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27 Cards in this Set

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Plains Indians
Lived off bison on the Great Plains
Horse based culture
Sioux, Cheyene, Comanche, Apache, Pawnee, Crow
Other Indians
"Sea of Grass"
term used by Lewis and Clark to describe Western frontier
"The Great American Desert"
Old map term for the Great Plains
"The Frontier Thesis"
Frederick Jackson Turner (1893)
Frontier is the main influence upon democracy.
Democracy is a result of the frontier.
An equalizer.
Bonanza Farming
Corporate farming which utilized mass production techniques. This increases the size of the farm.
Sitting Bull, Red Cloud, Crazy Horse, and Geranimo
Successful Indian chiefs who accepted Westernization and were well known by Americans.
The Battle of Little Big Horn
Battle between Indians and George Armstrong Custer and the 7th Cavalry.
*Indians massacred Custer and cavalry, but gave bad publicity to the Indians which renewed American efforts to exterminate them.
Wounded Knee Massacre
Winter campaign in which Americans wiped out Indian men, women, and children as an assault against the tribe's Ghost Dance religion which went against "Americanization."
Buffalo Soldier
African American soldier in the cavalry who engaged against the Indians
Sand Creek Massacre
The near annihilation in 1864 of Black Kettle's Cheyenne band by Colorado troops under Colonel John Chivington's orders to "kill and scalp all, big and little."
The Treaty of Fort Laramie
The treaty acknowledging U.S defeat in the Great Sioux War in 1868 and supposedly guaranteeing the Sioux perpetual land and hunting rights in South Dakota, Wyoming, and Montana.
Dawes Act
An 1887 law terminating tribal ownership of land and allotting some parcels of land to individual Indians with the remainder opened for White settlement.
*An attempt to institute capitalism
Social center in mining towns
Chisholm Trail
The route followed by Texas cattle raisers driving their herds north to markets at Kansas railheads.
Homestead Act
Law passed by COngress in 1862 providing 160 acres of land free to anyone who would live on and plot and farm the land for five years.
Comstock Lode
mining of silver and gold in Nevada; mining town lifestyle
Cattle Drive
Entrepreneurs went into Texas and Mexico, got cattle, and herded them to railheads
Where the railroad connects to other railroads; often cow towns.
Dime novels
Made up stories about fantastic events that were often based on Western mythology.
Buffalo Billy Cody's Wild West
Successful attempt at show business that resembled a western themed traveling circus. It recreated Indian battles and gunfights.
Outlaws as heroes
Billy the Kid and Jesse James were Southern mythic heroes and Confederate sympathizers who embodied Southern resistance.
a homesteader
Barb Wire
Invented by Joseph Glidden in 1874 and put an end to cattle drives
Oklahoma Land Rush
and Sooners: someone who cheated by getting to the land before the opening gun.
Agrarian Revolt
Farmers are angry over falling crop prices and big business monopoly.
Form Alliances or Cooperatives to control crop prices
"Moneyed interests"
A belief by farmers that there was a conspiracy by banks and governments.