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100 Cards in this Set

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Created beings who are pure spirits with intelligence and free will, but withouht bodies, who act as God's messengers
the official public prayer of the Church through which Christ continues the work of redemption through the Church's celebration of the Paschal Mystery
the first decidision by humans to disobey God. All people except Jesus and Mary are bron with this, a wounded human nature that is tempted to choose wrong over right
original sin
an effective sign, esablished by Jesus and given to his Church, by which God shares his life through the work of the Holy Spirit
the responsibility God gave humans to take care of the earth and everything in it
the mystery of one God in three persons
the belief in one God
the words that are spoken by a priest at baptism
Trinitarian Formula
a solem promise or agreement made between two parties
responding positively to God
the human ability to make decisions without being forced to choose or act in one specific way
free will
a savior sent by God to redeem people from the power of sin and everlasting death and to restore them to God's friendship
the spiritual principle of humans
gift from God
one's calling or destiny in life
God saves
anointed one
a special book that readings come from
the second person of the Blesssed trinity, while remaining God, assumed a human nature and became man. The Son of God became true man while remaining true God.
the announcement of the angel Gabriel that through the power of the Holy Spirit, Mary, though a virgin, was to be the mother of the Son of God, who would be called Jesus.
The Church teaching that God favored Mary be preserving her from all stain of original sin from the first moment of her conception.
Immaculate Conception
a revealing or showing; after Jesus' birth, God revealed to people other than the Jews, represented by the magi
the event in which Jesus reveals his divine glory to his Apostles
the Church teaching that at the end of her life, Mary, body and soul, was assumed into heaven
birth of Jesus
T or F
The Apostles expected the Risen Jesus to return within their lifetimes.
T or F
Christian morality is based solely on external actions. It does not judge a person's inner attitudes or motivations.
T or F
Knowing that he would die one day was easy for Jesus. After all, he was God.
T or F
It is correct to say that priests are holier than lay people
T or F
All four Gospels contain accounts of the passion and death of Jesus
T or F
You cannot support both science and religion
T or F
Evolution is not consistent with faith
T or F
The Catholic Church supports belief in atheistic evolution
T or F
The Catholic Church teaches that God created all universal matter from nothing
T or F
The Catholic Church teaches that the human soul has evolved over time
T or F
The Catholic Church teaches that the physical universe was created "in a state of journeying" toward perfection, that is, God
T or F
There are historical records which indicate that Jesus really walked on the Earth
T or F
All the gospels tell stories of Jesus' birth
T or F
Mary is the mother of a human son named Jesus, but she is not the mother of God
Which books occupy a central place in the New Testament?
What do we mean when we say that God is the author of Scripture?
It is God's word; He inspired the authors to write it
This theory states that all living things developed from a single organism by natural means
Evolution by natural selection
According to the Book of Genesis, humans are created as special compared to angels because we
have both a body and an eternal soul while angels are just pure spirits
Which of the following is not one of the three ways in which God relates to us?
He is transcedent, personal, and imminent
In 1859, this man published a theory of evolution in On The Origin of Species
Charles Darwin
This is the literal interpretation of the Bible which believes that God, in 5 days, made all things-including humans-exactly how they are today
This theory provides a "middle ground" betweent he theory of evolution and creationism
Intelligent Design
This theory states that while there is evidence of physical evolution of species in nature, there are also natural systems which are too complex to have developed over time
Intelligent Design
Name the three things that the Trinity plays a role in.
Creation, Redemption, and Sanctification
This man developed the theory of Intelligent Design
William Paley
According to the Book of Genesis, humans are created as special compared to animals because we
have dignity because we are created in God's image
How many creation stories exist in the book of Genesis?
Name the 7 official sacraments of the church.
Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation, Holy Orders, Anointing of the Sick, Matrimony, Reconciliation
In what basic way is Christianity different from Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam?
We believe Jesus is our Messiah and he is the ONLY person we worship.
What is our primary source for info about Jesus?
The New Testament
Which New Testament books were written first?
When we profess Jesus as Lord, we are professing our faith in his what?
When were the four gospels written?
about 40-60 years after the death of Jesus
What are the four types of miracles Jesus performed?
healing, exorcisms, rising of the dead, nature
What are the three synoptic gospels?
Matthew, Mark, and Luke
Which gospel is used as a source for at least two of the other gospels?
With what event did Jesus' public life begin?
His Baptism
What was Jesus' purpose in performing miracles?
to show his real power and love and that he was God
When are Gospel readings from John read at mass?
they are spread over a three year period
Why do the 1st reading and the Gospel usually have the same topic?
to make the connection between the two
John's Gospel, more than other gospels, focus on what?
the divinity of Jesus
The December 25th celebration of Jesus' birth replaced what ancient Roman festival?
Feast of the Sun
Other than gospels, how many readings does a typical weekday Mass have?
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for
theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are the meek, for
they will inherit the land
Blessed are ___________________, for they will be comforted.
they who mourn
Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for
they will be satisfied.
Blessed are the merciful, for
they will be shown mercy.
Blessed are _______________ for they will be called children of God.
the peacemakers
Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for
theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are the clean of heart, for
they will see God
What are the five Catholic teachings about Mary?
True mother of God, free from sin from conception, reamined sinless, was taken into heaven body and soul, was a virgin
What are the three reasons why Jesus' following grew?
witnessed him being raised from the dead, Jesus's messages, and the miracles he performed
Why do humans suffer and die?
It is a mystery.
Which Gospel emphasizes the human suffering of Jesus?
What do we call the period consisting of Holy Thursday through Easter Sunday in which we celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus?
The Triduum
Ths type of sin is supported by social structures
Social sin
For Catholics, what special day celebrates Jesus' last supper?
Holy Thursday
What are the Cardinal Virtues?
Prudence, Fortitude, Justice, and Temperance
How was Jesus a different messiah from what many Jews were expecting?
He was a suffering servant and they expected a rich or powerful leader or king.
What are some reasons Jesus was put to death?
saw Jesus as a threat to the status quo; had the potential to stir up the Jewish people; mocking their religious laws
Thisi type of sin includes less seroius wrongs which weaken our relationship, but do not completely seperate us from God
Venial Sin
Who is to blame for the death of Jesus?
all sinners
Name the theological virtues?
faith, hope, and charity
For Catholics, what special day commemorates Jesus' death?
Good Friday
Which season of the year is a season of fasting and repentance?
This type of sin includes attitudes which can lead to other sinful actions
Capital sins
A serious wrong that a person is forced to commit would be considered a...
venial sin
What are God's attempts to help us make good decisions?
Natural law, conscience, ten commandments, Jesus' teaching
What are the three criteria to be considered to make a moral action?
object, intention, and circumstance
For Catholics, what special day celebrates Jesus' resurrection?
Easter Sunday
Which season of the Church year is a time of waiting and preparation for the coming of Christ?
This type of sin, if not repented, results in eternal separation from God
mortal sin
For Catholics, what special day celebrates Jesus' entrance into Jerusalem for the feast of Passover?
Palm Sunday
A serious wrong done without full knowledge would be considered a..
venial sin