutrients – Carotenoids, Flavonoids, Organosulphides (isothiocyanates – Brassacas sulphoraphane – allium family, garlic onion
3. Antioxidants
4. Folic acid
• Promote synthesis of detoxification
• Act as antiproliferative agents
• Angiogenesis inhibitors
• Immune stimulants
• Antioxidants
• Orange, Yellow and Dark Green Veg: Carrots, Sweet Potato, Pumpkin, Melon, Kale, Dandelion
• Low Carotenoid consumption is linked to many cancers
• Protect against oxidative damage
• Boost immune system: Stimulate effector T- cell functions, enhancing cytotoxic capabilities
• Eating these also increase your nutrient & fibre intake
• Onions, kale, grape, citrus fruit, apple, pear
• Powerful inhibitors of many cancers including human breast cancer cells
• Broccoli, Kale, Cabbage etc.
• Best cooked – raw contain goitrogens – thyroid suppressing agents
• Contain Anti – cancer phytochemicals – indoles & isothiocyanates
• High in Vit A, C & E – Antioxidents
• High in Fibre
Other important Veg
1. Garlic & Onions – tumour growth inhibition; cancer formation inhibition
2. Folic Acid – DNA protection
3. Red, white radishes and beets – support the liver and have anticancer properties
4. Shitake mushrooms – immune enhancing
5. Avocados – High Nutrient Value, great for a poor appetite or in recovery
6. Berries – Antioxidant, OPC’s, Flavanoids, Fibre
Green Tea cancer treatment indication
Protects against carcinogens & inhibits tumour initiation
General Herbs for Cancer (10)
1. Echinacea
2. Curcuma longa
3. Galium
4. Shizandra
5. Hydrastis
6. Astragalus
7. Centella
8. Carduus
9. Glycyrrhiza
10. Essiac formula
• Tumours developing their own blood supply to aid their proliferation
• Curcuma longa, Ginkgo biloba, Zingiber
Astragalus Actions(4) & Cancer treatment Indication
Immunomodulator Adatogen Cardotonic Antioxidant

• immune system booster, stimulate body’s natural production of interferon. It also helps the immune system identify rogue cells.
• Has been shown to protect the heart, liver and kidney from toxicity of chemo
• Research: The MD Anderson Cancer Centre in Texas conducted research showing that taking Astragalus when having Radiotherapy doubled survival times.
Curcuma longa Actions (7) & Cancer treatment indication
Anti-inflammatory, Antioxidant, Carminative Anti-microbial, Alterative , Cholagogue, Vulnerary

• Turmeric root has been shown to have significant anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory activity. That alone seems enough for certain hospitals in America to consider using it in the treatment of polyps and colon cancer.
• Tumour growth inhibitor & Angiogenisis
• It is a powerful antioxidant with liver protective benefits, and outperformed several anti-inflammatory drugs without side-effects in research.
Shizandra chinensis Actions (7) & Cancer treatment Indications
Hepatoprotective, antioxidant, astringent, tonic, adaptogen, nervine tonic (mild sedative), mild antidepressant

• Used for its adatogenic properties and immune enhancement
• Supports the liver and protects against chemical toxicities such as chemo
• Potent Antioxidant
Echinacea Actions(8) & Cancer treatment Indications
Anti-microbial, Alterative, Anti-viral, Immunomodulator, Lymphatic ,Diaphoretic ,Vulnerary Antiseptic
• Potent Immune system booster
• Activates anti tumour immune fighting cells, makes macrophages cytotoxic and has some direct tumour-destructive constituents
• There is research on its helpfulness with brain tumours apart from its abilities to increase the levels of certain immune white cells in the body
Hydrastsis canandensis Actions & Cancer Indications
Tonic, Astringent, Anti-catarrhal, Anti-microbial, Laxative, Muscular stimulant, Oxytoxic, Bitter
• Mainly used to treat breast & stomach cancer (H Pylori)
• Berberine – potent anti-tumour activity
• Generally Antimicrobial
Centella Asiatica Actions (7) & Cancer treatment indications
Adaptogen, Alterative, Nervine, Vulnerary, Mind tonic, Anti-inflammatory, Analgesic
• Promotion of healing post operative or post radiation. Increases healing, decreases inflammation, inhibits scar tissue formation and the reoccurance of cancer
• Assists the nervous system with stress and fears associated with cancer
• Increase formation of connective tissue components such as hyaluronic acid (shown to block signals of ras a cancer causing gene and stop the growth of tumour cells)
Carduus Marianum Actions(5) & Cancer Treatment Indications
Choleretic, Anti-Inflammatory, Hepatoprotective, Hepatic trophorestorative, Antioxidant

• Protects the liver during treatment – chemo & radiation
• Anti-carcinogentic properties against certain breast cancer promoting enzymes
• Antioxidant
Gallium aparine Actions (6) & Cancer Treatment Indications
Diuretic, Alterative, Anti-inflammatory, Lymphatic tonic, Astringent, Anti-Neoplastic
• Part of a cleansing program for cancer
• Anti Neoplastic
• Any cancer where there is lymphatic involvement
Glycyrrhiza glabra Actions (6) & Cancer Treatment Indications
Expectorant, Demulcent, Anti-inflammatory, Adrenal tonic, Anti-tumour, Immunostimulating
• Increases Interferon and has natural killer cell activity
• Is liver protecting and has shown the ability to block tumour promoting agents
• Immuntimulating
Essiac 4 Herbs & Actions
1. Rumex acetosella - Sheep’s sorrell Used in Essiac and other herbal remedies it is a cleanser and aids healthy tissue regeneration. There is some suggestion from research that it helps ‘normalise’ damaged cells and tissue.
2. Arctium lappa – Alterative, Anti-microbial, Bitter, Diuretic
3. Slippery Elm – Demulcent, astringent, nutritive, anti-inflammatory
4. Rhuem palmatum – Bitter, Mild purgative, Astringent
Dietary advice for breast cancer:
1. Ensure adequate protein intake (but not excessive) Protein is need for metabolism of oestrogen in the liver, and for the production of SHBG – sex hormone binding globulin
2. Increase phytoestrogens. These can modulate oestrogen levels by increasing the liver production of SHBG; perform competitive inhibition for oestrogen receptor sites; may slow down the conversion of androgens to oestrogens. Use Food daily – Herbs in diet frequently and herbs when needed and for short periods of time.
3. Increase consumption of brassicas. These upregulate liver enzymes responsible for conjugating oestrogens; are cancer protective.
4. Increase cultured foods such as yoghurt, kefir. These can be a source of beneficial bowel flora, aiding in the metabolism of oestrogen.
Isoflavones, Lignans, Coumestans, Flavnoids
• Trifolium pratense, Humulus lupulus – exert stronger activity in the body than endrogenous oestrogen
• Whole grains (rye, oats, barley, millet, rice, wheat, corn)
• Edible seeds (buckwheat, sesame, sunflower, pumpkin, amaranth, quinoa)
• Beans (yellow split peas, black turtle beans, baby limas, Anasazi beans, red kidney beans, red lentils, soy beans)
• Leafy greens and seaweed (parsley, nettle, kelp, cabbage, broccoli, kale, collards, lamb's quarter)
• Fruits (olives, cherries, grapes, apples, pears, peaches, plums, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, salmon berries, apricots, crab apples, quinces, rosehips, blueberries)
Lung Cancer Risk Factors, Signs & Symptoms
Risk: Smoking and exposure to certain chemicals – asbestos
Lung cancer does not generally cause symptoms in the early stages. When symptoms do occur, they are usually a result of the cancer growing and causing pressure or pain. They include:
1. a nagging, persistent cough
2. wheezing and shortness of breath
3. recurrent chest infections such as pneumonia and bronchitis
4. blood in the sputum (phlegm)
5. chest, shoulder or back pain unrelated to pain from coughing
6. neck and facial swelling
7. hoarseness (a 'husky' voice)
8. unexplained weight loss
9. loss of appetite
10. unsteady walk and occasional memory lapses
Breast Cancer Risk Factors, Signs & Symptoms
Risk: 4/5 over 50, Family History, Early menarche, late menopause
Possible Risks: HRT, Oral Contraceptives, Obesity, Link with daily consumption of alcohol

Signs and symptoms ;
1. a lump or thickening in the breast or armpit
2. changes in the skin, such as dimpling, puckering or redness
3. changes in the nipple, such as a change in direction of the nipple or an unusual discharge
4. changes around the nipple, such as an unusual rash or sore area
5. a change in the size or shape of the breast
6. unusual pain or discomfort.

VIP to lower estrogen
Cervical Cancer Risk and Signs & Symptoms
Risk: HPV – Human papilloma virus, Smoking, HIV, sexually active at an early age or many partners (correlation or causation?)

Signs & Symptoms
1. Early stages does not cause many symptoms
2. Bleeding after intercourse
3. Bleeding between periods
4. Unusual discharge
Prostate Cancer Risk and Signs & Symptoms
Risk: Age – over 50, Family history, Race – more common in African decent, exposure to radiation

Signs & Symptoms – Similar to BPH
1. having to rush to the toilet to pass urine
2. passing urine more often and/or at night
3. difficulty starting the flow of urine
4. starting and stopping whilst passing urine
5. discomfort (pain or burning) whilst passing urine
6. a feeling of not having emptied the bladder fully
7. dribbling of urine
8. blood in urine or semen
9. pain in the back, hips or pelvis.
Colorectal Cancer Risks & Signs and Symptoms
Risk: Age – over 50, history of IBD, Diet high in meat and fat, Family history

Symptoms may include:
1. blood red or black malena, or mucus in the stool
2. changes in bowel habits: diarrhoea, constipation or both, anything that is abnormal.
3. feeling of incomplete evacuation
4. pain or discomfort in the stomach area
5. unexplained weight loss
6. extreme tiredness
7. abdominal mass.
8. The most common cause for bleeding PR, is pile
Skin Cancer Signs and symptoms
Approximately one third of melanomas develop from normal moles. The rest develop at sites of previously normal skin. People should look out for:
any unusual sore, lump, or blemish which lasts for more than a few weeks
areas of skin that become scaly, itchy, tender or red
areas of skin that ooze, bleed, or become crusty.
Features of unusual moles include:
• Asymmetry
Most normal moles are even in shape, whereas most melanomas are irregular.
• Border
Most normal moles have a smooth clear-cut border, whereas the edges of a melanoma are often ragged and irregular.
• Colour
Most normal moles are even in colour, whereas melanomas often consist of a mixture of colours, including brown, black and blue.
• Diameter
Most normal moles are smaller than 6mm, whereas melanomas are often larger.
• Enlargement
A normal mole will only grow larger very gradually.
Stomach Cancer Risk & Signs and Symptoms
Risks: H.pylori, Diet – salted, cured, processed; tobacco & alcohol, Achlorhydria, Gender – Men, Age 50 – 70

Signs and symptoms;
1. Stomach cancer does not usually produce symptoms in its early stages. When symptoms do occur, they include:
2. unexplained weight loss
3. loss of appetite over a period of a few weeks
4. pain or discomfort in the abdomen
5. feeling full or bloated after eating, even after a small meal
6. indigestion or heartburn
7. nausea and vomiting
8. blood in stools (motions), or in vomit
9. a swollen abdomen.