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60 Cards in this Set

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If reasoning/arguments cannot bring one to faith, why are they important?
Arguments can help test what you know about your faith.
What does Kreeft mean by Mere Christianity?
The heart of faith that unites diverse believers with eachother. This includes miracles, reliability of Scripture and reality of resurrection, heaven and hell.
Why did God create man?
Out of goodness so we could share in his own blessed life.
Why does man search for God?
Since God created us in his image, he wrote upon our heart to see him because only in him will we live the fullness of truth and happiness.
In what does our eternal happiness consist?
Our eternal happiness consists of loving God above all things.
Why is knowning the truth so important according to Sheed?
Truth is food and light, without it we would be hungry and in complete darkness.
What is the relationship between knowledge and love of God?
You so not have to know everything about the Church and God to love him, bur the more you know, the more you can love Him because knowledge clears up misunderstanding you have about God. Knowledge gives us new reasons to love.
Why does the task of sharing the truth of God fall primarily to the liaty?
The laity are in daily contact with the people who are starved from the truth.
Give an example of each of the following: truths of faith and not of reason, truths of faith and reason and truths of reason and not of faith
'truths of faith and not of reason'- the Trinity, Christ's death atoned for my sins.
'truths of both faith and reason'- existence of one God, an objective moral law, life after death.
'truths of reason and not of faith'- natural sciences
Can Christians prove by reason, all of the things they believe?
No, only arguments against them can be disproved by reason.
If Christianity and reason are true, can there ever be a contradiction between them?
No, truth cannot condradict truth, rather they work together.
What is entailed in belief in God?
Full surrender of ourselve to God and the acceptance of the truth insofar as it is guarenteed by the One who is Truth itself, to adhere to God himself, entrusting oneself to him and giving assent to all the truths which God has revealed because God is Truth, believing in one God in three Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirity
Can faith ever contradict reason or science? Why or why not?
No, both originate in God, He gives us the light of both reason and of faith.
Summarize the 'argument from efficient causality' in your own words. Why must there be an "Uncaused Being"?
For ever effect there has to be something that caused it, in order for the first cause to have been started there had to be and "Uncaused Being" to start the chain of cause and effect to get to where we are today,
Summarize the 'design argument' in your own words. Why must there be an 'Intelligent Designer'?
The world is too complex to have been created by chance, there has to be thought behind what is created and an "Intelligent Designer" has the mind to create that thought.
What are the three steps of the kalam argument?
1. Whatever begins to exist has a cause for its coming into being. 2. The universe began to exist. 3. Therefore, the universe has a cause for coming into being.
What is the common-sense observation which serves as the basis for the 'moral argument'?
To do good and avoid evil.
Why is it, according to the 'argument from conscience', that we feel an absolute obligation to obey our conscience?
The source of absolute moral obligation is something superior, this binds my will morally-the voice of God is our conscience and we feel the need to listen to obey what our conscience is saying.
Summarize in your own words the 'argument from desire'.
There are things we all desire naturally, and for everything that we naturally desire there is something to fulfill it, ultimately there is one desire that nothing on Eart can fulfill, it can only be satisfied by what people call "God" and "life with God forever".
According to Pascal's Wager, why is atheism a 'foolish bet'?
If you believe in God and it turns out there is no God, there is nothing to lose, but if you do not believe in God and it turns out there is a God, you lose everything.
Summarize the 'problem of evil' in one sentence as Kreeft describes it on the first page of the chapter. Why does the existence of evil pose a problem for the belief in God?
If God exists and He is all-good and all-powerful, then there should be no evil, but evil does exist.
What does Kreeft mean when he says, 'evil is not a thing'?
Evil is in the will, the choice, the intent, the movement, which puts a wrong order into the physical world of thinkgs and acts, evil cannot make itself, therefore it is not a thing.
What does Kreeft mean by his distinction betewwn 'physical' and 'moral' evil?
Physical sin- evil we passively suffer, evil that is against our will, evil we are not responsible for; moral evil- evil we actively do, evil we freely will, evil we are directly responsible for.
What is 'determinism' and what is the simplest argument against it?
Determinism- everything we doe can be totally accounted for by two causes: heredity plus environment. Free will adds a third cause to our actions: our wills, which in turn are not entirely the result of heredity.
If God is omnipotent, why couldn't He create a world where sin was not possible?
God did create a world withouth sin, but He also gave man freedom, without freedom there would be a world without humans, a world without hate but also without Love, Love proceeds only from free will, free will is the source of sin.
If God is all good, why doesn't He prevent us from suffering?
God allows suffering and deprives us of the lesser good of pleasure in order to help us toward the greater good of moral and spiritual education.
Does God's sovereign providence leave room for free human cooperation or collaboration? If so, how?
Yes, through actions, prayers, and sufferings, thus awakening in us the desire"to will and to work for his good pleasure".
Is God the cause of evil?
God is not the cause of evil.
What is at the root of all evils?
Human sin is the root of all evils.
Why does God permit evil?
So that good can come from evil.
What are some of the boldest, most shocking claims that Jesus made, according to the Gospel?
Jesus called himself the "Son of God"-that is, of the same nature as God, claimed to be sinless, to forgive sins, to save us from sin and death, he had come from heaven, not just earth, and that he would return again from heaven at the end of the world to judge everyone.
Other than the conclusion that Christ is God, what 'alternative' conclusions exist?
The New Testament text lies, traditional Christianity is a myth, a fairy tale, a fantasy.
Summarize the argument put forward by Kreeft as ;Lord, liar, or lunatic'.
Jesus was either God or a bad man, Jesus was not a bad man, therefore Jesus was (is) God.
Why is it difficult to imagine that Jesus was a liar?
Jesus was a good man, therefore could not be a liar.
Why is it difficult to imagine that Jesus was a lunatic?
Jesus was wise, therefore could not be a lunatic.
Why is it difficult to imagine that early Christians simply invented Jesus' claims?
They were not lunatics- no lunatic could have invented a single character of the Gospels, much less all of it.
What, for Kreeft, is the 'most popular argument against the Christian religion today'?
It is only one of many religions- choices for the religion.
What does Kreeft mean by saying that other religions are 'partly' true?
The West's definintion of "true" meant that they are partly true- some things are good and some are bad in a religion.
What is the one 'other' religion that Christians can accept as wholly true?
Biblical Judaism
According to Kreeft, is Christ the only Savior?
According to Kreeft, is it true that only professing Christians will be saved?
Why might it be useful to learn from other religions?
1. To appreciate our own religion by contratst. 2. To reinforce and deepen our understanding of similar aspects of our religion. 3. To seek and find truth wherever it may be.
The mind can generate ideas, which are immaterial. What does this tell us about the mind (or spirit)?
It produces thought, and thought is the most powerful thing in the world- unless love is, which spirit also produces.
Does spirit have parts?
Does spirit occupy space?
Can spirit be turned into something else?
What does 'infintite' mean, when applied to God?
God is without limit or boundary or end.
Why does God not have to 'receive' existence from anything else?
Because He is existence.
What does it mean to say that God is 'in' everything?
God is everywhere; everything receives the energy of God, bringing it into existence and keeping it there, that is the sense in which God is in everything.
Why does God's infininty require us to say that He is also changeless?
God is not time, time measures change and if God is not time then He cannot change.
What does eternity mean, in reference to who God is?
God's total possession of Himself.
What are the two activies which God carries out?
Knowing and loving.
Does God 'have' attributes in the same way we do?
If God is so mysterious then how is it possible to talk about Him?
God is the cause and the answer, by meditating on His effects we can know something of their cause, shed some light on God himself.
List all of the 'attributes' of God which are discussed here by Kreeft.
God exists absolute, infinite, one, spiritual, eternal, transcendent, immanent, intelligent, omniscient, and omnipotent.
What does Kreeft mean by saying that 'God exists absolutely'? Why must this be true of God?
He is the source of being for all things, there is no difference between what he is and that he is.
What are the true reasons, presented by Kreeft, why it is important to retain 'masculine' pronouns for God.
We do not have the authority to change the names of God used by Christ, the Bible, and the Church; it is historical
Why are the 'formulas of faith' (creeds) important?
Permit one to express, assimilate, celebrate, and share together with others the truths of the faith through a common language.
Which are the most important two creeds?
The Apostles' Creed and the Nicene-Constantinoplitan Creed
With what name did God reveal Himself to Moses?
"The God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob"