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149 Cards in this Set

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freely choosing to forego earthly marriage “for the sake of the kingdom of heaven”
the “common union” between two or more persons who give themselves to one another in love
communion of persons
the “inclination to sin” that is present in all humans
the opposite of hope, despair is the resolve to give up pursuing whatever was initially pursued. In the case of relationships in our culture, many people despair, thinking that the possibility of finding loving, faithful relationships is impossible.
the inherent and unchanging value of all persons as a direct result of their being created by God in his image and likeness
a decision to “will the good of another” person; a sincere gift of oneself to others
it is “disordered desire for or inordinate enjoyment of sexual pleasure”; sexual desire apart from god’s love; a selfish desire that seeks one’s own pleasure at the expense of another
the first sin of mankind against God, when Adam and Eve chose to disobey God’s command to do what they wanted instead
original sin
a sacrament makes a spiritual reality visible to us. It is an outward sign “instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church by which divine life is dispended to us”
the inherent ability of the body to act as a visible sign of God’s invisible love
sacramentality of the body
the common term for escaping sexual “rules” so as to do whatever one wants with his or her sexuality.
sexual liberation
the study of God
a study of God and the purpose of our existence, as discovered and revealed through our bodies
theology of the body
the action of self-control that avoids (or abstains from) something
the Greek term for divine, unconditional love; the manner in which God loves us
the virtue that directs all our sexual desires, emotions, and attractions towards the dignity of the person and the real meaning of love
recognizing the good of another person; seeing the inner and outer beauty of another person
love as attraction
wanting a good for yourself; desiring goodness and happiness
love as desire
willing (or desiring) the good of another person
love as goodwill
a book by Karol Wojtyla (later John Paul II) that explains the importance of living a life that accepts responsibility and, therefore, results in loving others in a responsible manner
love and responsibility
the principle that recognizes that the only proper and adequate attitude toward human persons is love
personalistic norm
pictures or stories created with the direct intention of arousing lust in the viewer or reader
the unhealthy attempt to ignore (or bury) sexual desires rather than allowing God to reorder what is disordered in them for the good of oneself and others
sexual repression
the virtue that enables us to take pleasure in the good gifts of God in the balanced way that He intends
the total giving of oneself for the good of another
total self-donation
the philosophy of maximizing pleasure and minimizing pain, often at the expense of others
a firm habit of doing what is good
the period that begins with original sin and end when Christ returns
historical man
nakedness that exists within the context of innocence and pure freedom, apart from lust
naked without shame
the martial meaning of the body
nuptial meaning of the body
a happiness that was rooted in the perfect gift of love that was initiated by God, received in love, and shared in love
original happiness
the state of Adam and Eve prior to their knowledge of sin, when their minds, hearts, and bodies were perfectly innocent
original innocence
the era of humanity in the “original experiences” before the fall, up until the original sin of Adam and Eve
original man
the first experience of Adam and Eve when they were naked without shame; before original sin, lust did not even exist and all sexual desires were pure
original nakedness
the first sin of Adam and Eve, when they distrusted God’s plan and chose their own will over the will of God
original sin
the original state when Adam realized he was alone because he was without a true companion; it also refers to the human experience of being alone in the world as a person, as someone fundamentally different from the animals
original solitude
the initial experience of perfect unity between man and woman as they lived in perfect communion with each other and gave themselves to each other through the mutual gift of their bodies
original unity
the original sin that caused adam and eve to prefer themselves to God; the root of all moral evil in the world
the second telling of the creation of the world in the book of Genesis
second creation account
in today’s society, this term refers to flaunting the body without inhibitions or conscience
the human body not only as living with a soul, but also being a dwelling place of the Holy Spirit, through the grace of redemption
spiritualized body
the action of a priest as a mediator of grace, standing “in the person of Christ,” concluding the sacrament of Reconciliation
in prayer, we have communion with the saints in heaven who intercede for us before God
communion of saints
the final stage of our perfection, achieved in the resurrection at the end of time, where we’ll be freed from any tensions between the flesh and the spirit within ourselves, because we will be perfectly united with God and with one another in the communion of saints
eschatological man
the final reality of man’s existence, when Christ returns and our bodies are raised
the perfected state of the resurrected body as it will be at the end of time; it will be radiating the glory of God
glorified body
the period of human history between the fall of Adam and the end of time, where man struggles against concupiscence to love as God foes, but also experiences redemption in Christ
historical man
the daily hope of victory over sin which is available to us through Christ, who helps us overcome “evil with good”
hope of every day
another word for “marriage-like”
literally, “all-knowing”
the period of a man’s existence as God created him prior to original sin
original man
to pay off a debt through the exchange of something of equal or greater value than the debt owed
the ransom of humanity from the slavery of sin to a new life of freedom through the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ on the cross
the joining, at the end of time, of the bodies of the saved with their souls in heaven, at which point they will participate bodily in a face-to-face encounter with God within the marriage of Christ and the church
resurrection of the body
a compulsive and frequent habit of seeking sexual pleasures, including fornication/intercourse, cybersex, masturbation, and other sexual behaviors
sexual addiction
humanity’s loss of the grace of original innocence
the laws of god or society that protect us from abusing our free will and hurting ourselves or others
external constraints
the ability to desire and choose the good
the gift given to us by God that allows us to choose between good and evil
free will
distractions or disordered desires within us that steer us away from choosing the good
internal constraints
reality as it is, apart from what we think or feel about it
objective truth
every action before, during, or after sexual intercourse that deliberately attempts to impede its procreative potential
the responsibility that every artist has to represent persons with dignity, espeially through the depiction of the human body in artistic form
ethos of the image
the responsibility of all viewers of the human body portrayed in art, to see humans as persons with dignity, not objects to be lustfully desired
ethos of seeing
having sex outside of marriage
the capability of the body to speak its own language and to communicate without words
language of the body
the most widely-accepted statement of Christian fatith
Nicene Creed
to treat someone as a thing rather than as a person through actions that disregard his or her inherent dignity as a human being
the loving embrace of a married couple through sexual intercourse
one-flesh union
the overall study of man and what it means to be a human person
love that is committed. you keep your promises once you have made them, no matter how your feelings may change
"faithful" love
love that is not controlled or manipulated by another person or by a disordered desire. no one is forcing you to love
"free" love
love that is life-giving, because it is free, total, and faitful. it is open to procreation in the physical realm and is life-giving in the spiritual and emotional realm
"fruitful" love
actions of genital stimulation with a person of the same sex
homosexual acts
the attraction that a man or a woman has towards a member of the same sex
pope paul VI's 1968 encyclical on human life. it is most famous for its clear and definitive teaching on why contraception is immoral and sinful, explaining that it separates the sexual act from one of its intrinsic purposes: procreation
Humanae Vitae
a latin phrase meaning "in the person of Christ"; describes the identity and actions of a priest, particularly when he celebrates the sacraments and preaches the Word of God
In persona Christi
the Blessed Virgin Mary's "yes" to the Lord, which demonstrated her faithful obedience to God's will
Mary's Fiat
the "deliberate stimulation of the genital organs in order to derive sexual pleasure"; trains a person in selfishness
the law or purpose that God has "written" naturally into the hearts, minds, and bodies of men and women
natural law
love without strings attached that holds nothing back; love with total self-donation
"total" love
“God of our ancestors, we praise you.
Your people will praise your name forever.
Heaven and all creation will praise you forever.
6 You made Adam, and you made his wife Eve to help and support him.
From these two people, the human race began.
You said, ‘It is not good for the man to be alone.
We must make a helper who is like him.’
7 I’m not marrying my dear wife because I want a physical relationship.
I’m marrying her because I want a true marriage relationship.
Show us your mercy so that we can grow old together.”
prayer of tobias
first human offense against god
the period of man's life before "the fall"
original man
the original state when adam realized he was alone because he was without a true companion
original solitude
the human body not only as living with a soul, but as a dwelling place of the holy spirit
spiritualized body
a time when lust did not exist and all sexual desires were pure- without shame
original nakedness
the state of adam and eve before they knew sin when their minds, hearts, and bodies were pure
original innocence
a term in today's society which refers to flaunting the body without inhibitions or conscience
when lust enters into a sexual relationship so that love is no longer a gift to be cherished by an activity without commitment. sex loses its sacredness and mystery
sex as recreation
the initial experience of perfect cooperation and peace between man and woman as the lived in communion with eachother and God gave themselves to eachother through the gift of their body
original unity
what happened to the relationship of our bodies to our souls when sin plunged into a state of confusion and conflict. our bodies would no longer respond with complete order to our wills
a happiness that was rooted in the perfect gift of love that was initiated by God, received in love and shared in love
original happiness
when satan twisted the words of God so that adam and eve would question the motives and generosity of god. tge serpent tricked eve into believing that god was not trustworthy
original lie
the original sin that caused adam and eve to prefer themselves to god. the sin that makes us want to disobey authority and think our way is better
the period that begins with "the fall" and ends when christ returns. the time when men and women are simultaneously fallen and redeemed in christ.
historical man
the means of self defense against being looked at as an object. the natural reflex to conceal the mere sexual value of your body
the artist who created wonderful depictions of the story of creation and the last judgement on the ceiling of a famous chapel in italy
when a clothing manufacturer tunes into our desire for perfect bodies when marketing their clothes perhaps by using misleading labeling to make us feel better about ourselves
vanity sizing
what all people have regardless of their race, creed, sex, profession, grades, or physical beauty because they are made in the image and likeness of god
this is a concept that is recommended in chapter 3 as a way to grow stronger in your faith by choosing friends who challenge and encourage you to do better.
iron sharpens iron
"no temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. god is faithful and he will not allow you to be tempted beyond your strength, but will provide a way of escape that you may endure."
god's promise
these were jesus' final words on the cross as he lay down his life to redeem us. it is what he said in the story of the file drawers and our experience as we leave our sins behind in the sacrament of reconciliation.
"it is finished"
this means that god is all-knowing
this is the action of a priest as a mediator if grace in the sacrament of reconciliation. a cleansing from sin through god's mercy and which gives us strength to start again
the joining at the end of our souls with our bodies. the saved go to heaven and those not saved go to enternal punishment
resurrection of the body
the perfected state of the resurrected body where it will no longer experience illness, pain, or death
glorified body
the final stage of man where we will be perfectly united with god and eachother in the communion of saints
eschatalogical man
the body's capacity of expressing love precisely in the way that the person becomes a gift and fulfills the very meaning of his being and existence
nuptial meaning of the body
this term refers to the present unity of all those good people oin heaven, on earth, and in purgatory
communion of saints
the ongoing belief in the victory of good over evil. knowing that each day makes a difference
purity of heart
to pay off a debt through the exchange of something of equal or greater value tha the thing owed. the reason why god sent his own son to die for us
what happens to us at baptism as we become sons and daughters of god
the catechism states that this point of christian faith meets with the most opposition
resurrection of the body
this has been described as missing the mark. turning from god but in recognizing that we've missed we are able to try again to head in the right direction
a place where john paul ii prayed and made the point that the naked body was not something to be hidden, but something beautiful.
sistine chapel
the ability to view the world as another person does
the attempt to dominate others
an exchange of ideas, feelings, or meanings between two or more persons
an invisible line that separates us from others
personal boundary
maintaining the privacy of our conversations with others
this is the love that puts the other person's needs before your own. this is the way god loves us.
authentic love
this is jesus christ
the truth
this is the reality of how things are-- not colored by our opinions
objective truth
this is our opinion of how things are and why they are this way
subjective truth
this is what happens if we have freedom without boundaries
with a purified heart a person no longer desires to brea the law and thus does not need the law
freedom from the law
when this exists in a relationship, freedom is compromised
when a person, who by nature is good, does something wrong, this is the consqequence. it is a good thing.
the capability of the body to speak and communicate without words
body language
this is often used as an escape from loneliness and a brief relief from the emptiness people often feel
sexual sin
it promises everything but actually gives little in return
allure of sin
a physical way of saying i am completely yours/i belong to you.
having sex outside of marriage
married persons having sex outside of marriage
common language of all people- not body language
in order for the language of the body to be true you must invite the
holy spirit
this is a way of saying "i won't give you all of myself- not my fertility"
being involved with this intends the satisfaction of concupiscence where the body is seen as separate from the whole person
to treat someone as a thing rather than as a person through actions that disregard his or her inherent dignity as a human being
used in the church as a visual aid- the standard of authentic love
it is the moral responsibility of the artist to represent humans as persons with dignity
ethos of image
it is the moral responsibility of one who views art work to see humans as persons with dignity, not as an object to be desired
ethos of seeing
the most widely-accepted statement of christian faith
nicene creed
christmas day is the celebration of this
when mary is conceived in her mother's womb without original sin
immaculate conception
this is when the angel gabriel spoke to mary about becoming the mother of god
this takes place in september
mary's birthday
a major cause for divorce