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39 Cards in this Set

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introduction tcm diagnostic

Signs and symptoms are grouped together
Patterns can be arranged
tcm is primarily based on a system of pattern discrimination
.form a pattern which then indicates a particular course of treatments
according to a number of a method.
10 types of chinese pattern discrimination
8 principles patterns
5 phases pattern
Qi & Blood pattern
Fluid & Humor discrimination
what makes a pattern

Only information gathered through the 4 examinations is germane in making a Chinese pattern discrimination
1. signs and symptoms
2.Tongue Signs
3. Pulse Signs
Fundamental Strategy of Treatment:
1.Regulation of Yin and Yang
2.strengthen what is right and expel what is pathogenic.
3. Distinguish the root from the branch
4. Consideration:
A. Climate or Seasonal Change
B. Geographical Location
C. Patient Physical consitution
8 Methods of Treatment
1. sweating -hun fa
2. ejecting/vomiting- tu fa
3. precipitation/downward draining- xia fa
4. Clearing - qing fa
5. Dispersing/reducing
6. Harmonizing - he fa
7. Warming- wen fa
8. Tonifying - bu fa
1. Part of Jie Biao resolve exterior, free exterior of evils.
2. Induce sweating by dispersing the lung qi.
3. regulating interaction between ying and wei
4. open the pores to release obstruction and pathogenic influences
5. related methods: resolving - Jie, Outhrusting Tou discharging xie dispelling - qu
1. Ejecting:
2. Precipitation - xia fa
1. Inducing vomiting or coughing in order to eject evils or obstruction.
2. Vomiting to remove food stagnaton etc.
3. Coughing to clear the throat or Lung of phlegm etc.
4. Summary of treatment methods.
5A..inducing of defecation in order to purge or expel repletion or accumlations
6.B. Purge heat accumulations.
7. C. Warm yang and guide out accumulations
8.D. Moisten intestines andunblock bowels
9.E. Drive out excess water
1. method used to address heat
2.Clear Heat drain fire to eliminate heat
3.cooling dryness or eliminating warm, dryness in warm disease
4.clear heat Qi level
5. Clear heat ying and cool blood
6. Clear heat from organs
7. Clear heat relieve toxicity
8 . treatment method.
1. break up clumping or accumlations in the body.
2.Qi statgnation, static Blood, concretions, conglomerations, lumps, glomus,food accumulation, edema calculi, phlegm, nodules, abscess, parasites etc.
3.Eliminate food stagnation
4. transform phlegm
5 Kill parasites
6. redce sores and absesses
treating vacuity, both yang and yin methods that are named with different terms
1. Boost--yi enhance or benefit or augmen
2. Foerify - jian make healthy or strengthen.
3. Nourish (yang)
4 .Enrich (zi)
5. Emoliate (rou)
A. Warming
1. regulate or adjust functions within the human body.
2. Harmonize Ying & Wei, Liv & Sp, Ht & KD ect.
3. Used when other methods canot me used. Like sweating, or ejection.
4.Clearing, warming or supplemental can not be appied treatment methods
A. Warms and open channels
B. Removes cold from channels and facilitates movement
C. Restoring fuction of Yang Qi
D. Warm channels disperse cold
E. Warm Middle disperse cold
F. return or rescue Yang Qi
8 Principles:
1. exterior/interior
1. Location of desease
2. penetrate move from exterior to interior
3. less significant for internal damage etc.
Hot/ Cold
1. Decribes nature of disease
2. what affectations can be expected
3.clarify Cooling and warming therapies or medicinals
Repletion or Vacuity
1. Describe strength of the Right Qi.
2. In repletion condititon the focus of treatment will be on dispelling or draining pathogenic qi
3. Vacuity: will be restoring or supplementing the Right Qi.
Yang or Yin
Principles that describe relationships, classify the other 6 principles.
1.Yin- Interior, cold, vacuity, dampness
2. Yang- Exterior, Heat, repletion, wind
1.Combined patterns
2.Conversion patterns
3.Complex patterns
1. ex. Exterior + Cold; Interior + heat.
2. Cold turning into heat.
3. appearance of interior and exterior symptoms is simultaneous considered a combided pattern
1. Exterior:
2. General presentations of Exterior patterns
1. level of body: hair, skin, flesh or superficial channels.
2. if not expelled it inters the Lou.
3. the pathology of Exterior Patterns is one of obstruction of the dispersing profusion of wei qi. This causes a pathogen to lodged in the exterior where the yang qi attempts to expel them.
Because the lung rules the exterior and the wei qi, there often Lung symptoms.
1. Acute onset, adversion to cold or wind.
Adversion to cold or wind.
Pain in Limbs
Pluse: Floating
Exterior Patterns:
4 types:
Cold: Floating and tight pulse, Tongue: Thin white tongue coat.
Heat: Floating and Rapid pulse, Tongue: Floating and Rapid.
Repletion: lack of sweating and tight pulse usually by cold.
vacuity: sweating Floating pluse and Forceless, D/T disharmany between ying qi and wei qi.
Sweating to release pathogens- Han fu.
Shu Bido mild sweating
Formula: Wind Cold
Ma Huang,
Zi Su Ye
Jing JIE
Qiang Hou
Formulas: Ma Huang Tang
Lung 7, LI 4, LI 11, SJ 5, UB 12 UB 11, UB 13, GV,16
Herbs wind heat
Be he, sang ye, niu bang zi,
Formula Yin Qiao san,
San, San Ju Yin
Interior Patterns
1.1. Associated with (internal weakness) deseases that have penetrated deeper or more severe
2.May present in different ways
depending on the nature of the pathogen
3.often the largest stage of illness or lingering pathology.
4 types:
1. Accumulation of internal heat.
2. Vacuity of Yin with Empty Heat.
3. Accumulations of interior cold
4.Yang Qi Vacuity
Accumulation of Internal Heat
Full heat Excess Heat not Wind Heat
Fever, redness in face, sinsation of heat in limbs, Profuce sweating, thirst with strong desire to drink, dry stools, Scanty yellow urine, Irrability or agition, Pulse: full rolling, surgering pulse. Tongue: Red tongue with yellow coat.
Vacuity of yin with empty heat
Hot flashes, night sweats, red cheeks with pallor of the rest of the face, malor flush, 5 hearts heat, dry stool, scanty yellow urine, irritability or agitation, Thirst without desire to drink, Red Tongue with little or no coat, Pulse: Thin and rapid pulse.
Accumulation of internal cold
Excess cold
Adversion to cold, Cold limbs, Absence of sweat, Lack of thirst clear copious urine, abdominal discomfort, pale face, pale tongue,Thick, white tongue coat. Pulse: Deep Slow pulse (likely with force)
Yang Qi Vacuity
Adversion to cold, cold limbs,spontaneous sweats, lack of thirst, (fluids nnot circulating), clear copious urine,loose stools,pale puffy face and tongue,
thick,white,tongue coat,Pluse: Deep slow, pulse with out force, possibly weat or soggy
Treatment on pattern
many permutation of internal disease, no single formula or points. treat cold with heat or cold, dispel pathogens, supplement or nourish vacuity, clear differentiation is most important.
Exterior/interior- shao yang 6 stages
this pattern do not fit the classic presentation of either pattern. Can not be treated with normal methods to release exterior patterns, nor with tonification.
bitter tast in mouth, vexation bowstring pluse
formula and herbs. patterns must be treated by harmonization.
xiao chai hu tang
xiao chai hu tang classical
Chai Hu, Huang Qin,Ban Xia, Ren Shen, Da Zao, Zhi Gan Cao, Sheng jiang- fresh ginger
points- Shao yang channel treatmetnt of GB Fu, or harmonization of the spleen and liver Zang
Bl 19, GB 34, GB 40, Du 14, GB 24, LR 14, Lu 1, LR 3 SP 6, CV 6,
also Xiao yao san,
Exterior heat herbs
Interior heat
Yin qial sin
huang lian jie da tang
Heat and Damp
Heat:Higher fever, pain Bloating, distention and oppression, pulse: slippery and rapid, Red tongue with thick, yellow greasy or dry coat
Damp: low grade fever, bloating distention, and oppression, thirst without desire for fluids, pusle soggy,not always rapid, red tongue with greasy white or slightly yellow coatWorse with pressure on belly..
red with a greasy yellow coat
Pulse rapid, and slippery or wiry.
st 23, st 40, st 44, sp 9, LI 11, SJ 6,
LR/GB LR 2, LR 14, GB 24, GB 34
ST/LI LI 4, St 25, St 37,
UB CV 3 Ub 28, St 28, st 39
Lr/gb long din xie gin tang
st/li Gan lu xial du din
ub ba zheng sin
summer heat with dampness
sensations in the head heavy and sore limbs, coucj, runny nose,nasal congestion, nausea, little or not sweat, scanty urine, thirst with little desire to drink
tongue,pulse, herbal
pale red with greasy yellow coat, Pusle; soggy and rapid
TX principle: Clear Heat Drain Damp harmonize Ying and wei
Xiang ru sin