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66 Cards in this Set

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How many bones is the skull composed of?

How many bones form the cranium or "braincase"?

How many bones are associated with the face?


Most skull bones are ________ bones.


All of the bones of the skull articulate via sutures except what?

the mandible's articulation to the temporal bone

what type of joint is the temporomandibular joint?
synovial, modified hinge, diarthortic
the only moveable bone of the skull


what type of joints are sutures?

fibrous, synarthrotic

What are the 7 other bones associated with the skull?

hyoid and 6 auditory ossicles

What bones make up the calvaria or the "bald part of the skull"?

frontal, parietal, and occipital bones
what bones make up the cranial base or floor of the skull?
temporal, sphenoid, and ethmoid bones

the suture found between the frontal and parietal bones

coronal suture

the suture between the parietal and temporal bones
squamosal suture
the suture between the parietal bones

sagittal suture

the suture between the parietal and occipital bones

lamboidal suture

what is found between the supra-orbital margin and the supraciliary arch of the frontal bone?

supraorbital foramina or notch

What comes through the supraorbital foramen/notch?

branches of the trigeminal nerve

What is the supraorbital nerve a branch of?

the opthalmic division of CNV

hollowed out areas of the frontal, sphenoid, ethmoid, and maxillae bones

paranasal sinuses
what structures are transmitted through the foramen magnum?

vertebral arteries and the spinal cord

on either side of the foramen magnum is a hypoglassal canal...what structure is transmitted through this canal?

CNXII or hypoglossal nerves

what structures are transmitted through the jugular foramen?
CNIX, CNX, CNXI and the internal jugular vein
what is the flat portion of the temporal bone called?
squamous portion
what is the medial end of the external acoustic meatus?

tympanic membrane

the zygomatic process of the temporal bone and the temporal process of the zygomatic bone form what?
zygomatic arch
What structure is transmitted through the stylomastoid foramen of the temporal bones?

CNVII or the facial nerve

what enters the skull through the carotid canal?

internal carotid artery
the portion of the temporal bone that is rock hard and also is where your middle and inner ear cavity are found
petrous portion
opening along the petrous portion of the temporal bone
internal acoustic meatus

What 2 pairs of cranial nerves are transmitted through the internal acoustic meatus?


bat like bone that sits between the anterior and middle cranial fossas

2 openings in the lesser wing of the sphenoid bone lead into what?
optic canal

What is within hypophyseal fossa of the sella tercica of the sphenoid bone?

pituitary gland

the pituitary gland is surrounded by bones everywhere except __________________


the superior orbital fissure is underneath the lesser wing of the sphenoid bone; what structures are transmitted through this fissure

CNIII, CNIV, CNVI and opthalmic division of CNV

list the 3 additional foramina on the sphenoid bone

foramen rotundum, foramen ovale, foramen spinosum

what structures are transmitted through foramen rotundum?

maxillary division of CNV

what structures are transmitted through foramen ovale?

mandibular division of CNV

what structures are transmitted through foramen spinosum?

middle meningeal artery

vertical projections beginning at the border between the greater and lesser wings of the sphenoid
pterygoid processes

each pterygoid process is composed of a ______________ and a ______________ plate

medial and lateral
in between the 2 pterygoid plates is what?

pterygoid fossa

What structure is transmitted through the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone?

olfactory nerve fibers
where is the olfactory epithelium found?

along the roof of the nasal cavity

through what foramen does the internal artery enter the cranial vault?

foramen lacerum
what structures are transmitted through the optic foramen?
CNII and opthalmic artery

a process of the ethmoid bone to which the falx cerebri attaches

crista galli

the largest facial bones


the maxilla bones articulate with all other facial bones except what?

the mandible
the inferior aspects of the maxillae to which the teeth attach

alveolar processes

foramina of the maxillae
infraorbital foramina

infraorbital nerves that pass through the infraorbital foramen of the maxillae are branches of what nerve?

the maxillary division of CNV

the bony portion along the roof of your oral cavity that separates the oral cavity from the nasal cavity

hard palate

the only moveable bone of the face


mental foramen is on both sides of the body of the mandible; what nerve comes through this foramen

mental nerve; branch of the mandibular division of CNV
small, L-shaped bones

is the inferior nasal conchae a part of the ethmoid bone?


this bone forms the inferior portion of the nasal septum


the nasal septum is posteriorly made of __________ and anteriorly made of ________________.
bone, cartilage
air filled chambers within bone that act as extensions of the nasal cavities
paranasal sinuses
this bone is not in direct contact with any other bones in the skeleton and it serves as an attachment point for muscles involved in the movement of the tongue, neck, larynx, and pharynx
hyoid bone
what skull bones contain paranasal sinuses?

frontal, ethmoid, sphenoid, maxillae

what cranial bone articulates with the condyle of the mendible?


what nasal conchae is a separate bone and not a part of the ethmoid bone?

inferior nasal conchae

what bones form the bridge of the nose?
nasal bones
what bones form the hard palate?
maxillae and palatine