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21 Cards in this Set

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Stage 1
Avoiding punishment
will still do if we can get away with it
Stage 2
Provide favors, but in our own interest
Stage 3
Good Boy/Girl
We want to be accepted and please others
Stage 4
Society approval is most important, and they can't be changed
Stage 5
Law is dictated by society, the social norm, if they should be changed, they can be changed
Stage 6
Abstract principles transcend any rules, follow our principles even if it means breaking the law
Freud's Oral Stage
0-18 months
dealing with mouth
here we are fed, and a successful outcome is that we can receive help without excessive envy
self-trust and self-sufficient
Pathological outcomes are if over expressed, we get over-over optimism, narcissism
if we don't get enough we can become pessimistic, demanding
Freud's Anal Stage
Here we are becoming autonomous, as we get control of our sphincter we are able to reach out and communicate in the world, success at this stage allows us to become independent.
Pathological traits:
if over - stubbornness, frugal
if under - messiness, untidy, rage, defiance
Freud's Latency Stage
When boy and girls identify with a role model same sex as themselves, can be a teacher, coach, creates a sense of industry, capacity to master skills
Pathological traits:
lack of inner control
excessive obsessive character traits
Piagets Stage 1
Sensorimotor - Preverbal
Want to develop object permanence and symbolization
Piagets Stage 2
Preoperational - prelogical
can only focus on one item at a time
during this time they are
egocentrism, animalistic thinking, immanent justice, phenomalistic causality
Piagets Stage 3
Concrete Operational - logical
can make ideas based on "real" objects
want to learn
Piagets Stage 4
Formal Operational - Abstract
can make decisions based on "abstract", a concept alone
some adolescences can reach this stage, but not all reach this at the same time
Erikson's stage 1
Trust vs. Mistrust
all based on consistency of feeding, changing
Success = able to trust the world, maintains hope
Failure = unable to trust, doesn't feel good
Erikson's stage 2
Autonomy vs. shame and doubt
when child learns to walk, talk, feed
caretaker needs to be firm and set boundaries
success = autonomy
failure = self-doubt
Erikson's Stage 3
Initiative vs. Guilt
tasks for sake of activity
learning motor skills
Desire to mimic the adult world
success: Self drive
failure: guilt
Erikson's Stage 4
Industry vs. Inferiority
Building, creating, accomplishing
Boys with Boys, Girls with Girls
Success: Industry, keeps us humble
Failure: feeling of trying won't help, narrow interests
Erikson's Stage 5
Ego Identity vs. Role Confusion
Teens develops a sense of personality and self
Success: Stays true to self
Failure: weak sense of self
Erikson's Stage 6
Intimacy vs. Isolation
Finding love
success: strong relationship
failure: isolation, loneliness
Erikson's Stage 7
Generativity vs. Stagnation
We need to work, contribute to society
Success: feeling of usefulness, accomplishment
Failure: shallow involvment with the world
Erikson's Stage 8
Ego Integrity vs. Dispair
65+ yo
Sense of fulfillment on back on life
success: Wisdom
failure: feeling of regret, and failure