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27 Cards in this Set

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What word sums up the Biblical view of salvation?


What are the four main points of Arminian election?

The election is based off of Future acceptance.

Election is to serve, not salvation
Election is corporate, not individual.
Election is a descriptive term only.

What are the six main points for Calvinistic (reformed) election?

Consistent with God's character.
Election is based on God's good pleasure and will
Election can be for service as well as salvation
Election can be individual and corporate
Divine sovereignty is more consistent with unconditional election.
Neither salvation, nor election, are based on any conditions.

What are some arguments for unconditional election (reformed)?

Compatabilism: God is absolutely sovereign but it does not eliminate human responsibility.
Humans are morally responsible but our freedom does not make God contingent on us.
God ordains the end Goal.

-We are the means by which God accomplishes his purposes.

What are some arguments AGAINST unconditional election (reformed)?

It denies that human beings have significant free will.
Election goes against God's stated desire that no one should perish, but that all would come to repentance and faith.
Election is deterant for evangelism

What was Luther's former view on the "righteousness of God"?

Because God is righteous, we will all be condemned because we cannot reach that level of righteousness.

What was Luther's latter view on the "righteousness of God"?

How we are justified.

What was the passage of scripture that Luther was wrestling with?

Romans 1:17: the Gospel (good news) the "righteousness of God" is revealed.

What is the nature, basis, and means of Justification?

Legal act of God in which he decrees us not guilty but righteous on the basis of Christ's work; Christ's obedient life and death.
Means= FAITH.

What are the basic differences between roman catholic and traditional protestant views on justification?

Faith + Deeds= Justification

Process: preparation (faith), inception (baptism), Increase (faith inspired works, aka, sanctification).
Purgatory is a chance to continue that process after death.

What are the three stages/aspects of sanctification?

Positional (objective sanctification): God setting apart his believers for himself and his purposes
Progressive: gradual and on going work of God and believers in which they are transformed and become morel like God.
Completed: The believer is fully conformed to the image of Christ and is completely free from sin.

What is the Wesleyan and Holiness view of Sanctification?

Wesleyan: "Entire sanctification" or "Christian Perfection" that happens post-conversion

Holiness (Nazarenes): instantaneous sanctification.

What is the Keswick view on Sanctification?

power to live victorious and powerful lives

What are the types of works the Spirit was involved with in the OT?

1. Creation and Preservation
2. Giving gifts and skills
3. Empowering a select group of leaders

4. Spirit and the Messiah

5. The ethical and Spiritual renewal of God's people

What are the four "P"s of the Spirit's work in the OT and NT?

Presence: represents God's presence among his people
Power: Empowers God's people to achieve his purposes
Purity: Purifies and renews God's people
Prophecy: grants prophetic speech to God's individuals

In what ways did the NT (and OT) connect the Spirit to Jesus?

1.The Incarnation
2. Baptism
3. Temptation
4. Ministry
5. Jesus continues the OT sense of anticipation

How is the OT promise of the Spirit connected to Jesus and Pentecost (what happened in Acts)?

When the Spirit descends in acts it descends in the likeness of the rushing wind. Tongues, declaring the wonders of God, Peter connects this to Joel 2:28-32

What are (some of) the arguments for the personhood and deity of the Spirit?

Personhood: The Spirit has personal attributes and engages in personal activities.
Deity: Spirit and God are used interchangeably, exhibits divine attributes, performs divine works.

What does the Creed of Nicaea (325) say about the Holy Spirit?

"And in the Holy Spirit"

What does the Nicene Creed (381) say about the Holy Spirit?

"...the Lord, the giver of Life, who proceeds from the Father. With the father and son he is worshipped and glorified. He has spoken through the prophets"

What is the filoque controversy all about?

that the Spirit proceeds from the Father AND the Son.

-To say that the Spirit also proceeds from the Son is to say that the Spirit has two points of origin, this equals (to them) ditheism. Yet the clause is inserted in the Western version of the Creed (1014) w/o the Eastern churches approval.

What are the basic features of a Pentecostal view of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit?

1. After conversion; second blessing from the Holy Spirit.

2. Happens to only SOME believers (only those that pursue it)
3. Must be accompanied by TONGUES, YO. (Tongues are THE sign of BoHS)

What is your Professor's (Anizor's) view of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit?
(Hint: Is it at or after conversion, partial or full, or/and necessarily accompanied by tongues?)

Anizor holds that it is AT conversion, and happens to all believers.

What are some of the works/ministries attributed to the Spirit for believers?

1. The Beginning and Completion of Salvation
2. Enable to confess Jesus as Lord
3. Brings assurance and perseverance

4. Sanctifying Ministry

5. Prayer
6. The Illumination of the Word of God

7. He provides Spiritual Gifts

8. Raises up Leaders to govern the Church

9. Creates and Sustains unity among Christians

10. EVERYTHING we do should be full of the HS

Summarize Cary's argument for how God does/does not speak to Christian's today.

Cary supposes that any internal voice we hear is our own; if it is a good voice, we can attribute it to the HS's process of sanctifying us. If its bad we can assume it is of our flesh. Very thin scriptural argument for internal voice of God.

What two terms does Augustine equate with the Spirit?


What are two ways to speak of God's will, according to your Professor (and Cary)?