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57 Cards in this Set

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Rom 1
plight of the gentiles
Rom 2
plight of the Jews
Rom 3
OT cerimonial laws don't matter anymore. all under the power of sin
(handwashing, circumcision)
Rom 4
connection to Abraham
Gen 15- abraham was justified before circumcision
Rom 5
Adam - all die and are made sinners
Christ- all live and are made righteous
Rom 6
Baptized into his death and ressurection of christ
-become his son
Ex opere operato
the holyness of the of the minister does not effect the grace of christ
1)christ performs the sacraments
2) the fruits/grace are recieved according to the disposition of the believer
Old Covenant VS New Covenant
OC- signs
NC- actually gives something (grace)
Ex 17, Num 20
Past salvation made present by sign and word
Ex 17-moses strikes the rock to make water
num 20- god tells moses to tell the rock to bring forth water
Lk 8:42-48
hem. woman healed by the disposition and faith
example of the efficacious signs
Rom 6: 3
Col 2:9-12
incorporated into christ death
2 Cor 5:17
2 Pet 1:4
Transformation and new creation
becomes sons and daughters in gods divine family
1 Pet 3:20-21
Jn 3:5
Titus 3:5
necessity of baptism
-the flood type of baptism
-baptism now saves you
Acts 2:37-39
baptism connects to forgiveness of sins
-gift of the holy sprit
CCC 1257 Baptism
God has bound salvation to the sacrament of Baptism but he himself is not bound by his sacrament
CCC 1265 Baptism
A new creature
CCC 1250 Baptizing Infants
-washes us of original sin
-gives us the holy spirit
-transforms us into a chid of god
(accents the utter gratuity of salvation, complete gift infant has done nothing wrong)
Why Baptize infants
baptism- couterpart to circumcision (done on the 8th day of infants life) means by which on enters the covenant
Ex 12
-lamb w/out blemish, no broken bones
-eat the lamb
-blood on the doorposts
2 Cor 5:7 Eucharist
Christ is our paschal lamb
...lets keep the feast
1 Cor 10:16
cup- "participation" in the blood of Christ
bread- "participation" in the bread of Christ
"participation"- koinonia (communionion in the OT used to describe covenant relations)
1 Cor 11:23-36
"real presence" of Christ in the Eucharist. Realism, profaning the "body" & "blood" of our Lord
making present the past (so we can all participate in the ancient event.)
Sacrificial Language in the Last Supper
New passover sacrafice will seal and ratify the new covenant (shared blood, shared life)
Used sacrificial language in reference to himself
Jn 6
Explains they must eat of his body, many of his disciples left (because they took him literally) he did not stop them, he even changed "to eat" to trago which means to gnaw or chew
substance of the bread of wine has become the risen lord (appearance remains the same but the substance changes)
"it is finished"
"it" means passover Jn 19:30
4 clues
1. Passover/Covenant Background
2. Jewish Passover Liturgy
3. Garden of Gethsemane
4. Irony in John
Passover/ Covenant Background
-had to eat the lamb
-last supper (passover meal) only time Jesus used the word covenant (extending family bonds)
Jewish Passover Liturgy
2nd one formalized by the 1st one (extension)
-drink 4 cups
-4th cup sealed covenant but Jesus didn't drink it (doesn't make sense)
Garden of Gethsemane
Jesus let this cup pass from me...not as I will but they will be done
Irony in John
Jesus' seemingly humiliating defeat- is really the hour of His victory over sins and evil
Jn 19
-declined drink Mk 15
-hyssup branch (gives vinegar to Jesus)
-Jesus receives it "IT is finished", Jesus has fulfilled and transformed the old covenant passover
Jn 19:30
The "it" is the 4th cup
-its the cup of consummation
-New covenant passover (where Jesus offers himself as the Lamb)
Eucharist (Mass)
Jesus is not re-sacraficed and no longer suffering
Mt 9:2-8
Jesus heals paralytic "your sins are forgiven"
physical healing and symbolic healing of spritual (blasphemy)
Mt 10:1
Jesus gave his authority to the apostles
Mt 10:40
Lk 10:16
-he who receives you receives me
-he who hears/rejects you, hears/rejects me
-covenant is vertical with god and horisontal with everyone
Mt 18:18
Binding and Loosing (power to reconcile one to the covenant family (church) and with God)
2 Cor 5:18, 20
God reconciled himself through christ who gave us the ministry of reconciliation
-confession is the second plank
Jn 20:20-23
-as the father has sent me, so I send you
-"breathed" on them (apostles)
-received the Holy Sprit
-whose sins you forgive are forgiven
Holy Orders Rom 12:1
The call of the faithful- "present your bodies as living sacrafice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.
Sickness and Sin, connection
all suffering is due to sin but not personal sin
- OT when there is sin there is sickness
-NT where there is healing there is forgiveness
James 5:14-15
-anointing w/oil by the elders
Anointing of the Sick
-outpouring of the Holy Spirit
-forgiveness of sin (James 5:15)
Davidic Messiah, lion of the tribe of Judah but also High Priest (sacrafice)
Ps 110:4
You are a priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek
Marriage Eph 5:25
- husbands love your wives as Christ loves the Church
-Gives himself up for her
-...might sanctify
-w/washing & word
-to present her w/out spot & wrinkle holy & w/out blemish
(humanly speaking
-this love is beyond us
-thus the sacrament of marriage gives us thegrace to love supernaturally)
Marriage 5:31-32
-two become one (Gn 2:25)
-this is a great mystery & I mean in reference to Christ & Christ & the Church.
Imitation of the Trinity: family as icon of Trinitarian self-giving
Exclusive- (monogamous)
Permanent- indissoluble (union done by God)
Total- (self-giving)
Reason for Marriage
-unitive (bonding), procreative (babies)
-New Eve
-Queen Mother
-New Ark of the Covenant
Queen Mother
Was a office in the OT
-1 Kg 2:19- King Soloman- rises to meet her, bows down to her, sits her at his right
Ark of the Covenant and Mary
1st connection
2 Sam 6:9 - Lk 1:43
how is it that the are ark should come to me - how can the Mother of my Lord come to me
Ark of the covenant and Mary
2 connection
2 Sam 6:11 - Lk 1:43
the ark stays in the house of Obedium (3 months) - stays in the house of Zacharia (3 months)
Ark of the covenant and Mary
3rd connection
2 Sam 6:16 - Lk 1:44
David leaps before the ark - babe in his Elizabeth Mothers womb. Leaps in the presence of Mary
Lk 1:42 only used once in the NT (talking about Mary) and 5 times in the OT (always referring to the ark)