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20 Cards in this Set

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Does the bible agree that the pope and the priests are the successor of Christ?

(Heb 7:24-25)

No. Christ cannot be replaced. He have an unchangeable prieathood.

Why can Christ not be replaced?

(Heb 13:8)

Because Christ is always the same and does not change.

When was the title of "pope" used?

(C.E, Vol.12 p.270)

The bible does not contain the word pope, therefore Peter was not a pope.

What is the fact that Peter was on list of popes?

(C.E. Vol.12 p.272)

St. Peter 67? They dont know if Peter was a pope then.

What is their proof that Apostle Peter was the first Catholic pope?

(Cath. Dict, p.389)

The number of popes are uncertain and a dosen are unknown.

Why is it against God's will to confess sins to a priest? To whom should we confess?

(Awit 32:5 KJV)

We should confess our sins to the Lord, that He may forgive us.

What is His promise to us if we confess our sins to Him?

(I Juan 1:9)

If we confess our sins to Him, He will forgive us from our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. We shoud confess to God.

Who mediates for us to the Father?

(I Tim 2:5)

Christ the man is the only mediator between God and men.

Who mediates in the Catholic Church?

(A. Katoliko, p.115)

The saints mediates and not Christ.

Is it true the catholic teaching that their saints are in heaven so that thay can be called to intercede for them?

(Awit 88:5)

The dead are in their graves to be forgotten, and have been cut of from our hands.

Are the dead in heaven?

(Gawa 2:29)

David is dead and buried, and his tomb is still with us to this day.

Did David ascend to heaven?

(Gawa 2:34)

David did not ascend to heaven.

What did the bible say about David?

(Awit 86:2)

David asked God to preserve his life, for he was a servand who trusted God.

What happens to man when he dies?

(Job 14:10)

When man dies he is laid away.

When will man rise from the dead?

(Job 14:12)

When man is laid down, he does not rise till the heavens are no more.

When will the heavens be no more?

(II Ped 3:10)

The heavens will cease to be on the Lords day. Like a thief in the night it will come. And the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the earth and its works will be burned up.

What will happen on the Lords Day?

(II Ped 3:7)

The heavens and the earth are reserved for fire untill the day of judgment and perdition on ungodly men.

Is Purgatory mentioned in the bible?

(Ecles 9:5-6)

There is no mention of Purgatory in the bible. Because the dead know nothing, they will be forgotten and no longer will they have a share of anything done under the sun.

Is there a place for people to in on Judgment day?

(Mat 25:31-34)

At the comming of Christ there is no Purgatory. When Christ comes all nations will be gathered before Him, and He will seperate one from another. And His people will be set on His right hand.

What will happen to those on His left hand?

(Mat 25:41)

Those on His left hand will be cast into everlasting fire, for they never belonged to Christ. There is no Purgatory.