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55 Cards in this Set

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What is Positive Law?

Man-Made law enacted by proper authority for the government of an organized society

Natural Law

Knowledge of right and wrong written into our hearts- do good and avoid evil

What is social justice?

Based on the concepts of human rights and equality, world that gives groups and individuals fair treatment and impartial share

What does the catholic teaching say about social justice?

Doctrine that treats the collective aspect of humanity; echoes elements of old testament and recalls teachings of Jesus

What are the 8 key themes of Catholic Social Teaching?

1) Life and Dignity

2) The family

3) Rights and responsibilities

4)Preferential option for the poor

5) Dignity of work and the rights of workers

6)Principle of solidarity

7)Principle of stewardship

8)The common good

What does Rerum Novarum mean and what is it about?

Meaning: Of New Things

-mutual duties bwt capital and labor

-response to social instability and labor conflict

* Main idea: rights of labor and workers but rejects unrestricted capitalism

What is Das Kapital?

A critical analysis of capitalism and its practical economic application

What does Pacem in Terris Mean?

Peace on Earth. Issued at the height of the cold war by Pope John

What is Populorum Progressio and what did it discuss?

(Pope Paul VI) The Development of Peoples.

-asserts free international trade alone is not enough to correct economic issures. Ecourages richer nations to help poorer nations

What is Laborem Exercens and what did it discuss?

(Pope John Paul II) On Human Work

-Encourages people to address social issues among diverse groups and unify one another

What is Liberation Theology?

-School of theology that focuses on Jesus Christ as Redeemer and Liberator of Oppressed.

-Only partially compatible with catholic social teaching due to the use of marxism.

What does the "theocentric option" mean and imply?

having God as the focal point or center of thoughts, interests, and feelings

What are the Beatitudes?

They capture the vision of Jesus and the new way her interprets and applies the earlier Jewish biblical tradition.

-Two accounts of the Beatitudes-Matthew and Luke in the New Testament

What is "preferential option for the poor"?

Society and economic policy must be viewed from the perspective of the poor and the pwerless

What is the Hebrew word for Justice?


What are the 3 aspects of justice and what do they mean?

commutative: relationships of society's members with one another

distributive: fair distribution of benefits and burdens bwt a government and its people

legal: responsibilities of citizens toward the state

"Mores" comes from the Latin Word _______?


What is conscience?

The voice of God written in our hearts

What are the two critical aspects of moral decision-making?

Freedom and Knowledge

Sin definition (before Vatican II)?

an action or omission in violations of God's law

Sin definition (after Vatican II)?

the focus is on the person who acts in sin

What is Covenant law?

Judeo-Christian laws based on the 10 commandments

What is the role of the Church in ethics and morality?

teaches that tradition (magisterium) and scripture form one source of revelation

What is magisterium?


What are two extremes must we avoid?

unquestioning obedience and rejection of authority

What does the Just War doctrine say?

1) damage inflicted by the aggressor must be lasting, grave and certain

2) all other means of ending it must have been shown to be impractical or ineffective

3) serious prospects of success

4) must not produce evils greater than those to be eliminated

What are the 3 distinct Jewish ethnic groups?

*split is cultural/geographical only

1) Ashkenazi Jews

2) Shepardi Jews

3) Yemenite Jews

What are the 3 branches of Judaism?

1) Orthodox

2) Conservative

3) Reform

What does Hasidic Judasim involve?

-Founded when Jewish people turned inward to Talmud Study

-Exuberant worship

How did the Enlightenment influence Judaism?

-Led to reduction in European laws that prohibited Jews to interat with secular world

- 3 disciplines of Judaism were founded

What makes a person Jewish?

-Anyone born of a Jewish mother or converted to Judaism in accord with Jewish Law

-Reform Judaism accepts child of one Jewish parent if raised by Jewish lifestyle

What is the communal Jewish prayer of 10 adult male Jews referred to as?


What is Shabbat?

Every Saturday where Jews are forbidden to perform work, and must rest

What is Passover?

Commemorates Exodus from Egypt

What is the Nostra Aetate?

a watershed document that challenged chrisitians and catholics to look at their thinking toward jewish people

What kind of religion is Islam?

Abrahamic religion

What does Islam mean?

Submission to God

What do Muslims believe about the message of God?

God delivered his final message to humanity through the prophet Muhammad via the archangel Gabriel.

-Muhammad is God's final prophet

-Reject the theory of the holy trinity and divinity of Jesus- compares it to polytheism

What are the 5 pillars of Islam?

1) creed

2) ritual prayer (salah)

3) alms-giving (zakat)

4) fasting

5) pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj)

What are the Muslim Ablutions before prayer?

Ritual washing of face, hands, and feet done with water, or clean sand, earth, or wall when water is unavailable

What is Sharia?

Sharia- the path leading to the watering place

-expression of the divine will and covers all aspects of life

What does Jihad mean?

"To strive or struggle"

-exerting one's utmost power in contending with an object of disapprobation

- when said without a qualifier, understood in a military sense

-refers to striving to attain religious and moral perfection

What is greater jihad?

striving for spiritual self-perfection

What is lesser Jihad?


What are the three main Islamic denomiations?

1) Sunni- 70%

2) Shi'a- 20%

3) Sufism and other denominations

What do Sunnis believe?

first four caliphs were rightful successors to Muhammad

What do Shi'a believe?

Ali ibn Abi

Cousin and son-in-law of Muhammad was rightful successor - referred to as Imam (leader)

What is an Imam?

A leader

rules by right of divine appointment and hold "absolute spiritual authority"

What is Sufism?

mystical ascetic form of Islam

What does Allah translate to?

Allah- The Diety

What is a sura?

Chapter of the Qur'an

What is the Hijra?


What does the name Muhammad mean?

highly praised one

What are the 3 theological eras in the Catholic Church?

1) Jewish Christianity

2) Hellenism and Europe

3) After Vatican II, the entire world

What is enculturation?

Gospel must be translated into idioms of the local cultures