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28 Cards in this Set

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1. a great scientist and artist

1. S, Leonardo da Vinci

2. the gold coin of Florence

2. L, florin

3. developed a printing press with movable metal type

3. Q, Johannes Gutenberg

4. author of The Prince

4. O, Niccolo Machiavelli

5. a painting done with watercolors on wet plaster

5. R, fresco

6. developed in Flanders

6. M, oil paintings

7. the art of making deals with other governments

7. K, diplomacy

8. the head of state was the doge

8. P, Venice

9. first Italian city to play an important role in the renaissance

9. N, Florence

10. wrote Don Quixote de la Mancha

10. T, Miguel de cervantes

11. What does it mean that people became more secular during the Renaissance

A. They focused on getting to heaven

B. They focused on this world

C. They read only the Bible

D. They became more feudalistic

11. B

12. Italian city-states became wealthy through

A. War

B. farming

C. wine-making

D. trade

12. D

13. Venetians became expert shipbuilders because

A. most of them served in the navy

B. the Italians were constantly at war

C. they were very wealthy

D. their city was built on swampy islands

13. D

14. Italian city-states were often run by

A. a representative assembly

B. wealthy merchants

C. a powerful, wealthy ruler of family

D. a council of nobles

14. C

15. The Divine Comedy was a widely read because it was

A. written in the vernacular

B. written in English

C. a play about the end of the world

D. a comedy about a monastery

15. A

16. Michelangelo painted which of the following

A. Mona Lisa

B. the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel

C. School of Athens

D. The last Supper

16. B

17. Italian city-states grew wealthy in part because

A the silk Road was protected by the Mongols.

B. many skilled artisans lived in them

C. most of them had ports

D. all of the above

17. D

18. Marco Polo's book

A. outlined the value of European coins

B. told the story of a Spanish noble and his squire

C. increased European trade with china

D. became an important Catholic text

18. C

19. __________ was a humanist scholar

A. Catherine de Medici

B. Francesco Petrarch

C. Johannes Gutenberg

D. Marco Polo

19. B

20. Advances in cartography allowed

A. exploration of new areas of the world

B. a better banking system to develop

C. the building of spectacular cathedrals

D. the translation of the Bible

20. A

21. What can you tell about Leonardo da Vinci from this display of his works

A. Leonardo was a scientist but not an artist

B. Leonardo had little talent for sketching

C. Leonardo drew only what existed at the time

D. Leonardo showed intellectual genius

21. D

22. Which of the following best describes Leonardo's sketches

A. examples of his many insightful talents

B. studies of man's flaws

C. examples of medieval techniques

D. studies for frescoes

22. C

23. Not only was Leonardo one of the best scientists of the Renaissance, but he was one of its great

A. artist

B. noblemen

C. statesmen

D. philosophers

23. A

25. The merchant believed Italians were excellent warriors due to their

A. athleticism and strength

B. intelligence and cunning

C. genius and artistic ability

D. expert diplomatic skills

24. B

24. The merchant believed Florence's greatness was due to

A. its superior military

B. its great scholars

C. its exemplary government

D. all of the above

24. D

26. The merchant's praise of _________ illustrates humanist attitudes

A. ancient scholarship

B. military strategy

C. participation in the government

D. both A and C

26. D

1. What is humanism? Give examples from the Renaissance

1. Your answer but it has to have faith and socity

2. When did the Renaissance reached England? How did it affect the English culture?

2. your answer but it has to have the time it reached England around the 1500 and has to have theater and scripts and plays