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22 Cards in this Set

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What was the Reformation?

The reformation was a series of events (reforms) and ideas that lead to the split of Christianity into Cathoilic and Protestant churches.

What were the main causes of the reformation?

1: The selling of indulgences.

2: Clerical ignorance.

3. Resentment against the privilages and imunities against the Church.

4. Church corruption.

What were Indulgences?

A document issued by the catholic church lessening penance or time in purgatory, widely believed to bring forgiveness of all sins.

Who was Martin Luther?

Luther (1483-15466) was a Catholic priest who propelled the wave of movements known as the reformation.

What did Luther believe?

Luther believed that the Catholic Church was extremly curropt and that practises such as the selling of indulgences, whcih undermined the seriousness of purgatory and the sacraments. Luther also belived that salvation came from faith alone.

What was published in 1517?

Luthers thesis where he called for reforms, "Ninety-five theses on the power of indulgences".

What happened in Lepzig 1519?

Luther participated in a scholorly debate against a repersentative from the church, Johann Eck, where he refused to revert his views and he got a bigger audience.

How did the Catholic Churhc Respond?

By issuing a letter stating that if Luther didnt refute his statements he would be excommunicated from the Church in 2 months. But by the end of the 2 months Luthers ideas had become interworm with public controversies abou the Churches methods.

What was the Diet of Worms?

In 1521, when the atomosphere surrounding Luther was tense Charles V decided to hold a diet and summoned Luther to appear. But this just gave Luther an even broader audience for reform ideas.

How did Luthers ideas spread so fast?

Thanks to new technology such as the printing press and that Luther's ideas appealed to individuals from all social classes.

What where the appealing ideas of Protestant thought?

Educated people and humanists were attracted by Luthers Teachings as he advocated a simpler, personal religion. Nobels and towns leaders were attracted by the notion that the clergy should also ahve to pay taxes and shouldnt have any special privilages.

What were the Protestant views on women?

Luther and many other protestants believed tat a priests or nuns vows of celibacy went against human nature and gods commandments. They also believed that marrige brought spiritual advantages and so was the ideal state for nearly all human beings.


Protestants did not break with medieval scholastic theologians in their idea that women were to be subjects to men. Women were advised to be cheeful rather than grudging in their obedience, for in doing so they demonstrated their willingness to follow God's plan. SEXIST MUCH!!!! #Tumblur#Friends

CONT. 2.0

Protestants allowed divorce though and they uniformly condemned prostitution. <(*(..)*)>

The Reformation had a positive impact on marriage but its impact on women was mixed.

What were the causes to the 1524 German Peasents War?

1: Worsening Economic conditions for peasents.

2: Nobels aggrivated peasents by sezing village common lands, imposing new rents and requiring extra services.

3: Peasents set new demands whcih they belived conformed to the scriptures and cited Luther.

What happened during the war?

Peasents rebel beliving Luther has their back, although as soon as they rebel Luther sides wiht the nobels as freedom for Luther is not removing a legaly established order but independance from the church.

What was the Counter Reformation?

A series of events by the Catholic Churhc to counter the reformation... Pretty obvious

Name the three main events of the Counter Reformation:

1. Society of Jesus, 1540.

2. Council of Trent, 1541-sumtin.

3. Inquisition

What was the Society of Jesus?

A religious society formed by the Catholic church in 1540, and one of the first reformes made in the counter reformation. Members fo the society had three goals:

1: To create schools to better educate priests.

2: To send missionarys around the world to convert non-christians.

3: To stop the spread of protestantism.

What was th Council of Trent?

In 1541, Pop Paul III created a committe of Catholic leaders to review and reform church practises. Over the 18 years which the council met they made a series of reforms, including:

1. The church stoped selling false indulgences.

2. New schools were created to educate priests.

3. The reaffirmed several core Catholic beliefes and practises.

They also state that the Church interpretation of the bible is final and all others who interperated it where heretics and that all seven sacraments are legitimate means to gain gods grace.

What was the Inquisition?

The inqusition became a way for the Church to enforce all their belifefs. The Church used the inquisition to accuse, hold trials and punish heretics.

The church also banned and burned all offensive books, including protestant bibles.

What where the effects of the Reformation and the Counter Reformation?

1. Religious Wars!!!

2. Protestants.

3. Religious tolerance and freedom (after many years of war)