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59 Cards in this Set

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Surrounds and protects the brain, consisting of the occipital, parietal, frontal, temporal, sphenoid, and ethmoid bones
Articulates with every cranial bone and extends from one side to the other across the floor of the cranium
An irregularly shaped bone that forms part of the orbital wall, the anteromedial floor of the cranium, the roof of the nasal cavity, and part of the nasal septum
Facial complex
Supports the entrance to the respiratory and digestive tract, consisting of the maxillae, palatine, nasal, zygomatic, lacrimal, vomer, and mandible
The largest bones of the face, together they form the upper jaw
The entire lower jaw, which articulates at the temporomandibular joints
Bony recesses that enclose and protect the eyes
Nasal complex
The bones and cartilage that enclose the nasal cavities and the paranasal sinuses, air spaces connected to the nasal cavities
The base for several muscles con- cerned with movements of the tongue and larynx, and not in contact with any other bone of the skeleton
Cervical vertebrae
The smallest of the vertebrae, extending from the occipital bone of the skull to the thorax, seven in total
Thoracic vertebrae
More massive than that of the cervical vertebrae, each articulates with ribs along dorsolatral surfaces of it's body, twelve in total
Lumbar vertebrae
The largest of the vertebrae, bearing the most weight, five in total
Consists of the fused components of five vertebrae, fusing between puberty to age 25-30, protecting reproductive, excretory, and digestive glands
Consists of 3-5 (usually 4) vertebrae that begin fusing by age 26, providing attachment for a muscle that constricts the anal opening
Elongated, curved, flattened bones that (1) originate on or between thoracic vertebrae and (2) end in the wall of the thoracic cavity
True ribs
Or vertebrosternal ribs, are the first seven ribs that connect to the sternum at costal cartilages
False ribs
Or vertebrochondral ribs, are ribs 8-12 whose costal cartilages fuse together before reaching the sternum
Floating ribs
The last two ribs which have no connection to the sternum
The flat bone that forms in the anterior midline of the tho-racic wall
Connects the pectoral girdle and the axial skeleton, bracing the shoulder
A broad triangle with many surface markings reflecting the attachment of muscles, tendons, and ligaments
The proximal bone of the upper limb
The lateral bone of the antebrachium in anatomical position
The medial bone of the antebrachium in anatomical position
Carpal bones
Consisting of the scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform, trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, and hamate bones. "Sam likes to push the toy car hard"
Metacarpal bones
Five bones articulating with the distal carpal bones
Fourteen bones that articulate with the metacarpal/metatarsal bones. The pollex and hallux have two, the rest have three
Hip bones
The ilium (largest), ischium (posterior), and pubis (anterior)
The longest and heaviest bone of the body, the proximal bone of the lower limb
A large sesamoid bone that forms within the tendon of the quadriceps femoris, a group of muscles that extends the knee
The large medial bone of the distal leg
The slender and lateral bone of the distal leg
Tarsal bones
The talus (transmits weight of the tibia anteriorly), the calcaneus (heel bone), cubiod, naviculer, and cuneiform bones
Metatarsal bones
Five long bones articulating with the distal tarsal bones
An immovable joint, where bony edges are close together and may interlock, such as the gomphosis of the teeth and jaws
Slightly movable joints, such as a symphisis where bones are separated by a pad of cartilage
Freely movable, or synovial joints
movement away from the longitudinal axis of the body
Movement toward the longitudinal axis of the body
Reduction in angle between articulating elements
Increase in angle between articulating elements
Extension beyond normal anatomical limits, producing joint damage
A special type of angular motion that includes flexion, abduction, extension, and adduction
Zygapophysial joint
The synovial joints found between the superior and inferior articulating facets of adjacent vertebrae
Intrvertebral discs
Pads of fibrous cartilage which cushion the vertebrae, a hard outer layer, the anulus fibrosus, and a soft inner layer, the nucleus pulposus
Slipped disc
Posterior longitudinal ligaments become weakened, compressing the nucleus pulposus which distorts the anulus fibrosus, partially forcing it into the vertebral canal
Herniated disc
Severe compression causing the nucleus pulposus to break through the anulus fibrosus and enter the vertebral canal
The painful result of compression of the roots of the sciatic nerve
Glenohumeral joint
Or shoulder joint, is a loose and shallow joint that permits the greatest range of motion of any joint in the body
Sternoclavicular joint
A synovial joint between the medial end of the clavicle and the manubrium of the sternum
A general term that indicates pain and stiffness affecting the skeletal system, the muscular system, or both
A general term that encompasses all the rheumatic diseases that affect synovial joints
Degenerative joint disease
Rheumatoid arthritis
Inflammatory joint disease
Bone spur
An abnormal thickening on a bone, usually in response to a traumatic event
A dislocation
A partial dislocation
A tear in the collagen fibers of a ligament
A break in a bone