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80 Cards in this Set

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What are the 4 periods of history in order?
The culture of the workd of early Christianity is known as
This person is commonly associated with the beginning of the Protestant Reformation:
Martin Luther
The period in Jewish history called the Exile is also referred to as
The Babylonian Captivity
Martin Luther posted what on the Church door at Wittenburg?
95 theses
Which of the eras of Chrisitan theoogy is dated 1500 to present?
The Greek word "theos" is translated
The Greek word logos is translated
The books we know as the New Testament were written in what era?
Which are the 2 other words for testament
covenant and dispensation
Which of the eras in the history of Christian theology is shaped by the fathers?
The Christian Scriptures are commonly referred to as
the new testament
The Hebrew Scriptures are commonly referred to Christians as
the old testament
These books, written before Christ, are recognized as Scripture by many but not all Christians.
The Apocrypha
Which one of these is considered a reliable source of authority for Christians?
Who is the important person from the Patristic period?
St. Augustine
For the Jews, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are known as
the patriarchs
Of the theologians named below which is from Medieval period?
St. Thomas
Which persons was not influential in the Apostolic period? Which 2 persons were significant?
St. Augustine

St. Peter and St. Paul
This group in Jewish Society sought to overthrow Roman Authority
Which of these is NOT considered a source of authority for Christian Theology
Magna Carta
The collection of Hebrew scriptures translated into Greek is known as the
What are the 3 sources of authority?
Sometimes some Christians will include experience as a 4th source of authroity
What are the 4 sources of authority according to some?
What we deal with from now on in this course.
What latin word is associated with tradition?
.Tradito means to hand on. They are handed over/passed down from generation to generation.
Latin word meaning to hand on
there are 2 ways to understand tradition:
Body of belief
How is tradition a process?
Tradition is a process. It is passed on. Part of it is understanding how ideas go into the process. The formation of tradition is an event.
Tradition as a body of belief
Tradition is the Christian belief. The process is the finilization of our beliefs.
Apostolic as it relates to tradition
Refers to those things that were passed on from the apostles. An evangelical desire to spread the Gospel. The people who encounter the Greek world find themselves in a word where people hear the story and interpret it with their own philosophic understanding. These early Christian beliefs were questioned and altered. It became important for them to know what the Apostle's thought.
Asks what is the nature of the Church? What is it like? Does it believe and practice the Apostolic Faith?
Apostle's Creed
one of the Creeds the Church uses. It is the oldest Creed and it tells what the church means to believe.
Creed comes from the latin word
Credo which means I believe
Latin word for I believe.
Formal definition or summary of Christian faith held in common by all Christians. When they say all this means the majority. The majority has the belief to create this belief statement.
PEople who are preparing to be baptized. They are questioned based off the Creed before they are baptized. This is an example of how tradition is formed. The early Church understood this to be the belief of the apostles not written by the apostles.
REfers to the teaching/preaching of the early church. What did the early Church believe and pass on to the next generation? This was a process they handed it down. Content was what they handed down. They went out and preached to others in that very act they passed down Kerygma.
Tradition is a result of
a process and content as well as what is stated in Creeds.
Reason latin word
Reason is
Reason is a mental faculty or ability found in humans that is able to generate nonintuitive conclusions from assumptions or premises. It is the means by which rational being propose explanations of cause and effect.
What does this definition suggest about reason?
This definition suggests that reason is a capacity or faculty which would apply to human beings but not necessarily to any other form of life. If humans are the only ones capable of acting rationally what are they saying about other creatures such as foxes or squirrels? They act instinctively. Their instinct dictates what they do. Only human beings are rational
Who is rational?
Only human beings are rational.
Your gut feeling. An intuition could be something that is not logical or rational which we may act on. Despite this we are still capable of being rational.
Reason has something to do with
a process which they identify as a process of cause and effect. Because of this, we decide to act in this way. If this can suffice as a definition of reason we could go futher with that.
We will encounter a number of Christian thinkers who believe our capacity for reason is:
the highest power or noble capacity of human beings. They believe this is what sets us above all other creation. In this capacity it is that we see what is the best and most noble about human beings. Many assume reason is the WAY we learn about reality.
If reason is the way we learn about reality:
One assumption built into this statement is that reality is reasonable and rational. Reality is not chaos or happenstance or coincidence but that reality is reasonable. Many question if it is chaos. If we assumed that it was reasonable then there would be ways in which you can predict the future based on events of the past. If you believe there is coherence from past to present then you can believe that reality is reasonable.
How far can our reason take us?
Can we know things about God based on the human faculty of reason?
Can we know things about God based on the human faculty of reason?
Many believe reason is a powerful reliable tool which would allow us to go a long way in the understanding of God. St. Thomas Aquinas had a high understanding of the power of reason and how it helps us know God. He was influenced by a Greek philosopher Aristotle.
What happened after the fall of the Roman empire?
After the fall of the Roman Empire the state didn't think it was their job to provide education. Illiteracy was at an all time high. In the midst of warfare in the Dark Ages, much of what we consider Classical Literature was lost. It was preserved in the far reaches of the Roman Empire, particularly in monestaries. As things began to change in Europe it was from those sources people were reaquainted with philosophy and ARistotle was rediscovered and Thoms Aquinas was drawn to him.
St. Thomas's approach to reason and God.
St. Thomas undertakes a rational proof to the existence of God. He does this because he knew the importance reason has to God. Martin Luther has little confidence in reason. He doesn't think our reason can teach us about God.
Some place high confidence on it and some place little confidence.
Role of REvelation
the disclosure of God by something that we could not have known based on our reason alone. Many times we understand God's revelation to be an act of self disclosure in which he shows us something we're not able to figure out using our own rational capacities. Revelation shows things we could not know by any other means.
Part of understanding revelation is that it refers to
an event. Anc aslo refer to the content of what is revealed in that event.
Story of burning bush
Moses was in the wilderness tending sheep when he came to the burning bush. He heard the voice of God. This was the event. He learned God wnted them to be free. God is their liberator. He acts on their behalf.
Most Christians believe in both
revelation and reason
How do revelation and reason work together?
Most believe that both reason and revelation are important in our understanding. We are applying our reason in what we're learning whihc helps us to understand things about God.
2 ways of understanding reason and revelation cause and effect
Idealism says
We have the capacity to know the thing in itself. The question being, what do we know? Do we know that thing or do we simply know our impression or perception of that person or thing? Do we know the perception or do we know the thing itslf? Plato is an idealist. WE either have the capacity for knowing beyond ourself. We have some prexisting knowledge or we have an impusle that can see what is beyond merely our perception fo things. If we amce into the world with this capacity then that understanding is idealsim.
Foer people in our day and age have been influenced by the period of modern philosophy which would have produced a moment like Tabula Rasa which says were are born with a mind that is a blank slate. Everything we know is something we learn. We are starting from scratch and are wholly the produce of what gets put in there. We don't come with anything already present so that our rational faculties are used.
This is the area of philosophical inquiry which asks the question of being itself. What is the nature of being? Jews don't usually ask those types of questions. To them god is a shepherd, king, warrior, exc. The outside world is Greek. These folks immediately ask a different set of questions. THey ask about being itself and what is the nature of god.
That area of philosophy that asks the question, is rationality working properly? In other words there are different types of logic. These types of logic guide us in our rational capacity, lots of times you think you are thinking logically but actually you are on the wrong trail. Logic is a tool to use in examining reason.
2 types of logic
deductive logic
inductive logic
Deductive Logic
Deduction moves from the general principle to the specific conclusion. The best way to illustrate would be is we had a premise which said everyone who lives in KC loves BBQ. Steve lives in KC. Therefore, Steve loves BBQ. If these 2 premises are true then if steve lives in KC, we can be absolutely unquestionably sure that STeve LOVES BBQ. THERE IS NO OTHER CONCLUSION POSSIBLE. That's deduction.
Inductive Logic
Removes from the specific to making the general kind of conclusion. Suppose that you met STeve and found out he's from KC and that he loves BBQ. If that's all you had then you wouldn't be able to get beyond that. If you meet Mary from KC and find out she loves BBQ as well you know 2 ppl. If you meet bill from KC and he loves BBQ you would begin to make a tentative conclusion that everyone who lives in KC loves BBQ. This conclusion is not iron clad as dudctive logic.
we gather specific bits of info which we begin to put together to postulate truths about things we test..
We are constantly confronted with new ideas and realities
Your everyday life makes you cope with things which weren't in your nature because you are intuitively using behaviors which worked previously Previously you experienced sucess and so yhis is a metaphoric development.
A metaphor is a figure of speech. Speaks as if one thing is another. Life is a river. Have multiple meanings It teases our brain to think about what it might mean.
Basically an analogy. Uses the word like.
makes it's point by overstating or exaggerating.
often they are metaphorical in nature. They string metaphors out. Story doesn't necessarily mean fictional. It could be a story which recalls a piece of some one's life. Story is not something trivial. Whether it is a historical story or fiction there are elements to that which is important for us to undertsnd.
Elements of narritve.
Plot, character, setting, and tone. These are always parts of every story.
Tells you where all of this is headed, what the outcome is going to be.
tells us if people are bad or good. What possibilities there are to being a human being. They say what the limitations are and what can be overcome. Characterization answers the question...what are people like? What can they overcome? What did they do?
What is the bible?
The biable is a collection of stories which could happen to any number of enterprises.
A pattern or example that establishes the model for all similar events or analysis. For example. There are elements to a book report which have to be present in order for it to be a book report and not be anything else. For example it has to include a book and an opinion about the book.
More simple of the 2 has characteristics. Has no relatonship to the things it points to. It points to something outside itself but it only points to one thing. It is something we make up and agree upon what they mean. This is like a stop sign. We know an octogonal red sign means stop. WE could change this sign if we all agreed it was going to be a blue triangle. The meaning would not change just the outward sign.
Symbols are important way to communicate religious beliefs. Symbols you see in a church would be a cross. If you contemplate the meaning of a cross, you become aware the symbol of the cross has many different meanings. The symbol has historical meaning death of God, personal meaning, future meaning of which they could happen in the future. Cross was a symbol of shame.
baptism, confirmation, marriage are examples. These rituals teach observers something about what the Church believes and something that has already happened to the people of the community of faith. Invites them to be a participant. Turns outsiders into insiders.