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26 Cards in this Set

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What are theories?
"They are nets cast to catch what we call the world" - Karl Popper
Functions of Theories...
To explain, predict, be simple (and understanble), be able to be tested (hypothesis), and have some kind of "practical" use to the world.
Aristotle's Rhetoric
First book on persuasion
What is Aristotle's Pragmatic reason for studying rhetoric
Because it can be used irresponsibly -- it's "Neutral"
In Aristotle's "Rhetoric" what are the TYPES OF RHETORIC
Deliberative ("What we should do"), Forensic ("Past"), Epidictic ("ceremonial")
Two types of PROOF
Inartistic, artistic
Inartistic Proof
proof controlled, created by the situation itself (photographs, newspaper coverage)
Artistic Proof
Anything brought to the situation and created by the speaker
Kinds of Artistic Proof
Ethos; credibility of speaker, Pathos; emotional appeal; Logos, logical arguments
Ethical Appeal
Credibility is defined by the audience -- good character, well informed.
Assesing Ethos
It's based on Competency, good character (trustworthiness), and goodwill (concern for audience)
Involves reasoning and evidence.

Two types: Deductive and inductive
specific to general

Remember right side up pyramid
General to specific.
Aristotle's FIVE CANONS
Invention, Arrangement, Style, Delivery, and Memory
Linguistic choices made by speaker
the theory of meaning and symbols
Ferdinard de Saussure
Swiss linguistic; felt that signs were typified into two concepts: Signified (concept) and Signifier (medium, sound-image)
Thought (Reference)
What sits at the top of the pyramid; how we respond to the referent and its symbol
The REAL object; bottom of the triangle
What we assign from our referent to make meaning out of the reference. The word "dog"
The Triangle
It signifies how meaning is construct, it offers that people create meaning. Thought comes from references which then applies to symbol.
Three Types of Symbols
Iconic, Indexical, Symbolic
Resembles what they signify (photograph, good drawing)
Defined by a cause and effect relationship (smoke from fire, sweat from effort)

Describes signifiers that act as "evidence" of an event.
the combination of visual signs and words.