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21 Cards in this Set

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List four components of the canapé

Base, spread, body, garnish.

Define hors d'oeuvres a la francaise

Served in oblong dishes

Describe the difference between hors d'oeuvres and appetizers

Hors d'oeuvres; small portions that are served in a separate location and separate from the main menu.

Appetizers; small portions of a very flavorful food or drink used to stimulate the appetite at the beginning of the meal.

Starter, opener, first course

Four main categories of hors d'oeuvres

Canapé, spoons, a la francaise, verrines

What does crudités mean?

Eaten raw/sticks of raw vegetables served with at least two dips.

What three purposes does the spread in a canapé provide.

Flavor, moisture, acts as glue, creates a fat barrier to prevent base from becoming soggy.

Two types of spread on canapés

Compound butter, cream cheese and compound butter 50-50

Two products from Pate a choux

Carolines; mini eclairs

Petit Choux; mini rounds

List two different shapes from items with pastry dough

Tartlet; round

Barquetes: boat

What are composed hors d'oeuvres?

Hors d'oeuvres made from two or more components

What are Three different types of sandwiches

Finger, tea, fancy

What is caviar according to the USDA?

Any single salted egg

List the quality factors that one should look for when purchasing caviar

Smell, not broken, separated, no off-color, Crisp and pops, shiny

True caviar must be from what

The Caspian Sea, from Sturgeon

If provided from other fish what fish would produce caviar?

Salmon, lump fish, domestic Sturgeon, white fish, paddlefish, Monk fish

Give two reasons why caviar is so rare and expensive.

Rarity, size of the fish, age and ratio.

Give a description of how caviar is produced

1.remove fish from water alive

2.remove eggs from alive fish

3.roe pressed over sieve, rinse in fresh cold water

4. Grade, sort, package

What does the word "molossal" mean?

Little salt

List top three quality of caviar by color

1. Beluga (blue)

2. Osetra (yellow/golden)

3. Sevruga (red)

What is pressed caviar?

Broken caviar, paste, more intense taste, over ripe eggs.

What material should not be used with caviar?

Silver should not be used.

You should use mother of pearl or bone.