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13 Cards in this Set

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American Colonization Society

stated that the best way to end the slavery problem was for blacks to emigrate to America

Bank War

political battles surrounding the attempt by Jackson to greatly reduce the power of the Second Bank

Cherokee Nation v Georgia

1831 Supreme Court case, Cherokees claimed that Georgia had no right to enforce laws in Cherokee territory, since they were a sovereign nation

Democratic Party

party born during the candidacy of Andrew Jackson; originally drew its principals from Thomas Jefferson and advocated limited government

Force Act

1832 legislation that gave President Andrew Jackson the power to invade every state of that action was necessary to enforce federal law

Labor Movement

drive that began in the second half of the 19th century to unionize workers

Lowell System

devolved in the textile mills of Lowell, Massachusetts, which used as much machinery as possible

Panic of 1819

caused by the recovery of European economics after the Napoleonic wars, by monies of the National Bank, and by speculation on the part of officials of branch banks of the National Bank

Panic of 1837

America economy suffered a deep depression when Great Britain reduced the amount of credit it offered the United States

Removal Act of 1830

authorized the president to buy all the Native American lands east of the Mississippi and to purchase new lands for them west of the Mississippi

Spoils System

a patronage system in which an elected official is able to fill government jobs with political allies and former campaign workers

Webster-Hayne Debate

1830 Senate debate between Daniel Webster and Robert Hayne over the issue of states' rights and nullification; reflected regional political divisions

Whig Party

political party that rose in 1834 in opposition to Andrew Jackson