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108 Cards in this Set

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the structure of an organism or body
consists of subatomic particles that all substances are composed of.
are specific arrangments of atoms
are basic functional units of all living matter
are collections of similar cells that carry out specific bodily functions
combinations of tissue and cells that form a complex structure to perform a certain function within the system
organ system
is a number of organs working together to perform a bodily function.
a colorless, jelly-like substance in which food elements, such as protein, fats, carbohydrates, mineral and water, are present.
all of the substance within the cell wall other than the nucleus
the main central body of living cells that contains the genetics informations for continuing life
cell membrane
permits soluble substances to enter and leave the protoplasm.
cytoplasmic organelles
discrete structure within a cell, having specialized functions, identifying molecular structures, and a distinctive chemical composition.
the repeated division of the ovum during early developmental stages, resulting in specialized cells that differ from one another.
the process of cell division in which a cell divides into two cells identical to the parent cells
a process of cell division in which the nucleus and cytoplasm split in two
the process taking place in living organisms whereby the cells are nourished and carry out their activities
the process of building up of larger molecules from smaller ones.
the breaking down of larger substances into smaller ones
are proteins that act as catalysts for chemical reactions in metabolism while remaining unchanged themselves.
molecule that stores energy in the body and releases it when it breaks down into ADP
the innermost layer of cells of the zygote.
the middle layer of cells of the zygote
the outermost layer of cells of the zygote
epithelial tissue
a protective layer that functions in the processes of the absorptions, excretion, secrtion, and protection
skeletal membrane
covers bone and cartilage.
a fibrous membrane that functions to protect the bone and serves as an attachment of tendons and ligaments.
is the membrane covering cartilage
synovial membrane
a connective tissue membrane lining cavities and capsules in and around joints.
areolar tissue
loose connective tissue that binds the skin to the underlying tissues and fills the spaces between the muscles.
superficial fascia
refers to the connecting layer between the skin and those structure underlying the skin
adipose tissue
areolar tissue with an abundance of fat cells
reticular tissue
composed of fibers that form the framework of the liver and lymphoid organs
fibrous connective tissue
composed of collagen and elastin fibers that are closely arranged to form tendons and ligaments
are bands that attach muscle to bone
are bands of fibrous tissue that connect bones to bones
fibrous connective tissue that forms a network throughout the body, surrounding every structure to support, separate, and give shape to the body
deep fascia
refers to fibrous tissue sheaths that penetrate deeps into the body, separating muscle groups.
found between the vertebrae and pubic symphysis
bone tissue
connective tissues in which the intercellular substances is rendered hard by mineral salts, chiefly calcium carbonate and calcium phosphate
skeletal muscles
are attached to bone by tendons and are responsible for moving the limbs, facial expression, speaking, and other voluntary movements
voluntary muascles
skeletal muscles that can be activated by conscious effort
smooth muscle tissue
lacks striations and cannot be stimulated to contracted by conscious effort
cardiac muscle tissue
occurs only in the heart and is responsible for pumping blood through the heart into the blood vessels.
nervous tissue
composed of neurons and initiates, controls, and coordinates the body's adaptation to it's surroundings.
the structural unit of the nervous system
liquid tissue
represented by blood and lymph
anatomic position
standing with feet shoulder width apart, arms at the side, with the palms of the hands facing forward
sagittal plane
divides the body into left and right parts
coronal plane
divides the body into the front and back
transverse plane
divides the body horizontally into an upper and lower portion
the outermost layer of the skin
is the deeper layer of the skin that extends to form the subcutaneous tissue
subcutaneous tissue
regarded as a continuation of the dermis
decubitus ulcers
are bedsores.
basal cells carcinoma
a type of skin cancer
malignant melanoma
the most serious form of skin cancer.
an abnormal growth of swollen tissue that can be located on any part of the body
venereal diseases
associated with the sexual organs and are characterized by sores and rashes on the skin
a serious disease that is transmitted by sexual contact with an infected person
a venereal disease characterized by a discharge and burning sensation when urinating
a virus that affects the mouth, skin, and other facial parts, commonly called cold sores and fever blister.
an acute inflammation of a nerve trunk by the herpes varicellazoster virus
is an enlarged area on the ends of long bones that articulates with other bones
is a layer of hyaline cartilage covering the end surface of the the epiphysis
articular cartilage
is the bone shaft between the epiphyses
is a fibrous membrane that functions to protect the bone and serves as an attachment of tendons and ligaments.
forms the hard bone found in the shafts of long bones and along the outside of the flat bones
compact bone tissue
located inside long bones, consists of irregularly shaped spaces defined by thin, bony plates
spongy bone
is the hollow chamber formed in the shaft of long bones that is filled with yellow bone marrow
medullary cavity
is the connective tissue filling in the cavites of bones that forms red and white blood cells
is made up of bones of the skull, thorax, vertebral column, and the hyoid bone
axial skeleton
is made up of bones of the shoulder, upper extremities, hips, and lower extremities
appendicular skeleton
have no space and are held together by fibrous connective tissue
fibrous joints
are joints held together with cartilage with no jooint cavity
cartilaginous joints
have a joint cavity surrounded by an articular capsule
synovial joints
are bands of fibrous tissue that connect bones to bones
are fibrous sacks lined with synovial membrane and lubricated with snyovial fluid, functioning as a cushion in areas of pressure
is a weakening of the intervertebral disc resulting in a protrusion into the vertebral canal, potentially compressing the spinal cord
herniated disk
is an injury to a joint resulting in stretching or tearing of the ligaments
a degenerative arthritic condition affecting the vertebrae.
is the capacity of muscles to receive and react to stimuli
is the ablitiy of a muscle to contract or shorten and thereby exert force
refers to tissue's ability to return to normal resting length when a stress that has been placed on it is removed
is the ability of a muscle to stretch
is the cell wall of the muscle cell
the smallest functional unit of the muscle cell containing the actin and myosin filaments
a protein that forms filaments that make up nearly 50% of muscle tissue and are involved in muscle contraction
a protein in muscle tissue that forms filaments that interact with myosin filaments to cause muscle contractions
system of channels within the muscle cell containing extracellular fluid that helps transmit nerve impulses throughout the cell
transverse tubules
is a network of membanous channels within the muscle cell that release calcium ions, causing muscle contraction
sarcoplasmic reticulum
the connection point of the motor nerve and the muscle cell
myoneural junction
located in the belly of muscle, alert the CNS as to the length and stretch and speed of the muscle
spindle cell
consists of a motor neuron and all the muscle fibers it controls
motor unit
makes energy for reconstituting ADP in cell mitochondrion
aerobic cellular respiration
is a process in which glucose is broken down in the absence of oxygen
anaerobic respiration
is a condition in which the muscle ceases to respond due to oxygen debt from rapid or prolonged muscle contractions
muscle fatigue
is a type of muscle contraction present in healthy muscles even when at rest
muscle tone
is a point where the end of a muscle is anchored to an immovable section of the skeleton
origin of a muscle
is the more mobile attachment of a muscle to bone
insertion of a muscle
occurs when a muscle contracts and the ends of the muscle do not move
isometric contraction
occurs when a muscle contracts and the distance between the ends of the muscle changes
isotonic contraction
occurs when a muscle contracts while the ends of the muscle move farther apart
eccentric contraction
the primary muscle responsible for a specific movements
prime mover
a prime mover
the muscle that performs the opposite movement of the agonist
muscles that assist the agonist
muscle that act to stabilize a body part so another muscle can act on an adjacent limb or body part

primary function of muscle

heat production, movement, posture