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67 Cards in this Set

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what is the precursor of 5HT?
what is the precursor of NE?
how do antidepressants work? (MOAs) (5)
1. block alpha 2 on pre synaptic
2. block NE reuptake
3. activate alpha 1 on post syn
4. activate beta 1 on post syn
5. prevent NE breakdown
_____ 5HT1a, 1b, 1d (autoRc) on ___ synaptic

(activate / inhibit) (pre / post)
inhibit 5HT1a, 1b, 1d (autoRc) on pre synaptic
_____ 5HT1a on ___ synaptic

(activate / inhibit) (pre / post)
activate 5HT1a on post synaptic
_____ 5HT2a on ___ synaptic

(activate / inhibit) (pre / post)
inhibit 5HT2a on post syn
name the DSM 4 depression criteria (9)
1. depressed mood
2. sleep
3. interest
4. guilt
5. energy
6. concentration
7. appetite
8. psychomotor
9. suicidal ideation
___/+ Sx must be present during the ___ __ (#) wk period & at least 1 of those Sx must be _____ ____ or loss of _____ to be considered depression
5/+ Sx must be present during the SAME 2 wk period @ at least 1 of those Sx must be DEPRESSED MOOD or loss of PLEASURE/INTEREST to be considered depression
what must you always ask a PT about when Dxing depression?
suicidal ideation
what are the stages of depression, how long does each last, what is the goal of each stage? (3)
1. acute; 6-10 wks; remission
2. continuation; 4-9 mo after remission achieved; recovery (eliminate residual Sx & prevent relapse)
3. maintenace; at least 12-36 mo; prevent recurrence
if you have
1 episode Tx lasts __ (#) yr
2 episode Tx lasts __ (#) yr
3 episode Tx lasts __ (#) yr
1 episode Tx lasts 1 yr
2 episode Tx lasts 1.5 yr
3 episode Tx lasts the rest of your life bc will have recurrent episodes
you relapse faster if you don't go thru which phase? (acute/continuation/maintenace)
how many shots do you have at achieving remission?
2, the first 2
antidepressant trials last at least __ (#) wks bc it sometimes takes longer to reach remission
at least 8 wks
T/F The preferred goal of treatment is to achieve at least partial remission.
False. goal is to achieve remission bc partial remission will relapse unless 1) augment w/ med w/ diff MOA 2) inc dose 3) switch agent
For most antidepressants if they aren't working you switch to a drug with a diff MOA, all except which class?
what are some non pharmacologic options for depression? (5)
1. psychotherapy (cognitive behavioral therapy, interpersonal psychotherapy)
2. light therapy (Vit D)
3. herbal meds (St John's Wort)
4. Vagus Nerve Stimulation Therapy (L vagus nerve, alters NE release)
5. Electroconvulsive therapy (severe/psychotic suicidal)

usually used in combo
What are some advantages & disadvantages of electroconvulsive therapy?
(+) very effective, most effective agent for Txing dep
(+)can use on pregos

(-) high relapse rates
(-) many SE/AE
T/F MAOIs are first line antidepressants
F. MAOIs should be reserved for PTs that have failed other TXs
What is the most impt thing to consider when choosing 1st line meds?
T/F tertiary amines have more anticholinergic SE than secondary amines
which tertiary amine also treats OCD?
clomipramine (anafranil). it's also the best TCA for dep but not Rx'd much bc SE
amoxapine is a TCA that has anti ______ props
anti psychotic props
inhibit 5HT & NE reuptake
T/F TCAs are considered first line antidepressants
False too many SE
which SSRI at high doses causes antichol SE? which population is it esp problematic for?
paroxetine (paxil); HIV PTs on ritonavir
which SSRI causes wt gain?
citalopram (celexa); affinity for H1 Rc --> wt gain & sedation
what is the S enantiomer of celexa? Is it better tolerated than celexa?
Escitalopram (lexapro). Yes it's better tolerated than celexa bc less SE, dec drug interaxns, & 0 interaxns w/ HIV protease inhs
how long is the wash out period if you're switching from SSRI to MAOI?
5 wks
which SSRI has the longest t1/2?
fluoxetine (prozac)
which SSRI used to TX OCD? (it's been D/C in US)
what SE is common among SNRI?
1. nausea
2. dose related HTN
3. inc HR
what else does cymbalta TX other than depression?
DM neuropathy
what is a SE of cymbalta?
inc LFTs
which has more BP effects effexor or pristiq?
which drug is the most tolerable, good for seasonal affective disorder, has the least amt of sexual SE, but isn't good for PTs w/ Hx of seizures or already have sleeping issues bc it can cause insomnia?
a. venlafaxine (effexor)
b. trazodone (desyrel)
c. bupropion (wellbutrin)
d. fluoxetine (prozac)
c. bupropion (wellbutrin)

most tolerable, good for seasonal affective disorder, has the least amt of sexual SE, but isn't good for PTs w/ Hx of seizures or already have sleeping issues bc it can cause insomnia
MOA of 5HT modulators:
inhibit 5HT2a post syn
[Trazodone (Desyrel) / Nefazodone (Serzone)] has helped w/ psychotic depression, but also causes hepatotoxicity.
Nefazodone (Serzone)

has helped w/ psychotic depression, but also causes hepatotoxicity.
mirtazapine (remeron) acts at 3 locations
1. inhibits alpha 2 on pre syn
2. inhibits 5HT2a on post syn
3. inhibit 5HT3
SE of mirtazapine include:
1. wt gain
2. sedation

but it prevents nausea
1. psychotic dep
2. substance abuse
3. narcolepsy

a. modafinil
b. lamotrigine
c. Lithium
d. buspirone
c. Li 1. psychotic dep
d. buspirone 2. substance abuse
a. modafinil 3. narcolepsy
when using combo therapy for TXing dep, you should use 2 drugs with (same/diff) MOA and use the (partial/full) doses of each
when using combo therapy for TXing dep, you should use 2 drugs with DIFF MOA and use the FULL doses of each
how long does it typically take before you see any effects of anti depressants?
2-4 wks
how long does it typically take for remission to occur?
4-8 wks
_____ Sx improve before _____ Sx

(cognitive, vegetative)
T/F Antipsychotics are an appropriate TX option for major depression
False. Don't use anti psychs for major dep
T/F Antidepressants are considered very unsafe for children & adolescents bc it causes suicidal ideation
True black box warning for children & adolescents
which types of anti deps cause anticholinergic SE? (3)
1. TCAs
2. MAOIs
3. paroxtine at high doses

TX w/ increased fluids & fiber, dec dose, switch agent
which anti deps (classes) have CV SE?
arrhythmias (1), orthostatic hypotension (3), HTN (2)
1. TCAs
orthostatic hypotension
1. TCAs
2. MAOIs
3. 5HT modulators (nefazodone mild)
1. SNRIs (dose related)
2. MAOIs w/ inc ingestion of tyramine foods --> HTN crisis
which anti deps cause wt gain?
short term? long term?
short term wt gain (2-5 lb/wk)
1. TCAs
2. mirtazapine
long term wt gain (20-40 lbs)
1. SSRIs

Tx: avoid/switch agent
which drugs cause GU SE?
1. TCAs
2. MAOIs, paroxetine, trazodone
Priapism (nonsexual erection):
1. trazodone
retrograde ejaculation:
1. alpha blockers
anorgasmia (inability to orgasm):
1. TCAs
2. MAOIs
3. SSRIs (paroxetine)
which drugs have hepatic SE?
1. TCAs
2. MAOIs
3. Nefazodone (black box hepatotoxicity)
(4. duloxetine inc LFTs)
which drugs have neurologic SE?
1. TCAs
2. bupropion

5HT syndrome
1. TCAs
2. MAOIs
3. SSRIs
4. venlafaxine, duloxetine, nefazodone, trazodone

1. TCAs
2. trazodone
3. nefazodone
4. mirtazapine

1. MAOIs
2. SSRIs
3. venlafaxine
4. duloxetine
5. bupropion
which cause GI SE? (mainly nausea) (6)
1. TCAs
2. MAOIs
3. SSRIs
4. venlafaxine
5. duloxetine
6. nefazodone

TX: take w/ food; wait/slow titration; dec dose; switch agent to H2 antag or 5HT3 antag (mirtazapine)
which cause dermatologic SE?
bupropion (high dose >300mg QD)

TX: switch med; dec dose
what pregnancy category are all anti deps? what are the exceptions & their respective preg cat?
1. all preg cat C
2. paroxetine & some TCAs -- D
When do you most often see discontinuation syndrome?
w/ paroxetine & SNRIs (sometimes TCAS & SSRIs NOT fluoxetine)
how do you avoid D/C syndrome?
taper gradually
Jack has been taking Effexor for 1 yr. His sister Jill has been on Paroxetine for 5 yrs. Their dr has decided that neither of them need to be on anti depressants anymore. Would they both be tapered off for the same amt of time?
No. Jill needs to be tapered for a longer period more slowly bc she was on it longer.
Which class do these drugs belong to?
1. fluoxetine (prozac)
2. sertraline (zoloft)
3. paroxetine (paxil)
4. citalopram (celexa)
5. escitalopram (lexapro)
6. fluvoxamine
Name the class:
1. amitriptyline
2. clomipramine
3. doxepin
4. imipramine
Name the class:
1. venlafaxine (effexor)
2. desvenlafaxine (pristiq)
3. duloxetine (cymbalta)
Name the class:
1. bupropion (wellbutrin)
Dpa/NE reuptake inh
Name the class:
1. trazodone (desyrel)
2. nefazodone (serzone)
5HT modulators
Name the class:
1. mirtazapine (remeron)
5HT/NE modulator
1. mirtazapine a. SSRI
2. venlafaxine b. SNRI
3. sertraline c. MAO I
4. bupropion d. Dpa/NERI
e. 5HT/NE modulator
e. 5HT/NE modulator 1. mirtazapine
b. SNRI 2. venlafaxine
a. SSRI 3. sertraline
d. Dpa/NE RI 4. bupropion
1. clomipramine
2. trazodone
3. duloxetine
4. escitalopram

a. TCA
d. 5HT modulator
e. 5HT/NE modulator
a. TCA 1. clomipramine
d. 5HT modulator 2. trazodone
c. SNRI 3. duloxetine
b. SSRI 4. escitalopram