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25 Cards in this Set

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Who is associated with individual psychology?
Alfred Adler, and Rusolph Dreikurs
What is the IA catchword?
What is the basic human motivation according to IA?
Optimistic view of humans—”social interest”
What is Lifestyle according to IA?
Parents/family are models for beliefs/values
Basic Mistakes
What is social interest according to IA?
Physical problems
Discrimination based on sex, race, or class
What are the aspects of personality development according to IA?
-Birth order
-Masculine Protest
What are the basic life tasks of IA?
Solving the problem of Communal Life
Occupational tasks
Coping with the self
What are inferiority feelings according to IA associated with?
Superiority complex
What are the types of children according to IA?
Organic inferiority
What is safegaurding according to IA?
The individual has the goal of personal superiority & the life style is aimed at protecting self-esteem
What is discouragement according to IA?
Due to mistaken life styles that are selfish rather than socially oriented
In terms of the therapeutic atmosphere in IA what are faith hope and love?
Faith-Client must have faith in the counselor
Hope-Counselor should encourage the client to accept the challenges of life and therapy. Develops in the client as a result of feeling understood
Love-Client MUST feel that the counselor cares about him
What are some techniques used in IA?
-Interpretation of lifestyle & goals
-Encouragement to recognize strengths & power—NOT interchangeable with praise

What are some pros of IA?
-Recognized effects of class differences
-Advocated for equality between the sexes
-Focused on social involvement
What are some cons of IA?
-Stereotypic views of women’s roles
-Emphasizes individual choice and control
-View of homosexuality as a “perversion”
What is another name for this theory?
Adlerian Psychology
What is the philosophy of Individual Psychology?
optimistic, balance of inferiority and social influence, growth as pursuit of goals, self-determinism, self constuctivist, HOLISTIC, Adler supported social change, human nature-striving to change, creative
What are the central constructs of Individual Psychology?
Life Style: GOALS, models for beahvior, basic mistakes (maladaptive) Social Interest: physical problems, discrimination, superiority complex, basic life tasks,
What is the Healthy/Dysfunction of Individual Psychology?
personality dev-birth order, masculine protest, Types of children: organic inferiority, pampered, neglected. Safeguarding -protection of self esteem, discouragement-selfishnes
What is the assessment process of Individual Psychology?
Formal: interview structure, The Question(if symptom disappeared) family constellation, dreams- future oriented, early recollections translated to present, Informal watches verbal and nonverbal beh.
What are the role of the client/counselor in Individual psychology?
egalitarian relationship, cooperative learning endeavor, client is expert on his/herself, Faith, Hope, Love. Goal is to help client uncover and resolve unconscious conflicts
What is the process of therapy in Individual Psychology?
Four phases: establishing the relationship (empathy), analysis and assessment (understand goals), development of insight (function and why), reoritentation (teaching the client)
What are the techniques of Individual Psychology?
Interpretation of lifestyle/goals, encouragement to recognize strengths/power, natural and logical consequences, acting as if, pleasing, pushing the button, paradoxical intention (exag)
What is the research support for individual psychology?
difficult to operationalize, little outcome support for therpeutic change, focus is usually on social interest, birth order, or lifestyle outcomes (results unclear)
What are the facts about cultural diversity for individual psychology?
recognized class differences, advocated equality between sexes, focus on social context, still stereotypic views of women's role, emphasizes individual choice, homosexuality as perversion