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58 Cards in this Set

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What are the two main divisions of the Skeletal System?

axial skeleton and appendicular skeleton

Axial skeleton
longitudal (attached to the midline) axis of the body, 80 bones of the skull and bones

Appendicular skeleton

(appendages) 126 bones, allows us to move and manipulate objects
What are the 8 Cranial Bones?
frontal, parietal(2), occipital, temporal (2), sphenoid, ethmoid
What is the Maxilla?

upper jaw (2)

What is the Mandible?
Lower jaw bone (only moveable facial bone-1)
What is the Zygomatic Bone?
Cheek bones (2)
Where are the Lacrimal bones?

the eye sockets

What is the function of the Hyoid Bone?
Supports the larynx (voice box), attaches muscles of the larynx, pharynx, and tongue
How many Vertebrae are there in the Vertebral column?
24 vertebrae
How many Vertebrae are there in the Cervical column?

7 vertebrae

How many Vertebrae are there in the Thoracic column?

12 vertebrae

How many Vertebrae are there in the lumbar column?

5 vertebrae

What is the Sacrum?
the bottom part of the spinal column
What is the Coccyx?
the very bottom portion of the spine; the tailbone

first cervical vertebrae


second cervical vertebrae

What are the three main parts of the Thoracic Cage?
thoracic vertebrae, ribs, sternum (breastbone)
How many True ribs are there?

ribs 1-7

How many False ribs are there?
ribs: 8-12 (11&12 are floating ribs)
Why are false ribs referred to as “false”
they are not directly connected to the spine
What are the three parts of the Sternum

manubrium, sternal body, & xiphoid process


broad upper part of the sternum

Sternal body

the middle portion of the sternum

Xiphoid process

small part found inferior to the body of the sternum
Where is the Pectoral Girdle?
(Shoulder girdle) connects the arms to the shoulders, provide a base for arm movement
What are the two bones we talked about that are part of the Pectoral girdle?
consists of 2 clavicles and 2 scapulae
What is the name of the arm bone?
Humerus (articulates with the pelvic girdle)
What are the names of the two bones of the the forearm?
Ulna (medial) and radius (lateral)
Where would one find the carpal bones?
bones found in the hand (manus)
How many carpal bones are there?
there are 8 (4 proximal carpal & 4 distal carpal)
Where are the metacarpals?
The 5 long bones of the hand; I-V from lateral (thumb) to medial

what are phalanges?

The bones in your fingers/toes (14 total finger bones) (14 toe bones)
Where is the Pelvic Girdle?
Part of the pelvis and that's made up of 2 hip bones (coral bones)
What are the coxal bones?

the 2 hip bones

What three bones are fused to make up the coxal bones?
ilium, ischium, and pubis bones
What is the Acetabulum?
The hip socket; it's the meeting point of the ilium, ischium, and pubis

Thigh bone


What's the name of the bone that makes up your kneecap


What are the two bones of the leg?
tibia (shinbone) and fibula (attaches muscles to feet and toes)
What are Tarsals?

ankle bones

What are Meta Tarsals?

foot bones

What is the calcaneus?

the heel bone

What does Diarthrosis mean?
freely movable joints (synovial joints)


reduces angles between elements


increases angles between elements


extreme extension anatomical position


moves away from longitudinal axis


moves towards longitudinal axis
circular motion without rotation


(palms in) rotates forearm, radius over ulna


(palms out) forearm in anatomical position

Gliding synovial joint

end of clavicles, between carpals and tarsals

Hinge synovial joint

between occipital bones and atlas, elbow, knee, ankle

Pivot synovial joint

rotation of the head, pronation and supination of the ulna

Ellipsoid synovial joint

between radius and carpals, in the phalanges

Saddle synovial joint


Ball and socket synovial joint

shoulder and hip joints