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22 Cards in this Set

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What is a general, or grand explanation, which makes predictions and observations?


What is an actual testable prediction taken from a theory?


What is this an example of:

The consumption of OJ can be very beneficial for learning material. (grand explanation that suggests that drinking OJ will have a positive impact on how you learn material)


What is this an example of:

If you drink OJ before you take a psychology test, then you will receive a better score on the test. (A specific statement that can be tested in an experiment)


What is it called when it allows a persons within a population to an equal chance of being selected or chosen?

Random sampling

When picking students to participate in your OJ study you want to avoid any type of bias (bias could occur if you hand selected the participants. ex. you may only pick students you know will score well on the test.) A _____ would allow every student an equal chance of being selected, for ex. entering every students name into a box and then picking their names.

Random sampling

specific group, community which is going to be used for the study:


An example of a specific group would be high school psychology students. What group is that?


sample that is taken from the population:

Representative sample

The _____ would be the students randomly selected from the population.

representative sample

process of allowing subjects an equal chance of being chosen either for the experimental or control group

Random assignment

What are precise definitions on how each variable will be used in the experiment?

Operational definitions

_____ should be able to read these _____ or instructions and be able to repeat the experiment exactly as it was run in the original study

Other researchers

operational definitions

What is a factor or characteristic that is going to be manipulated or measured?


What is the variable which is manipulated by the experiment, also referred to as the variable the experimenter is interested in studying?

Independent variable

The _____ follows the IF statement in a hypothesis. Ex. If you drink orange juice.

independent variable

What is the variable that shows the outcome, measurement, or results- proof?

Dependent variable

The _____ follows the "then" statement in a hypothesis- then you will receive a better score on the test

dependent variable

Which is the group who receives the independent variable - these are the people who are being manipulated or given the change?

Experimental group

is the group who does NOT receive the independent variable- they are then held for a comparison to the experimental group:

Control group

Which variables could AFFECT the outcome of the dependent variable

Confounding variables

The Setup of an Experiment:

Theory- Hypotheis- if, then

Random sampling- population, representative sample, random assignment

Operational definitions- (other researchers)

Variable- independent variable- (IF) -dependent variable- (THEN, this is the proof you are going to later provide

Experimental group

Control group

Confounding variables