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84 Cards in this Set

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23) Japanese Puppet theatre is called:
C. Bunraku
What was one of the first plays ever to contain three actors?
Oedipus Rex
27. Thyrsus carried a stick with a dripping pine cone. What was it used for?
Turning water into wine
What is Prelapsarian Time?
Time after the fall of man in the Garden of Eden
Mabou Mines is
b. an artistic collective who often use puppets in their plays
Which of the following playwrights said “Plays do not come from ideas, ideas come from plays?”
Sam Shepard
A play must have which two elements?
a. conflict and relationships
Which of the following is not a dramatic convention? a. point of attack b. simultaneous or double plots c. stage directions d. character
d. character
Which of the following provide crucial information to the reader (audience) describing how the playwright has imagined the play’s environment and the character’s ages and appearance?
a. exposition
b. stage directions
c. point of attack
d. introduction
b. stage directions
The ______ is the event within a play that makes the resolution of the play’s conflict inevitable
d. crisis
A costume designer may wish to alter the color of an actor’s costume after he/she sees the actor
a. under the lights b. against the set c. next to the other costumed actors d. all of the above.

Which word refers to the means of taking the audience into the characters mind to hear its content and arguments with the self?
b. soliloquy
Within Greek Theatre, the chorus’ function was not to
a. function as the spokesperson of the play
b. give advice, express opinions, add spectacle
c. stand apart from the ordinary mortals in life
d. serve as the ideal spectator and share audiences’ reactions to events and characters

answer c
Which type of stage made it possible to present numerous scenes and actors, along with the required costumes, properties, and specific effects?
a. fixed stage
The function of the proscenium theatre is to create what?
45. the principle actor within a Noh principle is called
major form of classical Japanese musical drama that has been performed since the 14th century.

Shite: In plays where the shite appears first as a human and then as a ghost, the first role is known as the maeshite and the later as the nochishite.
47. Which words refer to the type of theatrical performances that rejects conventional seating and arranges the audience part of the playing space?
a. experimental theatre b. alternative theatre c. environmental theatre d both b&c

b and c
48. A cold reading is when
b. an actor reads a part during an audition with very little (if any rehearsal)
49. The overall plan of a production is worked out during
c. a design conference
When a director directs and older play or a class, her job is to research how the play has been done in the past and:
a. peel away old layers of interpretation and misinterpretation c. make people see the play in a new way
51. Which of the following is the last phase in preparation for a performance of the play?
c. tech/dress rehearsal
52. In early theatre what were the functions of masks?
a. to enlarge the actor’s facial features so that the character’s imagine would be apparent at great distance b. to express basic emotions (grief, anger, sadness, pity)
53. What are the two kinds of criticism for theatre
b. drama and theatre criticism
54. What is the primary function of a critic?
c. to recognize and call attention to the work of good artists and to assist the public as to what production to see
56. Which word refers to a movement that developed in reaction the modern period in architecture, painting, music, literature, and theater?
b. postmodernism
57. the purpose of feeding lines to an actor is to
a. allow the connection between people to take place
58. How many scenes are in the play Betrayal
a. 9
61. Which type of stage was designed to minimize the separation of actor and audience
Both Eastern and Western theatres are divided into
c. stage and auditorium
What does Grotowski’s simplistic “poor” theatre consist of
d. audience and actor
Which of the following terms describes Grotowski’s performance of semi religious acts in which the actor undergoes a psycho spiritual experience?
b. holy theatre
Who said that “play should put its audience in the same position as the protagonist
David Mamet
This makeup concept transforms the actor’s features to reveal age or attitude.
a. character
Who has the final say in set design?
b. director
The postmodern habit of placing contradictory experiences within the same frame of reference is referred to as:
a. doubling
Who wrote the play Up your Ass?
Valerie Solanis
Betrayal is like a mirror in its
73. what famous theatre in London was rebuilt nearly identical to its original structure?
What is the prize rewarded for second place in Glengarry Glen Ross?
Betrayal is an appropriate name for the play Betrayal for all but which of the following reasons?
Emma never admits to Robert that she and Jerry are having an affair
What gives a play unity
c. revelation of plot which comes full circle in the end
Who wrote quotations from a ruined city?
Reza Abdoh
What is charting and what aspect of technical production is it used for?
a. In costume design, the paperwork that shows when and where actors are on stage, when they exit, etc. b. In lighting design, where a cue sheet or chart of the control console indicates instrument settings and color with cue number and page number of script. c. In sound design, called a cue sheet listing sound effects, cue number, page number, and location on tape or CD
What does the stage manager’s prompt book contain?
Entire script with blocking, ground plain, lighting/sound/scene/shift cues
In a play’s opening scene, the information given about what is going on, what has happened in the past is called
d. exposition
In betrayal, Robert’s son is named
Antonin Artraud called for a _______ to purge the audiences feelings of hatred and violence through the use of non verbal effects
d. theatre of cruelty
What were the names of the 2 performance areas n the Ancient Green Theatre
a. orchestra/skene
The _____________ is an agreement that grants the producers the right to produce a play or musical in exchange for a fee paid to the writer or the composer/ lyricist
b. option
Mel Gussow, Frank Rich, and Brook Atkinson are all:
During costume research, all but which of the following must considered:
d. actor’s style of dress
Commedia Dell’arte was known for:
c. character masks of personality types
In betrayal, Jerry discovers a letter from Emma
c. in the pocket of a jacket at home
The name of the open- air theatre founded by Peter Schumann is:
Bread and Puppet Theatre
Which of the following names is not associated with alternative theatre?
a. Peter Brook b. Elia Kazan c. Jerzy Grotowski d. Ariane Mnouchkine B
The most celebrated ancient Greek Theatre was:
Theatre at Dionysus
All of the following were ancient Greek playwrights except
a. Aeschylus b. Agamemnon c. Sophocles d. Aristophanes B
London’s first theatre was called
The Theatre
The system for changing scenery developed in the seventeenth century by Giambattista Aleotti was called:
c. wing-in-groove
Which of the following types of stages is also known as the picture-frame stage?
a. proscenium
“The Mousetrap” in Shakespeare’s Hamlet is an example of which dramatic convention?
a. play within a play
112. Theoni V. Aldredge, William Ivey Long, and Jane Greenwood are all
b. costume designers
Technical rehearsal without actors is known as
d. dry tech
Casting actors on the basis of talent, rather than ethnicity, is known as:
b. colorblind casting
1. Phillip Glass is a member of what threatre collective based in Nova Scotia?
B. Mabou Mines
2. Hamlet Machine is a post modern drama written by which playwright?
Heiner Mueller
3. John Moran was know for making “pre-recorded operas” involving orchestrated moves and lip-syncing which one of the following was not mentioned in class as an example of his work?
According to class lecture what type of plays did Charles Me write his own versions of?
6. What the protagonist wants is what according to David Mamet ?
B. the main question of drama
7. David Mamet says the trick of dramaturgy is to put the protagonist and _______ in exactly the same spot.
C. the audience
8. What does David Mamet believe must be cut out of his plays?
B. exposition
9. ____ has to do with circumstance _______ has to do with individual choice?
D. drama, tragedy
11. Vice is a character with bad habits that has been featured what type of Medieval Theatre?
D. morality play
12. According to lecture what is an activity that Elizabethans loved to watch that showed their love for violence ?
A. bear beatings
15. The roof of the theaters in Elizabethan times were called what?
A. the heavens
16. The Noh is a famous Japanese theatre what does noh mean
18. Gracho Marx was based off the character pantelone from what popular improvisational theatre?
Commedia del Arte
20. Valerie Solanas is famous for shooting Andy Warhol why did she do this?
C. he lost her play manuscript
21. According to lecture in Shakespeare's play the crisis almost always occurs when?
Act III scene III
22. What technique did Richard Forman employ to keep his audience awake?
B. shine bright lights at them
23. What playwright famously never wrote stage directions?
24. Gestic Language is a hallmark of what playwright?
Bertol Brech
25. According to lecture every scene in the play Betrayal is what?
A. a power struggle
26. What theatre was found below the Acropolis?
Theatre of Dionysus