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98 Cards in this Set

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What was the essential difference in Greek theatre that allowed it to develop non-religious plays?

The humanity of their gods

Who is Dionysus?

He is a Greek god that was born twice, and he is the god of wine and partying

What is a dithyramb?

A poem to Dionysus

How many people were in a Dithyrambic chorus?

50 men and 50 boys

Who was the first person to get out of the chorus and speak as a character?


Who were the three main writers in the City Dionysia?

Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides

Who had 24 WINS, never placed lower than second, and wrote Oedipus Rex?


Who was known as the Master of the Trilogy?


Who was more popular after his death (which may account for all the available copies of his work) ?


Whose plays were very traditional and also characterized by Lavish Spectacle?


Who had women as central characters?


Characteristics of the plays written by Sophocles, Aeschylus, and Euripides include?

1) Violence in these plays is always performed offstage

2) Masks worn by the actors

The only 5th century comic playwright with any surviving works


True/False: During the hellenic period, tragedy became less popular.


True/False: Comedy was always influenced heavily by mime troupes.

False: started with the new comedy during the hellenic period

True/False: Mimes were the first performers without masks.


Theatre is no longer solely a form of _____ during the Hellenic period.

Religious expression

The Artists of Dionysus were the first what?

The first actor’s union

True/False: Roman theatre was used for religious worship.


The Emperor _____ made Christianity lawful, but it was _____ who made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire (without forbidding paganism)

Constantine, Theodosius I

Whose Characters were often dominated by a SINGLE DOMINATING OBSESSIVE PASSION


Whose plays are the oldest intact works in Latin literature and are written in conversational language?


Which Roman playwright used the 5 act form and used choral interludes between each act?


What Roman playwright was born a slave?


Who reduced the chorus to 1 character?


Plautus, Terence, and Seneca are all _______ playwrights


When did theatre temporarily fall?

When Rome fell

Why did Theatre fall when Rome did?

Theatre was state-sponsored

There was a woman, Hrosvitha (means strong voice), that found all of the plays from the the ancient roman dudes, which means what?

She is the first female playwright in the Western world

What are seasonal folk plays of the medieval period called?

Mummer’s plays

In 925, we see the first trope in the Easter service. What is a trope?

An inserted bit of spoken text into music

In 1264, Pope Urban IV suggested a new religious celebration that would be outside, rather than inside of a church. What was created because of this?

Cycle Plays

How did guilds use the cycle plays?

They used the plays as advertisements for their influence and power

We are not at a point where people are creating secular dramatic pieces; however, _____ with a Biblical message have started to happen

Morality plays

What is the best example of a morality play?


When and where did the Renaissance begin?

In Italy in the 1400s

What began in 1600 in Florence, by people who were trying to fuse Italian traditions with Greek theatre?

The Opera

What did the Opera create?

The libretto (little book)

What was the Commedia del Arte?

A comedy of professional artists

What are the 3 unities?

1) Unity of time: plot should not be more than 24 hours

2) Unity of place: should occur in only one place

3) Unity of action: one central story with a small group of characters

What does a separation of genres mean?

Tragedy must be about royalty and have a sad ending

Comedy must be about common people and have a happy ending

True/False: England always progresses slightly faster than continental Europe?

False: It progresses slower

Who built the first permanent theatre structure just outside London in 1576?

Richard Burbage

In 1558, Elizabeth I decrees that any actor not employed by a gentleman is to be considered a vagabond. This decree had what effect?

It professionalized the job

Who wrote for the House of Tudor and the King’s Men?

William Shakespeare

What effect did writing for the House of Tudor have on Shakespeare's writing?

Many of his plays are biased towards the House of Tudor

Which organization, chartered in 1637, was patterned after the Italian academies and was limited to “forty men of letters”?

The Academie Francaise

What was the First Folio?

A compilation of Shakespeare’s Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies

How did Shakespeare include stage directions in his plays?

He left textual clues for the actors, including heartbeat, punctuation, and word choice

When was theatre outlawed in England?

When England became a Commonwealth, from 1649-1660

Why is the Restoration called the Restoration?

The monarchy was restored to power in 1660.

Charles II came to power.

Saw return of Theatre!

True/False: Charles II hated theatre.

False, he loved it (think of the movie we watched)

What are characteristics of the Comedies of Manners?

Poked fun at the upper classes

Amoral attitude toward sexual matters

Who was Ned Kynaston?

The last male actor than played women

True/False: Kynaston permanently refused to play male roles.

False: He started to play male roles in 1661 once females started to play female roles

Who wrote diaries all in code so he didn’t get caught by his wife?

Samuel Pepys

Who was Nell Gwynn?

She caught the eye of Charles II and is considered a symbol of the Restoration woman

After the Industrial revolution, there is an explosion in demand for the arts. Therefore, more actors are needed and need to be taught. Who was the first acting teacher?

Francois Delsarte

Who was Richard Wagner?

1) Coined “Gesamtkunstwerk”

>Totally unified artwork

2) Wagner increased stage illusion because he wanted his audience to be transported

3) Musicians tuned instruments before entering the pit

4) Audiences were to hold their applause until end of evening

5) Credited with being the first person to dim the house lights

Who was Laura Keene - 1826-1873?

Operated in the style of the actor - managers of the late 1500s and early 1600s

Was touring and starring in Our American Cousin at Ford’s Theatre in Washington D.C.

Who was George II, Duke of Saxe Meiningen?

First director

The Meiningen Ensemble began as a “court” theatre for the Duke

> No theater managers

> No star system

> Centered on realistic acting and drag in well developed plays

Who was known for being an American actor?

Edwin Forrest (legendary for playing in Metamora)

Who acted in an opposite way of Edwin Forrest?

William Charles MacReady, who used a formal, British approach

______ = melodrama, while ______ = well made play.

America, Europe

What are some aspects of a melodrama?

>Music underscoring action

>Good vs evil (good always triumph)

>Suspenseful plots with a climactic moment at the end of each act

>Broad, stock characters

>3-act structure

>Noble Savage

What are some aspects of a well-made play?

Strict logic of cause and effect dominates the well-made play

5 acts

Very simple

What is the symbol of the American common man?

The Yankee

Who were volunteer firefighters that rebelled against the British?

Bowery Boys

True/False: Theatre in the 1900s created harmful stereotypes for Americans that we are still deeply affected by now


Who were the three major Playwrights in Europe doing Realism?

Henrik Ibsen, August Strindberg, and Anton Chekhov

Which realism playwright wrote realistic dramas about TABOO subjects?


Which realism playwright was incredibly exacting and doctrinaire, and had no intermission?


Whose work is tragicomic, highly realistic, and incredibly challenging?


Whose realism is referred to as Naturalism?


True/False: Independent theatres arose all over Europe because of Chekhov’s work.


What does symbolism refer to?


Futurism = _____ ; Dada = _____ ; Surrealism = _____ ?

Italian, Swiss, French

Who believed the subconscious to be the HIGHEST plane of reality?

Andre Breton

Who created epic theatre?

Bertolt Brecht → sought to detach audience from characters and story

In epic theatre, the skill of performers is evaluated by the beauty of their movements. Also, it is very ritualized and stylized. What form of theatre is this?

Peking Opera

A list of 41 Peking operas was published in the same year that what communist leader of China died?

Chairman Mau, note that in this same year traditional forms of theatre were revived

True/False: All three forms of Japanese theatre would rather create something real instead of something beautiful.

False, other way around

What are the three forms of Japanese theatre?

Noh, Bunraku, and Kabuki

Which form of Japanese theatre is performed with puppets?


In which Japanese Theatre form are all roles played by men, the performance lasts all day, and the name of the form means skill or talent?


Which Japanse theatre form has elaborate make-up and costumes?


What does Shingeki mean?

New drama, and it is highly naturalist

What was created in reaction to the bombing of Hiroshima?


One of the most significant contributors to global theatre came from Brazil; who is it?

Augusto Boal

What was Boal’s theatre called?

The Theatre of the Oppressed

American realism = _____ ?

Selective realism

The French idea that existence has little to no meaning at all and that God does not exist is called what?


Where was The Theatre of the Absurd created?


Audiences are expected to participate in what kind of theatre?

Experimental Theatre/Environmental Theatre → Environmental theatre is also known as site - specific theatre

What is a constant modification of script called?


At the zenith of his career, _____ was paid more than any white man on Broadway.

Bert Williams

Because of the WPA, 22 cities across nation suddenly had theatrical groups dedicated to producing African-American theatre? What is the WPA?

Works Progress Administration

What is the plot of A Raisin in the Sun, and who is it written by?

A black family buying a house in a white neighborhood, Lorraine Hansberry