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53 Cards in this Set

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What are the five basic themes of Christianity?
1. Jesus' Humanity and Divinity
2. Reason and Revelation
3. works and grace
4. spirit and structure
5. church and state
in ancient Israel, these people spoke on behalf of God (Yahweh) by warning, promising, giving advice, and threatening the public
what is more important- righteousness or ritual?
righteousness - more important to care about what you are doing that to follow every step correctly
when was the bible as a collection of books developed?
190-367 AD
What are the 3 hebrew cannons?
TaNak (Torah)
what are the 1st five books in the TaNak (Torah)
this creation account states that "God created it.. and it was good"; God is above (elohim)
1st creation story
this creation account applies human qualities to God; God is on earth
2nd creation story
who were the 1st three kings of Israel
Sol, David, Solomon
This source views God as above "elohim"
P source - priestly
this source is anthropological and put human characteristics onto God
J source (Yahweh)
creation story from 700-600 BC that has similar plots of rebellion, plague, flood
enuma elish
he began the covenant with God
story of "am I my brothers keeper"
portrays social responsibility and justice
Cain and Abel... Cain kills Abel
Who were two of the Beautitudes?
Matthew and Luke
this beautitude was rooted in Jewish tradition and taught on Mount Sinai- similar to Moses
This Beautitude was a gentile and taught on a plain
this "book" of the bible stresses the importance of social justice; critical of ritual...states the people of Israel have a special connection with God and that they were taking advantage of him
Book of Amos
Seneca taught this type of philosophy; stressed the importance of moderation and balance in everyday life
prophet of social justice; critical of the wealthy and Israelites
The New Testament is composed of...
- historical Narratives (gospels)
- letters (paul)
- apocalypse (end of world -time)
name 2 non- canonical writings (not picked to be in the bible)
1. Gospels of Thomas
2. Didache- early moral teachings of Church
what is the term that means Greek culture spreading
Who were the authors of the gospels?
When were Paul's letters written?
40-50 CE, before the gospels
the different versions of the gospels can be refered to as what type of problem?
synoptic problem
belief that Jesus will return and take all of his followers to heaven; everyone else goes to hell
2nd coming
what was Paul's greatest message to the gentiles?
you don't need to become Jewish to be a Christian `
This letter was written 45-55 AD; calls out to the people of Galatia and tells them to live the christian message; you don't need to be jewish to be Christian
Letter to the Galatians
the idea that by believing in Jesus, people do not have to follow Jewish ritual; the law is not going to save you, but your faith in Jesus Christ will
justification by faith
who wrote the Acts of the Apostles?
this writing was the history of the early church; it tells the story about what happens shortly after Jesus and at Pentecost. introduces Holy Spirit
Acts of the Apostles
the 1st martyryr who died for his faith
What is Paul's basic Christology?
1. Jesus with father before time
2. Jesus exists in time
3. Jesus dies and is with father in heaven
4. Jesus awaits second coming
This gospel was written in the mid 60s AD
- written first
- Jesus christ's story
- writes about Jesus' teachings and healings
- social justice : DO SOMETHING NOW
-sense of urgency
- low christology
- focus rests on Kingdom of Heaven
- window into struggle of identifying the trinity
Mark's gospel
who is the only author that has a high christology?
There are two endings to this Gospel
Mark's gospel
This Gospel was written 90-100 AD and falls outside the synoptic accounts of the others
- wrote about logos - rational principle. guide
- more of a philosophical writing
John's gospel
right in opinion
a choice that diverges from opinion
term that means knowledge or wisdom
This group of heretics believed that the body entombed the soul/ true self and they sought to find their true selves in the corrupted world
- geared toward the elite
- material world is evil
-immaterial world is good
this heresy supported religious individualism
- direct inspiration from holy spirit
this heresy claimed that Jesus was divine and was never born to Mary. Questioned his physical existence on earth
this heresy claimed that Jesus was a real human being who walked, breathed, and died on earth.
- the holy spirit rested in him in a special way while he was on earth
this heresy claimed that the evil world is our true home
- there are 2 Gods- merciful and unmerciful
- Christs human birth was impossible
a defense
truth discovered through soul; we can account for ourselves
stoicism and platonism
He put the bible into Latin
- shift in attitude towards ordinary citizen
- Christianity is not only for the elite
he made Alexandria the center of learning, uniting Jewish Greek and Christian thoughts
Clement of Alexandria
he taught the philosophy of the eternal/ unchanging truths--> the form, the soul, the one
- greek ideas and eipstomology (study of knowledge)
believed in apostolitic succession
since Jesus appointed the apostles and the apostles appointed the bishops, Jesus in a sense choice the bishops
-created hierarchy in the early church
Irenaeus of Lyons
he believed that all souls achieve salvation (go to heaven)