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61 Cards in this Set

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How has the Revelation of Jesus Christ been handed on to us?

Through the Gospel

How has the Gospel, the Revelation of Jesus Christ, been handed down to us?

Orally and in writing through the apostles

What are the two distinct modes of transmission of Divine revelation?

Sacred Scripture & Sacred Tradition

Is there proof from the Bible for what we call Sacred Tradition?

Yes; Jude 1:3

What did the Apostles do to guarantee that the Gospel would be handed down to us in its entirety?

Found successors such as bishops

Why did God arrange that there be successors to the Apostles, who were given then Apostles' own position of teaching authority, as popes and bishops?

To ensure that Sacred Tradition be handed on faithfully to all future generations, and that Sacred Scripture be interpreted faithfully and without error

How do we know that Peter and the Apostles and their successors in office were given authority by Christ to teach, govern, and sanctify the church?

Scriptural and historical proof; Luke 10:16

What evidence is there to prove that popes and bishops succeeded Peter and the Apostles, that they have the authority to teach and govern in the church?

Scriptural and historical proof; 1 Timothy 3:1-13

Why is the oral transmission of the Gospel called a "living" tradition?

Because it continues to live on in the Church through the successors in office

What does it mean to say that Sacred Tradition develops?

There is a growth in insight into the realities and words that are being passed on

What do we call the teaching authority of the Church?

The Magisterium

How are Sacred Tradition and Sacred Scripture related to each other?

Both are the revealed Word of God in different forms

What is meant by the "Sacred Deposit" of the Word of God?

Christ "deposited" faith with his Apostles

Does the Church look to Scripture alone to teach the truth God has revealed?

No, the church also looks to Tradition

Where is the divinely revealed Word of God to be found?

In Sacred Tradition & Sacred Scripture

Are all truths we believe on matters of faith and morals found clearly and explicitly in Sacred Scripture?


Who is the authoritative interpreter of the divinely revealed Word of God, as it comes down to us through Sacred Tradition & Sacred Scripture?

The Magisterium

Why is the Magisterium the authoritative interpreter of Sacred Scripture?

Because the same Holy Spirit who inspired the writing of Scripture guides the Magisterium in correctly and truthfully interpreting Scripture

Why is the Magisterium the authoritative interpreter of Sacred Tradition?

Because the pope and bishops along with the guidance of the Holy Spirit allow the Word of God as passed down through Tradition by the Magisterium

How are Sacred Tradition, Sacred Scripture, and the Magisterium all related?

Only through the Magisterium, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, has the teaching that Christ committed to His Apostles been preserved in its entirety throughout the ages

What happens when there is no recognized authority to interpret Sacred Scripture?

Many different interpretations result

Who is the principal author of Sacred Scripture?


Why does the church teach that God the Holy Spirit is the principal author of Sacred Scripture?

Because the Holy Spirit inspired the writings

What does it mean to say that the books of the Bible were written "under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit"?

Through the Holy Spirit, God inspired the writings of the Bible

What does the term "canon" mean?

Rule or standard

What is meant by the "sacred canon" of the Holy Bible?

The standard list of books in the Bible

How many books make up the canon of the Bible in the Old Testament and New Testament?

Old - 45

New - 27

Total - 72

Why does the Church teach that all 45 books of the Old Testament and all 27 books of the New Testament are sacred and canonical?

Because of inspiration

Who has the authority to determine which books are inspired by God?

The Catholic Church

When did the Catholic Church first determine that all books of the Bible were canonical and sacred?

By the end of the 4th century all books were accepted by the church

Do non-Catholics hold that all 72 books of the Bible are inspired by God? Why or why not?

No; Luther rejected purgatory, so he rejected the books that mentioned purgatory

Can there be any errors in writing of the Bible?


Is there any proof for this position (that there are no errors in the Bible) in Scripture?

Yes; 2 Timothy 3:16

Does this mean, as some claim, that the Bible is free from error only in regard to "truths concerning our salvation" that is, on matters of faith and morals, but not in everything else; and that therefore there can be some errors in the Bible?

Augustine says no; 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Are all things in the Bible to be interpreted as literally and factually true?

No; Dei Verbum article 12

What guidelines must be used in interpreting Sacred Scripture?

1. Attention must be devoted to "content and unity of the whole Scripture"

2. Scripture must be read within "the living Tradition of the whole Church"

3. One must be "attentive to the analogy of faith"

What are different "senses" of scripture?

Literal & Spiritual

Who is it that ultimately determines the manner, or sense, in which the Scriptures are interpreted?

The church: Dei Verbum 12


All knowing


God's power and majesty are limitless


God can do all things which are not by definition contradictory or without meaning (all powerful)


Without spatial or temporal limitations; present to all (present everywhere at all times)


Eternal and without change


Immediately present to us in the order of being, mediately present to us in the order of knowing

How is God absolutely simple?

In God, there is no composition of any kind

What are the two types of experience? Briefly define each.

Ordinary - Everyday experiences

Extraordinary - Special moments when we give meaning to an experience or discover truth. Always an indirect discovery

Hypostatic Union

The union between full divinity and humanity of the one person of Jesus Christ


The belief that Jesus, while remaining fully divine, became truly and fully human




A baptized person's willful and persistent disagreement with orthodox doctrines of faith



5 symbols for the Holy Spirit

Water, anointing, fire, dove, hand

What are the gifts of the Holy Spirit?

Wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, fear

The central mystery of the Christian faith is the mystery of what?

The Holy Trinity


The divine being in its unity


Of one and the same essence


And from the Son

What are the 4 basic truths concerning the Trinity?

1. There are 3 persons

2. Each is wholly Himself

3. The Father is God, the Son is God, and the Spirit is God

4. They are not 3 Gods but 1 God


The Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son

Who said that theology is "faith seeking understanding"?

St. Anselm

What is the object of theology?
