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22 Cards in this Set

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What is the basic philosophy of person centered therapy?
Human beings are inherently good
What is the human motivation according to person centered therapy?
Human behavior is the result of an innate need to grow
How does growth occur according to person centered therapy?
Growth occurs in positive and constructive ways-No inherent aggressive or destructive tendencies, unless as a means to grow (e.g., killing an animal for food)
What are the central contstructs of person centered therapy?
Need for Positive Regard & Positive Self-Regard
Conditions of Worth
-Process of internalization
Organismic Valuing Process
Self Concept
-Ideal Self
Actualizing Tendency & Self-Actualizing Tendency
What is psychological health according to person centered therapy?
Achieving health is a process, not a destination

A healthy person is congruent:
-Open to experience
-Has internal locus of evaluation
-Freely accepts experience into awareness
-Has positive self concept & unconditional self-regard
-Perceives experiences accurately
What is psychological dysfunction according to person centered therapy?
-Incongruence between the self and the experience
-Incongruence results in anxiety
-Behavior is inconsistent &/or disorganized
What are the therapeutric goals according to person centered therapy?
-Facilitate client’s journey toward congruence from incongruence
-Diminish conditions of worth & incongruence between self & experience
What are the 6 Necessary & Sufficient Conditions for Psychotherapeutic Change according to person centered therapy?
Psychological contact: A mutually impactful relationship

Incongruence: Client must be in place of psychological vulnerability

Congruence & genuineness: Counselor must be self-aware, open, genuine, authentic

Unconditional positive regard: Counselor is nonjudgmental & accepting of client

Empathy: Counselor must enter world of client without influence of own values

Perception of empathy & acceptance: Client must PERCEIVE she/he is understood & accepted
What are the stages of therapy according to person centered therapy?
Stage 1: Minimal self-awareness
Not likely to voluntarily present for therapy

Stage 2: Little sense of responsibility for difficulties

Stage 3**: Able to discuss self-experiences and feelings but problem perceived as external

Stage 4: Begins to accept responsibility

Stage 5: Experiences & expresses feelings in the present

Stage 6: Realization of previously being stuck

Stage 7: Conditions of worth are replaced by internally generated values
What are the pros of person centered therapy?
-Client determines the goals of counseling
-Emphasis on egalitarian relationship between the therapist and client
What are the cons of person centered therapy?
-Ignores social & political context
-Emphasis on internal locus of evaluation*
-Required self-disclosure*
Who is associated with Person Centered Therapy?
Carl Rogers
What are some other names for Person Centered Therapy?
Client-Centered, Non-Directive
What is the Philosophy of Person Centered Therapy?
the client is the expert on their problem, humans are inherently good, humantistic, focus on growth in positive or destructive ways, no inherent aggressive behaviors
What are the central constructs of Person Centered Therapy?
Experience-noun and verb (perception), actualizing tendency, organismic valuing process, self concept, ideal self, need for positive self regard, external and internal conditions of worth
What is the Health/Dysfunction of Person Centered Therapy?
healthy people have congruent self concepts and experiences, must have internal locus of evalution & perceives experiences accurately. Dysfunction as incongruence; results in anxiety & affects beh.
What is the assessment process of Person Centered Therapy?
no formal assessment; the counselor allows the client to control the direction of the session and is primarily a catalyst to helping the client find congruence
What are the roles of the client/counselor of Person Centered Therapy?
egalitarian, therapist as companion in client's search for herself, therapist is in contact with own experience in order to understand the client's experience, even neg feelings are to be expressed
What is the process of therapy of Person Centered Therapy?
counselor congruence, unconditional positive regard, genuineness, empathic understanding, 7 stages of therapy, two kinds of client resistance-avoidance of pain & judgment
What are the techniques of Person Centered Therapy?
There are no techniques! Seen as objectifying the client instead of allowing her to find her own experience and thus solutions
What is the research support for Person Centered Therapy?
suggest core conditions necessary but not sufficient for change, points out importance of basic counseling skills which is reflected in research on common factors for change
What are the details about cultural context in Person Centered Therapy?
equality between counselor and client, client determines goals, BUT it ignores social contexts entirely like w/ internal locus of evaluation, required self-disclosure, individualistic