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25 Cards in this Set

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What fabled founder was the first king of Rome?
The first king of Rome was Romulus.
What is considered to be the birth of the Roman Republic?
The rebellion against Tarquinius was the birth of the Roman Republic.
King Tarquinius, though defeated, was not ready to accept defeat against the Roman nobles; therefore, he called upon the help of his fellow Etuscan king. What was his name?
His name was Lars Porsenna.
All real political power rested with a little more or less than fifty men, members of the senate. There was also an often less importnat, but actual assembly for the people. What was it called?
Comitia Centuriata was the assembly for the people.
The plebeians, as part of the Conflict of the Orders, demanded that there be a written law. Why did the plebeians ask for this?
The plebeians wanted written law because as long as there was no simple code of written rules, they remained virtually at the mercy of the patrician counsuls who decided what the law was.
The famous written Roman law was permanently displayed to public view. What was the name of this law?
The name given to the Roman law was the Twleve Tables.
What event in 474 BC prevented war with Veii for forty years?
The Etruscan sea power was shattered by Hieron of Syracuse at Cumae. This caused war with Veii to be held off for forty years.
Rome was queen of what area?
Rome was queen of Latium from the hills to the Mediterranean, from the borders of Campania to the Tiber, a substantial section of Etruria, which was finally under her sway.
What great tyrant died in 367 BC and left the empire to his son?
It was in the same year, 367 BC, that the great tyrant Dionysius of Syracuse died, leaving to his son the empire.
Who did Rome make a treaty with in 348 BC?
The Romans made a treaty with Carthage and enjoyed access to its ports in wars against third parties.
The First Samnite War was very brief. How long did this war last?
The Samnite War lasted for approximately two years and was marked by Roman victories in the field and by a mutiny on the part of the soldiery.
After her defeat of Pyrrhus Rome was recognized as a major power in the Mediterranean. This fact is made clear by what event in 273 BC?
Nothing makes this clearer than the opening of a permanent embassy of amity by the Macedonian king of Egypt in Rome in 273 BC.
The Carthaginians had not lost everything, though they had been driven out of waters where they had collided with Greeks and increasingly with Italian traders also.There were two paths still open to them. Their original exploitation of Africa, or the bolder plan of forestalling Greek and Roman alike in Spain. Which path did they choose?
The Romans decided to expand into Spain while it was still possible.
When Hiero of Syracuse died in 216 BC who acceded to the throne?
Hiero's grandson Hieronymus acceded to the throne and sided with Carthaginians.
Two years had not elasped after the battle of Zama when war was for the second time declared between whom?
War was declared between Rome and Macedon for the second time following the battle of Zama. It seems as though the peace of 205 BC had never been more than a hostile truce.
In 134 BC, Fulvius Flacchus, was called to deal with a terrifying rebellion of the slave population in Sicily. A huge slave population had been built up all across Italy as a direct result of what?
Rome's vast military successes of the previous century caused the population build up.
What king died and left his dynasty to Rome?
In 133 BC king Attalus III of Pergamum died without heirs. The dynasty had been loyal to Rome through all the shifting policies of the last seventy years. And Attalus, dying, gave his kingdom to the Roman people, if only to solve the problem of succession.
Who lead a revolution in the army and reaped the benefit of his joint victory with Catulus, by being elected to his sixth consulship?
Marius lead the revolution that came just in time. He also was elected to his sixth consulship because of his victory against the northmen.
Sulla emerged victorious in the Battle of the Colline Gate in August 82 BC, a battle in which many men lost their lives. Approximately how many men lost their lives during this battle?
Around fifty thousand men were killed in the Battle of the Colline Gate.
The twenty years following Sulla's death saw the rise of three men. Who were these three men?
The three men were Marcus Licinius Crassus, one of Rome's richest men ever. Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus, known as Pompey the Great, perhaps the greatest military talent of his time, and Gaius Julius Caesar, arguably the most famous Roman of all times.
What made Ceasar decide that Rhine should remain the boundary?
In 55 BC a fresh invasion of Germans across the Rhine was completely shattered in the neighborhood of modern Koblenz and the victory was followed by a great raid over the river into German territory, this caused Ceasar to decide that Rhine should remain the boundary.
In 55 BC Crassus had, during his consulship, managed to secure himself the governorship of what country?
Crassus had managed to secure himself governor ship of Syria.
Returning to Rome, Ceasar became dictator, passed popular laws, and then prepared for the decisive contest in the east, where a large force was now collecting under Pompey. Pompey also controlled the seas, as most of the fleet had joined with him. Caesar therefore managed only with great difficulty to set across to Epirus with his first army. There he was shut up, unable to maneuver, by the much larger army of Pompey. With even more difficulty his lieutenant joined him with the second army in the spring of 48 BC. Who was his lieutenant?
Mark Antony was the lieutenant who joined Ceasar in his battle with Pompey.
Caesar was back in Rome, and was formally appointed dictator for the second time in July 47 BC. He then carried a force to Africa, but was unable to strike a decisive blow until in February 46 BC, in which he shattered the Pompeian forces at Thapsus. The senatorial leaders either fled to Spain or killed themselves, including Juba, king of Numidia who had sided with them. What was then annexed?
Numidia in turn was annexed and made a new Roman province.
Caesar never took precautions for his personal safety, and at a meeting of the senate on the Ides of March (15th March) 44 BC, a group gathered around him on the pretext of urging a petition and then stabbed him to death. Who was included in this group?
The group included senators of the highest influence and some of them were even Caesar's personal friends