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70 Cards in this Set

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What does Genesis 1:27 say about how human beings were made?
God created man in his own image
Who convened the Council of Nicea in 325?
Acc. to Arius, what is a major distinction btn God the Father and the Son?
the Father existed before the Son and is 'unbegotten'
Which Gospel did opponents of Arius cite to argue that the Son is equal to the Father
Acc. to Athanasius, what couldn't Christ do (and be) that Christian worship assumed he could, if the Son was only a creature?
He couldn't save other creatures
What Christian practice seemed to support Athanasius' claim about hrist's diinity?
No idolatry--if Christ is a creature and we are praying to him, we are praying to an idol
What three names to titles mention in Matthew 28:19 were eventually declared 'persons' of the Trinitarian God sharing on essence?
the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit
Antiohcenes' Christological concersn were of what kind?
What title for JEsus' mother Mary alarmed the theologian Nestorius?
*Christ is the one nature of the incarnate divine Logos*
*Chrsit has two complete natures (human and divine)*
*The humanity and divinity in Christ are distinct (NOT mixed or confused)*
*The mind/soul of Christ is NOT human but only the divine Logos (Logos did not assume a complete human nature)*
*The relationship btn Christ's humanity and divinity is analogous to the relationship btn two persons in a marriage*
*The title Theiotokos must NOT be applied to Mary*
Which understanding of the role of Christ in human salvation tends to characterize traditional Christian theology--Illustrative or Constitutitve?
Which (illustrative or constitutive) characterized the thinking fo the Enlightenment?
Definition: Christ transfrs the legal status of being judged righteous to humanity
Definition: Christ recues humanity from death through healing or liberation
Definition: Christ ransoms humanity from captivity
Definition: Christ, as the Son of God, shares his inheritance rights with humans hwo were once considered slaves
Acc. to Athanasius, why was Christ's scrifice superior to the sacrifices under the Old Covenent?
It was trustworthy and permanent
Augustine claimed in the City of God that, in his sacrifial death, Christ acted not only as the victim, but also what?
Acc. to Abelard, what was the prupose and cause of the incarnation?
a demonstration of God's love with the intent of reponse of love from humanity
Acc. to Vladimir Lossky, 'the descent (katabasis) of the divine person of Christ' h=makes humans capable of what?
Ascent in the Holy Spirit
Acc. to Romans 5:13-14, what 'exercied dominiion from Adam to Moses'? And what was only 'reckoned' after the law?
In Romans' 5:16-19. how are JEsus' actions contrasted with those of Adam? How are the conswquences of his actions contrased with those of Adam?
Adam with the man who led all humanity to sin and Jesus is the man who led all humanity to righteousness/justification
What is a 'stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles?'
Christ crucified
Acc. to 1 Corintians 1:25, what is 'wiser than human wisdom'? What is 'stronger than human strength'?
God's foolishness
God's weakness
Acc. to Ianaeus, what did Christ recapitulate when he became incarante and was made human?
Our sins (back to the time of Adam and the fall of man) and gave us salvation
Acc. to Irenaeus, what is one reason why Christ needed to be human? What is one reason he needed to be God?
What is one reason why BOTH needed to be present in one person?
He could not fully redeem human nature if he weren't
So humanity could become a 'partaker of incorruptibility'
To simultaneously present humanity to God and bring God to humanity
What are the main approaches to the relationship btn experience and Chrisian theology?
1) Experience provides foundational resource for Christian thetology
2) Christian theology provides interpretive framework within which human experience may be interpreted
Acc. to Lindbeck, what does the experiential-expressive approach to doctrine presume about religious eperience and its relationship to theology
Interprets documents as symbols of inner human feeling of attitudes; common universal religious experience that Christian theology tries to express in words
What does Lindbeck claim is the main objection to the experiential-expressive approach?
Can't be proven/verified
Acc. to Luther, when did Jesus' followers experience the absence of God?
Good Friday
What did Luther conclude from this (Christians experiencing absence of God on Good Friday) about the relationship btn experience and theology?
They don't agree--theology stresses faithfulness over experience; experience is not reliable as a guide to the presence of God
Acc. to Augustine's Confessions, what tears him away from God?
His 'weight'--sexual habit
What gives Wuguestine the strength to enjoy God
"the man Jesus Christ"
Augustine says that the things of the earth confess something about God which he then puts into words, but obviously Augustine does not mean that the world actually talks. Instead, what is the world's response to his questions?
It's beauty
What does the apophatic approach to language about God stress?
We can't use human nature to refer to God b/c he's beyond it
In which Christian tradition does the apophatic theology thend to be found? (eastern or western)
What does the cataphatic approach to theology presume about language about God?
Positive statements may be made about God
Why do most chrisitnas assume that it its appropriate to use aspects of the created world as analogies for God?
there is a coninuity btn God and creation so comparing them doesn't reduce God
What are three characteristics of metaphors?
1) Imply both similarity and dissimilarity btn 2 things
2) Open-ended (cannot be reduce to diffinitive statements)
3) Strongly emotional overtones
Pseudo-Dionysius delcares that god is gather up by no discourse, by no intuition, by no name and yet he idetifies God with certain attributes or names. What are three names or attributes that Pseudo-Dionysius consider acceptable to identify God?
Source of all Unity
Acc. to Pseudo-Dionysius,' description fo the ascent to unity with God, into what does on plunge? What happens to language and speech?
darkness beyond intellect
they disappear
Acc. to Eckhart, God begins where waht stops? What is "as great as God is great" if it stands btn the human and God?
the creatures
"the smallest creature image that ever forms in you"
Exkhart prays to God to make him free of what?
What text and author first used the term ;mystial' in the sense of spiritual?
Dionysius the Areopagite
What did allegorical interpretation of scripture mean to Philo of Alexandria?
Look beneath surface meaning of scrioture to discern a 'deeper meaning'
How did the Antiochene school interpret Scripture?
Must be interpreted in light of historial context
Which school read more Old Testament prephecies as relating to Christ?
What is Augustine's two-fold approach to interpretation
1) literal--flesh/historical sense
2) allegorical--mystical/spiritual sense
What is a typology?
Historical events as seen as an anticipation f some aspect of the coming of Christ
Acc. to Augustine, symbols require what in order to determine their true referent in humanity's fallen state?
divine illumination
What does the term persona mean literally
The fact that the Ot does not attribute sexual function to God is connected to its rejection of what?
What Pauline image is modeled on human relationships?
Acc. to the Catechism, what does the analogy with motherhood emphasize about God?
God's immanence--Intimacy btn creator and created
What are two problems with the idea of the Christian God as a personal God?
1) It might imply God is a human being
2) It implies God is 'a person' whereas the Trinity talks of God as 3 persons so a personal God refutes the Trinity
Acc. to SPinoza, the idea of God as loving is inconsistent with what?
the idea of a perfect God
Martin Buber defnes an I-You relatioship as a relationship btn two what
active subjects/persons
What kin of knowledge is offered by the I-You replaitonship?
direct, immediate knowledge that lacks specific content
Bernard suggest that the love of the heart is what?
Acc. to Bernard, what aspect of Whrist attracts human hearts?
the humanity of Christ
Acc. to Bernard, what should the soul at prayer have before it?
the image of Christ
Acc to Bernard, what the mouth that kisses represnet? What does the kiss represent? What does the bride represent?
mouth=divinity of Christ
kiss=incarnate Christ
bride=humanity/individual soul
What are the 3 gifts Julian asks for? (she calls them all wounds)
1) understand God's passion
2) experience bodily sickness in her youth
3) to feel tru contrition, kind compassion, and a willful longing to God
Julian's vision of Christ's suffering egins when she is presented by her preist with what?
the cross
What are two ways in which Julian thinks taht JEsus is analogous to a mother?
1) spiritual birth of the world (salvation)
2) feeding (eucharist)